brucewayne's Replies

hahahahahahahahahahahhaahah by that definition I can never provide any source or facts because I have to copy and past them from the internet. you are soo pathetic. never heard of racism? Jim Crowe laws? police shooting black people for no reason? move along no christian follows the bible fully. it'd be impossible politics is real helmet wearer. you sure are special kid LOOOL no you are a nobody begging for attention. keep that helmet on tight when you leave the house if you arent that's even more embarrassing. wow you re soo sad man. "give me attention!!! give me attention!! im edgy!! destroy the world so only cockroaches can live!" you are dumb as a doorknob. stop the cringe. okay edge lord bye! go get your attention elsewhere angsty nihilistic teenager. let me repost it Einstein 1991 $788.1 9.2% 1992 $854.1 8.4% 1993 $916.6 7.3% 1994 $967.2 5.5% 1995 $1,021.6 5.6% 1996 $1,074.4 5.2% 1997 $1,135.5 5.7% 1998 $1,202.0 5.8% 1999 $1,278.3 6.4% 2000 $1,369.7 7.1% 2001 $1,486.8 8.5% 2002 $1,629.2 9.6% 2003 $1,768.2 8.5% 2004 $1,896.3 7.2% 2005 $2,024.2 6.7% 2006 $2,156.5 6.5% 2007 $2,295.7 6.5% 2008 $2,399.1 4.5% 2009 $ 2,495.4 4.0% 2010 $2,598.8 4.1% 2011 $2,689.3 3.5% 2012 $2,797.3 4.0% 2013 $2,879.0 2.9% 2014 $3,026.2 5.1% 2015 $3,200.8 5.8% hahahhaha im "jumping through hoops" because I have not only supplied public opinion polls which triggered you, but now the hard numbers. all you've done is give assertions after assertion after your feelings and perception of things. ive given facts "I notice how many people are now paying much more for less coverage. That's what I noticed" give me a study and facts on this assertion. why do you hate facts and reality so much? you are so pathetic its the idea that just because a person is intelligent or correct on one thing or subject, doesnt mean they re an infallible genius and correct on EVERYTHING ELSE> again its the tactics of the simple minded. either provide a quote from a well known figure to sound intelligent. or just say "well this person agreed with me!" the fact that comparison went over you had shows your arent intelligent at all. id be surprised if you weren't drooling and wearing a helmet while you write your posts. I agree democracies horrible. only thing is theocracies, plutocracies, dictatorships ect are far worse. I live in reality where nothing is perfect, especially a massive and complex system that governs in the USA alone 330 million. So we have to do the best with what we have. but none of this has anything to do with intothenights insane post about voters having to go through hours of hardship to "prove" they the candidate should get their vote. simpleton detected ya you are "sexy young" then you hit an age and you are quirky mom or part of an ensemble about a group of female friends reclaiming their fiery party and crazy youth etc or else a doing a comedy about a couple. you really gotta have some acting chops or else that's your fate. ask Cameron Diaz support in my country is at 97% for healthcare LOL. its called using facts not your feelings. using actual facts triggered you hahah. Yes health prices have been rising. they always rise. the ACA not only slowed the rising costs, but put a cap because some companies were charging cancer survivors 10X the normal rate. the hilarious part is not only are you uninformed, your arguments are all in support of what the ACA did. you were just so stupid you didn't bother to research them. lets look at the facts. although yet again like my previous post I expect them to trigger you 1991 $788.1 9.2% 1992 $854.1 8.4% 1993 $916.6 7.3% 1994 $967.2 5.5% 1995 $1,021.6 5.6% 1996 $1,074.4 5.2% 1997 $1,135.5 5.7% 1998 $1,202.0 5.8% 1999 $1,278.3 6.4% 2000 $1,369.7 7.1% 2001 $1,486.8 8.5% 2002 $1,629.2 9.6% 2003 $1,768.2 8.5% 2004 $1,896.3 7.2% 2005 $2,024.2 6.7% 2006 $2,156.5 6.5% 2007 $2,295.7 6.5% 2008 $2,399.1 4.5% 2009 $ 2,495.4 4.0% 2010 $2,598.8 4.1% 2011 $2,689.3 3.5% 2012 $2,797.3 4.0% 2013 $2,879.0 2.9% 2014 $3,026.2 5.1% 2015 $3,200.8 5.8% LOOK AT THAT! the dollar amount if the total amount in billions spent. the % is the percentage increase in spending (costs) to the American people. notice a trend Einstein? agreed LOOOOOOOOOLL fail kid. nice cherrypicking. I guess because one person said it an entire system is wrong. Galileo believed in alchemy. you think you re smarter than Galileo? we can do this all day kid. your tactic is one of a weak mind. good try though :) so in 2010 pre the ACA when 80% of Americans were dissatisfied with the cost it was great? and when in 2009 again pre ACA 71% of Americans declared the US healthcare system was in crisis (20%) or had major problems (51%) is was great? or how about since 2003 people have agreed at almsot identical rates healthcare costs have gone up. and there was no large spike after the ACA? and in fact it went down? sorry facts trigger you :( so what your re saying is not only can I cherry pick? I can also simultaneously support my position based off one part of the bible, then change my position nd use the very same bible to argue the exact opposite point!? genius! I love the bible even more now! there was nothing emotional. nice try though self projecting. again AOC and Bernie would be centre leftists in most countries' nd even align with many conservative parties. sorry you dont know anything about political science :( lol except the system already was garbage and broken. but sure it was amazing before the ACA lol. the ACA is so unpopular republicans have tried to overturn it.. oh wait they've given up because they know its popular.. fail umm what. sorry im not a pessimistic depressed little crybaby. you are a black whole of depression trying to suck others down with you. And you've come here to justify your sad position as some sort of bravery. when in fact its the opposite. maybe get some mental help instead of being a depressed crybaby on here. yes I actually analyzed the problem with avatars character development so I "hate movies" snowflake its okay. you can like the movie still. I like all sorts of trash. but im not delusional enough to defend them as good or great just because I like them. let me guess you never went to university for anything. anyone who knows more than you in any topic is just "arrogant". a classic anti intellectual revelling in their ignorance. soo sad. imagine that. you can get a PHD in film but anyone who knows bit more than you on the topic "hates films" and is "arrogant" fragile little muffin awww