BuckSwope's Replies

LMAO. You know a mullet crossed my mind before you mentioned it! I just have no time to grow it out! Friday night it is! You've got to wear your hair big ala 80s style. I'll wear some acid wash jeans and a puffy shirt! Let's go a bit further. Who is controlling these sock accounts? That would be a fun guessing game! PetyrBaelish=Gd5150 This is just a guess mind you. Who wants to play????? Whenever Trump personally meets with Pelosi he gets fucking owned. He no longer does so. Just like he ousts all members of the press that don't toss him softball questions ala Fauxnews. Sweetheart I would quite enjoy that! When Emelio kisses Andie before he rides off is cinematic gold!!! Or stuffing your pants with! It's the nature of forums like this. What pisses me off is being accused of being a sock or having a sock. It's a popular tactic when you have lost an argument. Just call the member a sock. As long as you know your place! Oh dear lord. This isn't a sock account nor do I have a sock account. Think what you want if it helps you sleep at night. He's a believer, however. To be fair I'm not trolling. You just don't care for my personality, which is your choice. That's the nature of being human. Well this really puts a wrench in my plans. Not a sock puppet, I just don't care for your posting technique. :) He just said in another thread that he is "straight edged". When I was young I came across a lot of them in the punk scene. They are strict anti-drug and most of them subscribe to white supremacy. Now knowing this his posting makes a lot more sense, especially when he describes Nazis as people "just trying to do what they thought was right" and talks of Jews in concentration camps as "cowards". He has also revealed he has been previously banned for sharing Nazi ideology. So what he is doing is more dangerous than trolling. I believe he adheres to these beliefs. He means he tortures chickens by skinning them alive. Ha!!!!!!!!! Am I speaking to Ian MacKaye? It all makes sense now! Oh I've met plenty like you. Self-righteous white supremacists. I was going to ask what you were doing on this forum but then I remembered that Stormfront has been shut down. Now all your Jew-hating drivel makes sense. Your ideology is sickening btw. I've got to chime in as well. Why didn't you just state what you meant plainly? Why did you act as it was everyone else's problem that they didn't understand. I don't care for passive-aggressiveness. Females really hone that skill and it's annoying AF. Just say what you have to say. Don't pussyfoot around it. The comments are hilarious. Was it an VW pop-up? I wish they still made those. I was reading about a Mercedes pop-up the other day but we're talking 70k give or take. I bump into beers all the time when camping.