JunoBeach's Replies

By your logic Spanish Flu should have been named Kansas Flu. Did you read your own link? So you think it's ok to objectify her because of the shade of lipstick she wears? Your answer is too general. Who are 'they'? It's like you think feminists have a hive mind and all think exactly the same way. Who specifically do you mean? Can you give me an example? I'd ask you to explain but I don't care that much I guess he doesn't realize his response came via email to me before he deleted it. It wasn't a very alpha male response. Because they choose to? Their body, their choice. The whole premise of the Terminator movies is that the Skynet AI gained sentience. So it makes sense that a terminator can evolve and start to feel. Your world is getting smaller and smaller. - He thought he had with his mission complete. - His AI evolved. This makes sense. I liked the movie, it was better than everything after T2, but I'd still only give it a 7 at most. Not going to waste my time with a big review. Why bother? I sat down, ate some popcorn and watched things blow up. I wonder how many people complaining about it actually saw it? ...and I'm sure everybody was equally upset when they turned him into an enemy cyborg in Genisys. eyeroll. So if you're letting them take over does that make you a beta? Well then you'll be happy to know that it might be the most painful way to die. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lTczPEG8iI If she's mentally ill why do you think she's hilarious? Yeah, the candy gets expensive but I love it. Around 300 kids. My neighbourhood goes all out; graveyards, pumpkin horror dioramas, smoke machines, scary music and lightning effects. There's only one street into the area so kids are dropped off here from other parts of the city. Australia Belgium Canada China Denmark England Finland Germany Iceland Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan France Greece Indonesia Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Panama Philippines Portugal Russia Scotland Singapore South Korea Spain Sweden Thailand United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Vatican City misc Saipan, Guam, Samoa, Burmuda, Aruba, Curacao, Gaudeloupe, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico Thank you, Navy.