brucewayne's Replies

no its really bad LOOLLLLLL the minute I ask for evidence to support your claims I go on "ignore" thanks for proving ym entire point. no that's the only person who gives you attention. people you pay or troll on here. who a sad life you have ys youve "told me" you've made unsupported assertion after unsupported assertion. and whined when I gave actual facts to support met claims. how convenient! go away sad crybbaby SHOW ME EVIDENCE> you criied and cried because I gave you links that support my position. I get why now. you just make bad ass assertions and are mad others use facts. some of what you say sounds reasonable, some seems well intentioned but would in practice be punishment for the poor and a free for all for the rich. mostly the part of "That instead of prison for minor offenses people should receive a hefty fine as a deterrent." good in practice to not imprison more people. in reality just means another tax for the poor while the rich can do whatever they want no you claimed "It did not save us any money at all, " I disproved that. then you whined I gave you links LOLL. you hate facts that show you are wrong yes people prefer facts and reality over trumps twitter rantings. sorry we dont take him seriously which investigations? you guys have have been saying proof is coming any day now... 50 court cases later and no victories and we are still waiting... everyone who reads your nonsense. LOL yes im insecure because I disagree with you and actually proved multiple links. you gave nothing. move along kid "He plays an repulsive male Chauvinist while the Marnie Character is often overacting and is also not a loving character so you cant really root for anybody here." in the subtext of the film she's basically a lesbian and yes hes a chauvinist bordering on rapist. I actually really enjoyed the film yes we get it crybaby. you can move along. you've been embarrassed enough <blockquote>You have come here and painted me with your dirty filthy brush and tried to convince others that its the REAL ME. Just who is holding the dirty brush here. </blockquote> no ive exposed lies and misconceptions you ave spread. when I did you cry about being the victim. its "heads I win tails you lose". its a strategy of the weak minded <blockquote>You have left behind a cyber legacy of you own making. </blockquote> yes I exposed yet another fool who doesnt know simple things. oh know how horrible LOL. typical Christians. "how dare you expose my ignorance!! im under attack! <blockquote>Those of your own disgusting ilk will possibly side with you. Those who are free thinkers will examine this and will likely come to a different conclusion. Again there is no need for them to agree with my stated OPINION. </blockquote> you seem to consistently confuse your sad ignorant fact free posts with "free thinking. they arent you delusional turd. you seem to work under a few delusions firstly "if I repeat something enough its true". secondly "anything I believe no matter how ignorant is having an open mind, anyone who calls me out for it doesn't have an open mind" you are not only wrong but seemingly not intelligent. <blockquote>I still leave here with my dignity and respect that I have conducted myself in a calm way that is consistent with my beliefs and have not degraded anyone except one who has degraded me There is really nothing else to say.</blockquote> no you've left looking like a poorly educated fool because that's what you are. just like in your Dinesh post. <blockquote>Of course you will continue and claim victory over me.</blockquote> again more whining. <blockquote>I am a free thinker. I dont ascribe to any specific religious doctrine. I see problems with many of them. I AM a christian and make no apologies for that. I am at peace with what I believe. I allow people to hold their own views as long as they dont take away my right to mine. I impose my views on nobody. Some religions do and I dont like it. I simply offer my views without obligation or bias.</blockquote> which version of christianity? the various sects disagree and contradict eachother on key issues. again amazing that you happen the born into the "correct and true" religion. LOOLLL a "free thinker" who believes a 2000 year old book has all the answers and claims a god is an all knowing law giver. sure you are <blockquote>I DO NOT ascribe to a specific political ideology. There is corruption on both sides. I chose based on who and what I think is right for the job. I DO tend to lean Republican but again I dont hold to this when I can see they are corrupting our American way of life.</blockquote> of course you do. you like Dinesh d'souza and whined anyone would dare talk about politics and politically attack him. im noticing a trend. whine whine whine, cry cry play the victim, have moral outrage. rinse and repeat. <blockquote>i NEVER align myself with hard left.</blockquote> so another christian who never read the bible I guess. skipped all the parts about Jesus saying the wealthy cant get into heaven and they should give up all their possessions and help the poor. typical most Christians dont know their own bible. /blockquote>I OFFER my thoughts on things and respect peoples right to think differently. That is until such a time that they chose to rob me of my right to an opinion. This I will defend if I am attacked </blockquote> yes you've said this multiple times now we get it. your re a whiny crybaby with a victim siege mentality. <blockquote>A person who is attacked is a victim of the attack. So I guess I am a victim here.</blockquote> I know you are snowflake. its all you have. you have an incessant need to be the victim and cry about it. perceive non existent repression im making fun of what you told me. but you were too slow to get it. "wahhhh illegals!!! wash illegals!" are you being serious right now? you honestly dont think slavery and hundred years of subsequent poor and unequal treatment, racist oppressive laws and systematic slavery is linked to peoples situation today and how they are treated? that only ended fully in 1964 and 1965.. you literally have people alive who were segregated and not allowed to vote because of their skin color. and you act like you are shocked the effects of this could still be felt? You might as well have said " the Windsor family and their current position and special treatement has nothing to do with history." what you basically said "you cant seriously think that history is influential and plays a role on the current?" please dont post again. this is getting embarrassing for you loll I guess depends what your definition of "blindly follow" is. Here is one that I agree with "if you obey or support someone blindly, you do it without thinking for yourself whether what you are doing is right." I think this would apply to a lot of religious people. and even if they did "think about it for themselves" I would hardly say "cause I have faith" as a good reason. faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don't have evidence. also cognitive dissonance. "dont post and copy and paste!!! facts trigger me wahhh!" move along spazo