Tandalai's Replies

I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1518623997054918657 Nothing but a liar and hypocrite and national security threat, nationalize spacex and tesla already Flight data is not "leftist", flight data is public for everybody In case you missed it, he is a public figure He has a twitter account which means he wants to be followed, and he boasts about his followers from time to time If Musk believes he and his family are a target, he and his family are free to delete their twitter accounts and contact the FBI and enter the Witness Security Programme The lies of you and your ilk is domestic terrorism Thank you, I agree, please give us Season 2, and find a creative solution to bring back Nick Stahl "Its was so bad and distracting it made me angry." Do you think enslaved people appreciated the blue of the sky and the yellow of the sun and the green of the grass while working to death and/or being whipped into a coma? Where their lives bright and poppy or drained and bleak? "This arty-fartsy filter" Existed since the advent of film and places you inside the minds and emotions and spirit and psychology of the people the film depicts. "It ruined the movie." This was not a movie, this was an illuminated historical videograph "It was distracting." The brutality of slavery is indeed distracting "Like you could see how beautiful landscape is. You can see colors in production pictures from set." The human drama playing out on that landscape was not beautiful or colourful, hence the bleak brutal stark photodirection "Its like did director think that people lived in black and white colors back then" The people did, that was the point of the film........ "With everything being gray" Everything was gray and hazy and desaturated because there was a Civil War raging, everything was a gray zone socially and politically "you constantly were losing what was happening. As characters were getting lost among trees, everything flickered." Exact;y, everybody was losing track of what was happening, man was enslaving and brutalizing fellow man, everybody was lost among the trees, life flickered, and the photo direction presented that. Lost among the trees and everything flickering = existential fear, confusion, chaos, indeterminate future "It never felt like Will Smith was running for days. It felt like he was running in circles the same place of 5 miles. As everything looked the same." Because it did, that is often what happens in life, people run in circles never seeming to move forward, circling backwards, everything looking the same, nothing changing. That's how it feels when you're running for your life through Louisiana wooded swamp wilderness. That's how it feels often feels, you continue to circle and circle and circle and circle and wherever you go everything is the same. "And then they had this huge battle in the end. That was supposed to be epic and sad. But it was just laughable." You're laughable, almost everybody on this pro-Trump site is laughable and epic and sad, none of you understand film "But because everything looked grey and the same" Like slavery and war "you didnt understand what was happening" Neither did the people enslaved, neither did the white plantation overseers who were uneducated backwoods dirt farmers exploiting people just like then for a penny, neither did the uneducated backwoods dirt farmers who joined the confederate army to defend a system that did not benefit them, half the people did not seem to understand this slavery thing that was happening was unChristian, immoral, unethical, brutal, pure evil, the other half knew it was wrong and could not believe what they were witnessing, could not understand how this could be happening, confusion and disbelief abounded "who is attacking who and who you should root for. And you just waited for it to be over. There was no emotions at all. Exactly like slavery. Who is attacking who (white overseers and slaveowners acted like Africans were attacking them when Africans dared to "act up", anything Africans did was "acting up") and who to root for and waiting for the entire era of slavery and civil was to be over and no emotions at all after being repeatedly whipped "I was watching it and asking: "Will they show us color version one day?" " There already are colour films about slavery and the civil war that predate your existence Masterpiece. World hasn't changed. Just want to point out the film is nearly 5 decades old (47+ years ago), double several Glad their canon is diversifying and welcoming a wider array of views of what cinema should be, but there still isn't enough representation from Native Nation, Africa, Central Asia, etc. Overall I see their list as a leap forward Chester (Adam Beach) was whom I was referring to (Native Canadian American) That's not true. Turnout increased from 2008 to 2012 to 2016 to 2020 as well as for each and every midterm election. 2016 and 2020 each had record-breaking turnout. Why are you ignoring facts? Why did Republicans who won their elections and re-elections in 2020 happily accept their wins when they claim the election results were rigged and fraudulent? Why did they not step down as they asked Biden to step down? What is it about your brain that refuses to acknowledge facts and reality? You do realize you side-stepped everything I posted? Which is reality? Because you're a liar and troll? Since 2000, turnout increased every election at the local/state/federal level, increases in the number of voters does not mean election fraud, there is almost no election fraud in this nation. When people who cannot take off from work are able to vote by mail or drop their ballot into a ballot box on the way to work, more working people vote. When seniors in nursing homes are able to vote by mail or have their ballots dropped into a ballot box, more seniors vote. When overseas ballot deliveries are expedited by overseas delivery services, more American voters overseas can vote. When more early voting places are opened up, more people vote early. When Democrats and Republicans go door to door registering people to vote and remain in contact with those people (constant voter outreach), those newly registered people go out and vote. FFS the Hillary campaign registered more than a hundred thousand Cuban-Americans in Florida to vote KNOWING they would mostly vote Republican. They were hoping by engaging that demographic in Florida one-on-one for months and months they could sway them to vote D. Those people voted R and Democrats did not scream "all those Cuban-American votes in Florida are fake fraudulent illegal!" They ground their teeth and sought to change their political message for that demographic. The impeachment was conducted for the sole purpose of informing everybody about Trump crimes that were constitutionally impeachable. The impeachment was carried out as the constitution describes. At no time was the impeachment process used to launch a terrorist attack against Republicans to kill them to install Hillary as President. The impeachment process rigidly followed the legally-described process. Unlike Stop The Steal, which included nationwide campaign-type speeches where Republican leaders pushed Republican voters to go to the Capitol and fight to the death to protect the government from Democrats, where Republican leaders told their voters they had to fight for their very lives to protect their bibles, their guns, their babies, their wives, their houses, their schools, their jobs, etc, that they needed to go out and fight the war against Democrats, that the entire process was a battle for Christian values and the Christian soul and Republican voters needed to save the country from Democrats, prompting Republican voters to mobilize nationally for a terrorist attack against the Senate to stop the certification and buy time for new electors to change the results and keep Trump in power. Republicans groomed and pushed an actual terrorist attack to destroy election results and destroy the American government to keep Trump in power. Democrats blamed Hillary for losing and moved forward with nationwide marches to remind Trump of his responsibility to represent all Americans, and to legally challenge Trump on every horrific thing he signed off on. Democrats sued the Trump Administration to obstruct its terrible policies. Republicans tried killing everybody to keep Trump in power. Republicans murdered their own people ffs. They murdered police ffs. An impeachment is not the same thing as launching a terrorist attack at everybody in the government to keep Trump in office. A march during inauguration that promotes equal rights and protections for everybody is a march to remind the newly elected President that he represents everybody, not his own personal interests. An impeachment is 1) an explicit acknowledgement that the President is the President (duh) and 2) theatre to inform the general public of all the crimes the President is committing. Stop The Steal was grooming voters to stop by any means necessary the certification of election results in order to keep the person who lost in power. There was no fraud in the 2020 election (other than a handful of Republican voters sending in ballots of their deceased wives and mothers...). Not one elected Republican objecting to President Joe Biden's electoral (and popular vote) win objected to his/her own election win on the same day on the same ballot using the same election system never doubted their own wins. All the Republicans that won their elections and re-elections won on the same day on the same ballot using the same election system and never questioned their own wins. There was no "invalid voting". There was no "delay" in announcing results. Before you were born people voted early, by mail, voted overseas, used ballot boxes, etc. The only time in recent history that election results for President were stalled was Bush II/Gore. Democrats did not launch a terrorist attack against the Capitol to stop the House or Senate from certifying the election results. They mobilized a nationwide march for inauguration day designed to remind the new President of the Presidential duty to represent everybody positively, not use the office of the Presidency to destroy people you and your ilk hate. They promoted racial and gender equality (American principles, Democratic principles) and nothing more. They did not launch an attack on the Capitol to kill everybody to keep Obama in power or to install Hillary as President. Because the show has a Black male detective. And the lead female detective is half-Hungarian, she has her own ethnic thing going on. The series also had a Cuban-American detective, Palestinian detective, Israeli detective, and Native American detective. And Asian-American forensic psychiatrist. And Native American judge, African-American judge, Asian-American judge, etc. SVU historically has the most diverse casting of any television series, ever. Whoever wrote that blurb has never watched SVU, ever. SVU has ran the gamut of of diversity casting, nationally and internationally. Africans from all over Africa have been depicted on SVU, Asians from all over Asia (Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Japanese, Korean, others), Haitians, South Americans, Central Americans, Mexicans, Cubans, Russians, Ukrainians, Bosnians, Serbians, Ultra Orthodox Jews, Palestinian Christians, Palestinian Muslims, Pakistani Muslims, Pakistani Christians, Bosnians, Serbians, Romani, Indian Muslims, Iranians, Native Americans, there is no other show in existence that is as diverse as SVU. Anybody who says otherwise has never at any time watched SVU. European characters, Canadian characters, of course American characters, etc. There's a reason why the series has been going strong for 24 years. There's a reason why top-tier elite actors and actresses from all over the globe ask to be cast on SVU. There is no other series on television with such a visionary, international-thinking, humanistic band of writers and producers. Marilyn Monroe is a fiction..... Private firms and corporations purchase public housing all the time, the private sector has been buying public housing projects since 1998, when the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act (QHWRA) was signed into law. In 2012, NYCHA began leasing and selling public housing to private developers. The leases included outsourcing the management of these housing projects to private companies. QHWRA allows the Public Housing Authority (PHA) of each state to demolish public housing without building a new public housing unit, and the Faircloth Amendment (part of QHWRA) prohibits Public Housing Authorities from using federal funds to construct new public housing if the new public housing would result in the PHA having more public housing units than it did when QHWRA was enforceable (signed 1998, enforceable 1999 onward). The Faircloth Amendment gave the federal government the right to abandon public housing. The Faircloth Amendment is the Magna Carta of federal disinvestment. It allows the PHA to handle public housing however it wants, and Public Housing Authorities have been selling public housing communities and individual housing since 1999. Private equity firms frequently buy up slum housing projects and squeeze everybody dry and force them out then either "gentrify" or build luxoury offices etc. The ex-President's son-in-law currently does that, Trump's own father did that, that is how the world works. What the mayor did was not merely "conflict of interest", he knowingly and actively planned to strip low-income residents of New York of their very lives so he could pocket a few billion dollars. If he cared about his own people (he was their mayor), he should have used a hundred million dollars of the "surplus" $3 billion he kept taking credit for to invest in renovating the project. Instead, he strangled the city's funding, which undercut public housing, bragged about the surplus, and stripped his own people of housing for personal profit. The other poster (jsis) is not wrong (fighting against aging) but I'll add the meaning was, the old man had to lift weights his entire life in order to "make it" in Hollywoodland and he looked grotesque for what he transformed his body into, the old man dedicated his entire life into transforming his body into a grotesque muscle machine and was still lifting weights all the time to maintain that physique, that was all he did, and where did it land him, a rundown slum Hollywood motel/hotel. He worked out his entire life and was still working out and would die working out to maintain a grotesque body for what, to drop dead from a heart attack in a slum dump hole. That is what Hollywoodland turned people into, something grotesque, full of self-worship, full of shallow obsession over physique (not merely looking young). The old man isn't playing with his grandchildren in a nice house, showing them pictures of his body-builder days when he met grandma, he's playing with himself and fully obsessed with himself and showing himself off to everybody in a run down dump. Alone. Creeping people out. He is the old man George Reeves would have aged into if George Reeves stopped drinking and smoking and starved himself and worked out in a gym 24/7 to continue on as Superman: self-obsessed and alone and grotesque. The old man was a possible future for George Reeves, what people wanted him to transform himself into to remain Superman, and Reeves preferred death (I believe he committed suicide). For the same reason a tan-skinned red-head with a long sharp nose and sharp chin and small breasts (Norma Jean Baker) played an ultra white-skinned ultra blonde bombshell with squared nose and squared chin and a busty bust (Marilyn Monroe). Norma Jean Baker had multiple major hair make-overs and cosmetic surgery (nose, chin, chest) to transform into Marilyn Monroe. The Cuban actress transformed into Marilyn Monroe through movie magic (cosmetics, prosthetics, wigs, lighting, black and white Alexa camera, infrared light, halation, LiveGrain). Norma Jean Baker did not look like Marilyn Monroe yet she played her. Ditto for the Cuban actress. Animal Liberation Front predates the 1980's.... Nahum = prophet = Ninevah destroyed = karma against Assyrians for living "sinful" lives (and oppressing Israelites) Hollywood = Ninevah = destroyed = karma against Hollywood for being Hollywood ("sinful," "heathens," exploitative, self-destructive, profit over people) because Hollywood is believed to have a negative impact on everybody and everything Invoking Ninevah is a warning against Hollywood Invoking Ninevah is a warning against all of Humanity ("Jean Jacket" = Covid-19 = ultimately the fault of humans, self-inflicted) She's not his half-sister or "adopted step-sister". Grandmother Emma tells Lenora and Arvin they are step-siblings to make sure the two children treat each other like brother and sister, which fosters a real family relationship and helps avoid sexual/romantic inclinations when the children mature. The kids and the grandmother were all the family they had left between them, the grandmother wanted the kids to feel family love, not child abandonment pain. They all suffered great generational family loss. Lenora's mother Helen was a neighbour to Emma. Helen's family's house burned down, killing Helen's family. Emma took Helen in. She wanted Helen to marry her son Willard. Both young adults married different people (Helen married Roy and had Lenora, Willard married Charlotte and had Arvin), and all four young adults exited life early, leaving the two kids behind, raised by Grandma Emma.