MovieChat Forums > abc213 > Replies

abc213's Replies

Older guys....they were one year ahead. You really do have a problem And you have zero evidence that Gia would turn out like that. You're just saying it because you have a weird bias, probably because of your personal life. You're very angry and judgemental of people. Think about what you said. She started turning her life around. Therefore, its unlikely she would become a hooker. Use your head kiddo And you're clueless to think all teen girls in Gias shoes grow up to be hookers. Think about what you're saying. And then grow up. You're being ridiculous. You're no better than the people you judge. And I'm saying the fact you think that shows how disgusting you are. Assuming a rebellious teen, who actually got better by doing things like quitting smoking and doing better in school, would become a fucking hooker is sick. It shows how you view people. That's not the reality, little girl. You have a lot to learn about people and making assumptions kiddo. Because she was a rebellious teen that means she'd end up a hooker on the streets? Seriously? You're really messed up. And we see Gia on Fuller House. She isn't a hooker. She isn't on the streets. So your thought process is proven to be wrong and idiotic. That scene wasn't real.....jesus christ. What the fuck are you talking about? The scene in the elevator he doesnt have makeup up. In no scene with her does he have makeup on. Pay attention for gods sake How the fuck is this confusing for you? Sophie, his "girlfriend" was only his girlfriend in his head. He imagined they were together. In reality she barely knew his name. Really, this is made abundantly clear in the movie. It wasn't two years later. It was one year later. They say this a lot. It's just pathetic? He's crying and cursing Rian Johnson as if Rian went up to him and killed his dog. All because Rian said stupid comments about fans that didn't like the movie. To be that triggered and offended is full blown snowflake territory. The guy crying because Rian Johnson said things about a group of people lmao. I'm glad you agree. You sold all your star wars stuff because you didnt like his star wars movie? Wow. You aren't a star wars fan. You're a bandwagon fan. A fake fan. Pathetic snowflake. Lmaooooo awww poor widdle baby. Does the little snowflake need a safe space? Do you need a therapy dog over such nastiness? Kiddo, you don't have to ever see a Rian Johnson ever again, but to say its because he "insulted fans"? Absolutely pathetic lmao. Grow up kiddo. Don't be a snowflake. First of all, Marta wasn't illegal. Her mother was. Thrombley said if she got mixed up in a crime, or a supposed crime, as a suspect it could come reveal her mothers illegal status. He cared for Marta and didnt want her mother to be sent away. Second, he killed himself because he knew if it came out Marta that killed him, even accidentally, it could affect her inheritance. He already planned to give her everything. Slitting his throat wouldn't guarantee they wouldnt find anything out, but it would throw them off. And if Blanc hadn't gotten involved, nobody would have suspected anything. Did you miss that the other detectives were convinced it was suicide for a while? Blanc is the one who got them to realize it wasnt. Lupin went undercover with other werewolves, putting himself in just as much as much danger as Snape. He also fought and multiple battles and gave his life to fight Voldemort and his death eaters. And yet, he wasn't this horrible, bitter ass hole. He was a kind, good man. He wasn't just not nice to him. He was sadistic. He took pleasure in tormenting, harassing, and humiliating Harry from the second Harry arrived to Hogwarts. And let's not forget he was so horrible to Neville that Neville was actually afraid of him. Snape did help save Harry. But he was also still a terrible person. A bitter, miserable, hate filled man holding a dead childhood bully against an innocent boy, and had a creepy obsession with a dead woman. James and Sirius "tormented" Snape when they were teenagers. Snape tormented Harry when he was a grown ass man. Snape is far, far worse than James. James at least grew up. Snape remained a cruel, hateful prick his entire life. For sure. He only called her disgusting slurs and wished she was dead out of love. Can you even give one tiny shred of evidence to support that he loved her? Go ahead and try. Are you referring to when I said, "I dont care if you like Rachel and Joey?". Lmao are you serious right now? I said I dont care because that's your opinion and you're free to think that. You liking Rachel and Joey doesn't bother or have any effect on me. Ergo, I don't care. Meaning that's fine you think that, just like it's fine I hated them as a couple. Did this seriously need to be explained to you? Are you saying you do care that I don't like them as a couple? Does it upset you that I don't like them? But it's not real life. It's a tv show. These are characters. They are written to do things. And it was poor writing. It wasn't done well, and was unnecessary. Joey and Phoebe didn't need to get together either. I'm very glad the writers refrained from ever doing that. That was a great decision. I don't care if you liked Joey and Rachel together. You are free to think that. But YOU are the one who made the asinine comment that only Ross and Rachel fans hated it, and you're the only one who seems to have a problem with how people feel about it.