BuckSwope's Replies

It could be an interrogation method. "Tell us what we want or you have to listen to hours of these old farts have a political discussion". They'd find out where the bomb was hidden in a matter of minutes. I rarely see her speak. The last time I saw her do so was when she launched the #BeBest campaign. I think that the administration realized afterwards an immigrant that can barely speak English should not be speaking on behalf of the Whitehouse. The fact is she could have worked on it but chose not to. She has no interest in assimilating. Yep! I commented on this below. She barely speaks English. I suppose people are considering that "fluent". Do you consider her "fluent" in English? I can barely understand her when she speaks. She's been in the country for over 20 years and sounds like she's F.O.B. #BeBest You remind me of a person that I used to work with that was autistic. Single-minded with an inflated sense of his own intelligence. Are you on the spectrum? He can't do that. He wants us to be as miserable he is. You didn't get the memo? I suppose I'll tell you in person. You are now permanently sitting at the kids table with KRL. No more of your dishonest arguments. You made your bed. Go lay in it will KRL. I feel better already! Be gone! You've only watched one episode. You are not qualified to judge the series. So you spend an inordinate amount of time talking about these types of characters in a chat forum? Does that make sense? No, it doesn't. It makes you look like a troll. "I meet enough of those in real life and can't stand sitting in my living room watching stories about them, so I'm going to go on moviechat and talk about these same characters". You are so transparent and this whole act is getting old. Why would they be mad about it? That makes no sense. Some of you trolls don't think before you comment. If you are going to troll it has to make sense. Your shtick is boring. She worked by selling her body. One of the few jobs a junkie can hold down. Dan was not willing to do the "gay for pay" thing. He did have that good score when he stole that guys wallet, but Candy then found out she was pregnant. When they move out to the country and get off dope Dan actually had a job. He said something like "If you can do anything to help her do it". It's been awhile since I watched the movie but as I remember that was the gist of the statement. It's absolutely ridiculous. Republicans cheer whenever Trump dismantles the EPA and relaxes emission standards. Now they want to claim that Trump has helped the environment. It's amazingly dishonest. Republicans are disgusting hypocritical scumbags. What about repeal and replace? Trump promised a new healthcare plan on day 1 that would cover everybody, be cheaper than the ACA, and cover pre-existing conditions. Tax cuts is the only thing Trump has accomplished. Emissions have not lowered. https://thebulletin.org/2019/10/declining-us-greenhouse-gas-emissions-a-republican-fairy-tale/# Let's play out a hypothetical anyway. If emissions had lowered, what policy has been enacted under Trump that would have done that? Unmeasurable? You can't measure temperature now? You can't measure the size of ice sheets in the artic? You really didn't think it out before you typed that. What an asshole! I've been crying uncontrollably for 2 days. Rita Wu FTW.