cruisin109's Replies

Scene at the restaurant where Lucille LaPusso works. She's in the men's room scrubbing toilets as Whinielle enters. Lucille LaPusso: Whinielle, what are you doing here? Whinielle: I thought if you were ready, I'd walk you home. Lucille LaPusso: I wish I were, but it looks like I'm gonna be here late tonight. Whinielle: Oh, well, then I guess I'll be going. Lucille LaPusso: Well why don't you stay a minute? Here, hold this toilet scrubber.. I have to pull something one out of this clogged toilet. Whinielle: I thought you were being trained as a manager? Lucille LaPusso: Open your eyes my darling son, this is the garden of eden. How was school? Whinielle: I sat in a pie again. Lucille LaPusso: What kind this time? Whinielle: Blueberry. I wanted to tell you something. Lucille LaPusso: Oh? Whinielle: Ali is going out with Johnny Lawrence tonight. Lucille LaPusso: Is she? Whinielle: Yeah. Well . . . guess I'll be going now. Lucille LaPusso: Is that all? Whinielle: Well I thought you'd like to know. Most people are pretty interested in Ali. I know I'm interested. But I wouldn't have enough money to take her anywhere, I only have two dollars. Just two. After I buy soap to have my pants cleaned.. just 1! (bends over showing a huge blueberry stain over his caboose). Lucille LaPusso: Give me those pants I can scrape this blueberry goo off. We'll have it as desert tonight.. a real banquet! I wonder where Johhny and Ali will go on their date? A fancy restaurant where they'll dine on poached salmon, an exclusive nightclub? Don't worry Whinielle one day you'll get ahold of your dreams (pulls a turd out of the toilet) GOT IT! Whinielle: Well just in case you were wondering if I'd ever go out with Ali I won't be. Just in case you were were wondering you can count me out! Lucille LaPusso: Whinielle! There a hundred billion people in the world..... and you are literally the worst one. Even if you had a sackful of money Ali wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole. Cheer up Whinielle, don't look so blue, if the world needs a loser it might as well be you. Found these board about a couple of weeks ago. Please try to behave yourself this time.... your "tomfoolery" resulted in the destruction the IMDB boards. I've seen Cobra Kai... it's the f*cking greatest show on television. The show proves what a bad guy Whinielle is... he a huckster used car salesman and has his family mafia thugs vandalize Johnny's car "Mr. LaPusso sends his regards!" How did you feel now that Cobra Kai has regained it's status as the champion of the Under 18 All Valley Tourney? Are you sad that Mr. Miyagay bought the farm? Most importantly, are you dreading the inevitable return of Terry Silver and what he will DO to Whinielle? Pat Johnson: How did you like the tournament Whinielle? Whinielle: I think it's the most wonderful thing in the whole world. Pat Johnson: I'm glad you feel that way... because I'm giving you an automatic bye to the final match next year. Miyagay: You mean? Only one fight? Yippie! (Miyagay and Whinielle start dancing around like idiots). The ticket cost so much because I bought it a round trip & same-day departure. I really thought you'd show but alas you didn't. I was even planning to be charitable and "win" a point and "lose" a point (as it were) to carry you through the fight and leave you with your honor as an Englishman. Well you can pay me back by traveling to the US and meeting me for an ultimate show-down. But I warn you.. there will be no mercy this time! And I don't deal with 50 year old men who give alcohol to children. Or who steals someone's hard earned black belt. Or who smuggles foreign plants into the United States potentially causing an ecological disaster of biblical proportions. Or who drives without a license which is also highly illegal. Later. OMG that was you? So you were lying about your identity just like you lied about showing up at Harrods! BTW you owe me $4,000 for my plane ticket to the UK! The point is that Miyagay was not invincible... he was just a frail old man who got his rocks off beating up children (Johnny et. al) and giving alcohol to children before having them tuck him into bed. Miyagay also got whacked HARD on the back in KK2 his slow ass didn't see that coming did it? And Silver & Kreese spared him at 1/2 pace in KK3... would YOU go full stop against an old senile perverted little man like Miyagay? If Miyagay was such a great martial arts master how come he's dead? And why was Whinielle curb-stomped by Barnes after he had had personal training from this ostensible master? I guess the 2 main takeaways from the fight was this: 1.) Whinielle's Karate really was shit because he got utterly dominated by Barnes. 2.) Whinielle's teacher Miyagay really was a phony and a fake setting Whinielle up for failure by doing warm up tai-chi instead of real karate. Here is a good example of a Whinielle v Barnes type of fight basically a phony champion against a real fighter: This bensheabutters2 guy is lame! He tries to be cool like a real Kai... but deep down he's just a pretender wanna-be! What do you think would have happened if the match had gone on for 1 additional round after Whinielle flipped Barnes? If you notice Whinielle DID flip Barnes in Miyagay's garden earlier in the film. However Barnes quickly recovered and Whinielle was on his back with Barn's foot on his throat just moments later. I suspect the same thing would have happened if the match went on for another round. Whinielle relied on a Hail Mary fake-out shot and the clock running out saved his (flaccid) ass. Maybe Whinielle could have done the "right thing" by giving his trophy to Barnes? (Through a swollen lip and broken teeth) "You're alright Barnes!" "Yeah thanks a lot. Hey Mr. Silver.. does this mean I still get my 50% of Cobra Kai dojo shares?" (Silver gives a Barnes a medieval flail) "I want him to feel pain!" Wears Alan? When did they let you out of jail? The point is that no sober person could view the Whinielle v. Barnes "fight" (I use the term fight loosely.... it was more like a beating) and call LaPusso the winner with a straight face. I mean think about it when Whinielle was given the second trophy do you think he started boasting in the shower like he did in KK2? Did he stop and give autographs to fans? I think not. Instead he sulked out of the gym with his head hanging down by his ankles because he knew that he received the beating of his life publicly and had a nervous breakdown and only "won" on some BS technicality. A Whinielle v Barnes street fight ala Rocky 5? Better get him a body bag. Whinielle is still a virgin in Cobra Kai! In desperation, Whinielle would actually dig up Miyagay's rotting carcass and use it as a marionette to try to fight off Barnes. No, but I just figured out Whinielle's new title.