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Ed's Replies

The Batwoman line was altered to “It’ll be perfect….when it fits me.” Acceptable, but the damage was done. Force is “female” is too stupid to contemplate. It’s like saying electricity is “female” or gravity is “male.” :/ Hopefully it will be cut from the final film. Remember “ I rebel!” From Rogue One? Or “It’ll be perfect…. When it fits a woman” from Batwoman? The lines were cut or altered, so there’s hope. I like the film. I like it even more now, knowing how Hollywood has degenerated into a mess in the past decade. Yes, I’ve read the books and they are superior, but this was a pretty decent adaptation. Incredibly beautiful film. I’m so glad I finally saw it. Good practical effects and a visual director who actually knows what he is doing will trump CGI and mindless superhero clashes every time. Yes. Very good film. And no villain either! Just good natured characters all trying to deal with conflicts. I’ve watched two AppleTV animated films, and they are definitvely superior to Disney / Pixar films since the pandemic. I love Pixar but InsideOut was perhaps their last great film and that was years ago. Now that john Lassetter has joined with AppleTV, we’ll see a changing of the guard… Oh yes, I remember that. A quirky comedy, talented director, more of an ensemble film but good. I ONLY just realized, seeing how excited he was to see Harrison Ford at the Oscars, that he played Short Round! Wow, didn’t connect the dots there for a while… Haven’t seen The Whale. Not sure I want to. BUT, I think Brendan Fraser is a genuinely good guy, so I’m glad he won! Condon was great in Banshee. Nice to see a Vietnamese guy win. Haven’t seen the film though. Okay, finished the season 1 episodes. Excellent adaptation, very faithful to the comic. Some of the casting, like Dream, Desire, Despair, was spot on! I hope Netflix reconsiders a second season. They did a great job with this! I thought The Empty Child was good. The premise was creepy. Didn’t see the second part though Dancing Doctor. Is Silence of the Library good for a beginner? I hear “Midnight” annd “Listen” are very scary too. Anyone care to comment? Yes Z Nation was a joke, but kinda fun first few seasons. Thanks for the clip. I remember it now! Actually, I liked Kuina just fine. Probably because the character was well-rounded, was NOT defined just by sexuality and contributed to the team by her skills. Plus, the actress was cute and young. Contrast that with TLOU. Two old white guys, one overweight. Neither very attractive. The backstory was actually tender, and I could have accepted them as support, recurring cast, except….it just ended! Dead! Done! No more! So, what was the whole point of episode 3? How did it contribute to the overall story arc, other than providing transportation (this could have been conveyed iin a 1/4 of the run time). Basically, it pulls the rug out from audience’s feet. The take home message becomes - here is a story of two gay guys we just decided to shoe in. That’s not respectful of what the target audience expects, and that can be offensive. Don’t subvert your audiences’ expectation too much for a personal agenda, or the final product becomes compromised. If I want to see Mafia film like Godfather, I don’t expect anyone to break out in a Bollywood musical number in the middle. If I want to see Jackie Chan, I expect to see martial arts, not a trades negotiation embargo. If I want to see a politcal drama like JFK or All the President’s Men, I don’t don’t want to see Keystone Kops having a pie fight shoveled in. I’ll take your word for it, because I don’t remember that far back for Kuina. I liked her just fine no matter what. I think a closer analogy for TLOU would be with Z Nation. Both feature someone with immunity that people are trying to save. But whereas Z Nation had pacing, humor, actual zombies in daylight where you could see them, and for long sequences at a time! TLOU is just bleak and unevenly paced and seemed to adopt the Walking Dead later-episodes trend of having people standing around and talking / arguing, a LOT, with only an occasional zombie. I don’t know how closely TLOU follows the masterpiece video game, perhaps someone can enlighten, but the TV show surely can’t be it! I don’t remember from Season One. It was suggested in her devotion to Ann in season two, but they didn’t hit us on the head with it. Anyway, we’re drifting away from the main point, which is that TLOU is not very good. I gave some random thoughts, which if we break down to very element thought is this - TLOU is just not fun. It’s neither tense or scary enough to offset its very depressed dreariness. I don’t mind dreariness. HBO has some great great series with this tone, like Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown. Or the True Detective series. Catch them if you can! On a side note, I really liked the first girl on TLOU. She should have been the lead. She brought a level of cheer that completely evaporated from the show after she was gone. Really a shame…. If you watch the whole show, especially 2nd season, you’ll see that Kuina loses frequently when matched against competent fighters, not the average, unskilled civilian, such as me. TLOU has no skinny women. My comment was about the overall state of the industry. I’ll give it a pass if the gal has superpowers or a weapon that equalizes things, but hand-to-hand? Unless she’s Gina Carano in Haywire, I think not. Yeah, I know TLOU is not that kind of action show. But it’s still disappointing, for me. Glad you enjoy it, though. I concur. Last of Us is such crap. Horrible pacing, characters who are UGLY and I don’t care about. Story that makes little sense. Too many F words for no reason. After episode four with Miss Squeaky as an apparently much feared leader, I was out. I’m watching Alice in Borderland on Netflix now and it is SO much better! Great action, hot chicks, compelling characters, solid pacing and suspense. And NO woke or rainbowy BS. Asian fight scenes, many fun twists and Squid Games-like sequences. And none of the skinny-woman-able-to-beat-muscular-guy-all-the-time nonsense. When the hot chicks fight that way, they get pulverized pretty convincingly. And who says since it’s a quasi-apocalyptic workd, you still can’t look smoking hot? Even the guys are charismatic (for the lady viewers, episode 2 has this leader guy who goes around butt-naked. Literally). Yeah, for good post-apocalyptic fare, watch Asian shows instead…. (Exception, Black Summer is a GREAT zombie apocalypse show on Netfilx and it’s in English….mostly). Frankly, I think a lot of these zombie apocalypse shows have actors who are too fat or well-nourished. If the producers want to be realistic and make their actors look ugly, that’s okay, but they should also look thin or gamey. And stop giving everybody unlimited ammo (who’s making the new bullets?) or cars that still run well (on 20+ year old gas?) Mulholland Drive is a masterpiece. I consider it psychological horror. It’s up there with Shining! Great! Let it win! I’m okay with that, because this film did a LOT to restore filmgoers’ faith in the industry. On a side note, I follow the Sight and Sound top ten films of all time. For 2022, #1 was Jeanne Dielmann. Utter nonsense artsy junk that shows how disconnected critics are. That film doesn’t even belong in top #50 of all time! I’d rewatch Top Gun Maverick anyday over Jeanne….