MovieChat Forums > 10200 > Replies

10200's Replies

I know some people who post here are physicists and much smarter than I am who argue that it's not really a closed loop because each time the story repeats itself, something changes even if it's so minor as not to be noticeable. But to my unscientific mind it's a closed loop - the same thing happens over and over. Just like the watch in Somewhere in Time, the photo has always existed. Cameron stated Kyle was always John's father - there never was someone else and the events of T1 never change - and that's also my take on it. Besides, if time travel ever became possible the laws of physics as we know them might not even apply. Edit - I consider T1 to be a stand alone story and a closed loop. All other movies exist,(at least to me), in alternate time lines and therefore can have different outcomes and are not necessarily a closed loop - just one of the reasons I can accept DF as something that happened but has nothing to do with the timeline of T1 or even T2 for that matter. Leave it alone! Speaking of that scene - why do you think it was shot? Does anyone think this was ever seriously considered to be the ending of T2 or was Cameron just playing around? The introduction was cool because of the visuals, but other than than.......... I haven't watched T2 all the way through since I saw DF, but I have watched clips on YouTube and when I see scenes with Eddie never do I ever feel, "oh crap, he dies a couple of years after this." I don't consider this movie to be John's fate any more than I did with TGen where he becomes evil - neither one is part of the original two movies. My dad bought a new house for $5k in 1953. It was very small - two bedrooms. one bath, living room with an eat-in kitchen. We lived on a bus line and didn't have a car until 1959 when he bought a used 53 Chevy and drove that thing to death until 1969. You mean to continue the DF story line? Where will he get the financing? So did I - it was great. I'm a woman and this is such crap. If his behavior was really inappropriate, then he should have been removed from the show - period - end of story. But no, they had to leave the whole thing in as a story line and then end up with a ridiculous tribal council where nobody agreed that Dan had done anything wrong. And quite frankly I'm tired of women crying harassment when some man touches their shoulder. Talk about empowering women - how about them saying " I don't like that and if you continue your balls will end up where your tonsils are." Now that would be a strong, empowered woman, but no they take the typical weak female approach and cry about it and expect someone else to solve their problem. Sheesh. I'm so tired of being preached to when all I want is to be entertained. And just to be clear - I am in NO way dismissing real sexual harassment - especially when it occurs in the workplace with a subordinate being harassed by a superior. But for heaven's sake - this is a TV show with other contestants and a film crew constantly around. Is it even reasonable to suggest that anything inappropriate happened? I think the political agenda crap is only about 60% of the problem. The rest is because their egos got in the way and they just had to get so creative with characters and the story. They forgot about the original two movies which despite the convoluted time lines, is basically a simple story that would have been best told in three parts - T1, T2, and the future war. By simple, I mean that it should have always just been about John sending Kyle back to the past, a couple of Terminators thrown into the mix, Judgement Day always happening, and John leading the resistance and defeating Skynet. Too bad Cameron didn't make T3 back in the 90's - I think it would have gone a completely direction at that time. Amazing that they continue to be in denial concerning the real reasons the movie flopped. What a crock. Yep, let's bring those beloved characters back - like John - for god's sake. The future war we have all been waiting for since 1991? Well then, that kind of totally dismisses DF doesn't it? He's so full of it - I went to go see the movie and my opinion was mine and mine alone - and the bottom line for me is, regardless of the motive or why they think the story needed to go in the direction it did - it was a STUPID idea to kill John the way they did and when they did. I totally disagree, but tell me what you think her character should have been like in T2? It might make sense in something else, but NOT in a terminator movie. The only reason I went to see DF after all the bad press was because of Linda Hamilton, but I really can't think of any other movie I would go see just because a particular actor was in it. Movies are expensive - every time I go I spend about $25 for a ticket, pop, and popcorn. I'm not sure how kids afford to go very often or young families on a budget. This season has had particularly bad tribal councils. First it was the Dan thing and then Missy went off with her comments about minorities with Jeff adding in his two cents worth about it. Dammit, I'm so tired of being preached to when all I want is to be entertained. I'm a woman and that particular episode really upset me. If Dan was doing something inappropriate then he should have been removed from the show - end of story. Instead they turned it into a story line - how disgusting. I almost stopped watching because of that. I'm surprised Dan didn't say screw you Jeff during tribal council and walk out. Just as we all do - including yourself. I just wish I could wake up and find out it's been a bad dream. When it comes to Red Box I might watch it one last time. I think it's almost done at my theater and I don't see me wasting the price of admission, popcorn, and a soda on this. I never watched Genisys again and I dump both of them into the same category - fan fiction. As much as I was looking forward to seeing Linda again, I'm now sorry she was in it because her playing Sarah is the only thing to me that gives any continuity to DF from T2. So as much as I want to totally dismiss DF, there is this very little part of me that says, "yeah, but the real Sara Connor was in this one." Too bad it just couldn't have ended up as one of her dreams.