brucewayne's Replies damn. its almost like if god existed and his word is shown through the bible. he is pro slavery... OR its almost like it was all man made and man fabricated. and the people simply held to the cultural norms of the time. so tough to Figure out I loved when god created all humans knowing how they would act. then punished them for doing exactly what he knew they would and created them to do. apparently "flooding" the world and killing all the women and children and innocent people the bible totally makes sense! Yes in modern times that still to this day is impacting tens of millions of people its relevant. no one is saying the enslavement of europeans wasnt bad. if there was large segments of european slave descendants in Arab or African countries being treated like second class citizens there would be outrage. But there isnt. logic. you should try it some time its had some major problems. some say wholly due to the failed state control of production. Others that it was a mix of factors like falling oil prices or outside influence. that aside agree the USA does need more state control in certain sectors. whether that direct control like a healthcare framework. or just common sense regulation of shady practices corporations get away with people think a "free market" is just naturally occurring and the government needs to step aside. in reality government are stewards of a market that are necessary to keep it health and functioning. if not you get monopolies, anti consumer practices and massive abuses of power. markets arent functioning because governments got out of the way. markets function when he government isnt controlled by the corporations and wealthy and actually strike a balance between business and consumer. You dont need to be an economist to figure this out. ask people who bought ford pintos, the decades of lead based paint and gasoline. Those that have been pointed due to lax food inspection or died or horribly effected by drugs pushed through by an impotent drug regulator. yes a moron who actually took film studies and knows more than you. this seems to be your modus operandi. "There is a "right one" but I'm done with you. You know, casting pearls before the swine and all that." yes which you just happen to believe in. all the other sects of christianity as well as other religions are wrong! what a coincidental! every religious person thinks they have the correct one! "I will suggest this, though. Seek the truth with all your heart and an open mind. You will find it." yes the classic "anyone who doesnt agree with my religion doesnt have an open mind. I beleive in the flying spaghetti monster based on faith! he is the one true god! you are wrong! "I'm praying for you, whether you like it or not." to bad prayer doesnt work. its been proven. come back to reality. start thinking logically and like a real human. rather than a mindless following drone. it'll only be hard fora bit im delusional because again, you cherry picked passages you liked and followed. yet ignore ones you dont. like in the new testament telling slaves to listen to their masters. the bible is pro slavery multiple times. so you must be pro slavery right? yes you chose one book, one article about the book and one video of him talking about it. is this how you do sources? wow fail yes whites enslaving whites and other races. is there a a massive group of underclass whites who are direct descendants of the slaves in Rome? the point of why modern slavery was so bad was not only the quantity of it, but how it still has effects to this day. Jim Crowe didn't end that long ago and you till have republicans trying to make sure black people dont vote. how you missed this is truly astounding yes Venezuela's means of production was a largely state controlled. which NOT A SINGLE democrat is asking for. "I might be willing to agree that Democrats want something akin to Canada or Norway--which aren't actually socialist nations, but free market capitalist countries--if Bernie didn't honeymoon in the USSR and AOC wasn't connected to DSA, which has openly said before that their ultimate goal is to turn America into an actual socialist nation, not a "democratic" socialist nation." please stop talking. you just made all that up in your head. I feel embarrassed for you. it would take one second of research but it seems you cant be bothered and dont even have a grade 10 civics level of understanding of politics. so sad. writes a post about a guy who is massively partisan, engages in conspiracies and whose entire public persona has been about biased politics. complains "the left has descended into political and ideological rhetoric and attacks" do you know how dumb this sounds? What else will they criticize him on? his favourite sports team? honestly have you ever said anything intelligent? yet another post about you and others being the victim. you seriously are the most beta snowflake ive ever seen. I haven't seen a post yet where it doesnt become or isnt about you being under attack. you have serious issues with constantly being the victim. again why re you here? go get your attention form a prostitute or something. you are clearly lonely. is this how you do sources?? link to a book. link to a article about the book that even says "Historians were split over whether Prof Davis's unorthodox methodology has produced plausible estimates, but they welcomed any attempt to fill a gap in the little-known story of Africans subjugating Europeans." and then some YouTube video? fail "You have already demeaned me and lowered my to a lesser status of humanity. " stop being the whiny victim for once. tis truly pathetic "You seem very frustrated in your beliefs and a need to maintain them at all costs. " see you are confusing me with someone religious and self projecting. my beliefs have changed as new information has been discovered. meanwhile you are describing the beliefs of the religious that do not or barely change and self projecting them on me. Nice try though :) "On my side I am comfortable in my own beliefs and I force them on nobody. " who have I forced my beliefs on? im sorry I showed that your beliefs are total nonsense. im sorry that threatens you snowflake. "Whats there to be uncomfortable about?" who is uncomfortable? you said objectively wrong false things. I corrected them. "You have not extended the same courtesy here. What else can I say. " yes when you spread easily to verify falsehoods I call you on them. you dont get respect for spreading misinformation "I still leave with my pride and decency intact. What do you leave with, if you chose to leave?" being right, being correct, not spreading falsehoods. not believing in delusions. not having to constantly be the victim snowflake. not whining and crying nonstop. you left with nothing. you came spreading falsehoods and being misinformed, you left the same way. you left with a false sense of superiority while in fact you whined and cried and didn't actually argue the point. as soon as challenged you went into full fledged victim mode I agree you are so dumb it hurts my brain "I dont understand it therefore god" fail "maintain decency" and yet I still have the facts, science and math on my side. While you have fallacies and nonsense. that's all that matters in the end. I dont need to even try and take you down because your own ignorance of basic reality takes yourself down. so how were you born if the odds were very roughly a 1 in 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 chance!!!! how is any baby born!!!! I love when ignorant religitards expose themselves "Im not a preacher, I have never forced my beliefs on anybody. You dont even know me. I dont consider myself a particularly religious person and I espouse no particular religious denomination or philosophy. " then you cant possibly know what you believe in, what god is, what his attributes are and arent, what he is capable and what he has or hasn't done! so why re you here saying what is impossible and isnt and that god must have done these things? "believe in God and it is my American right to do so, at least for now. Some seek to take that right away. Im not ashamed of my beliefs. I dont force others to believe as I do. I simply present my viewpoints and let others decide for themselves." omg shut up seriously. the classic religious victim. you should be ashamed. you dont eve understand basic science and come off as an incredibly stupid person. "You chose to lower me to some lesser status of humanity because of my beliefs. That doesnt speak well for you." yes because I exposed your ignorance ive lowered you to a lesser status of humanity. is this more self projecting because you guys tell everyone who doesnt follow your beliefs they burn in hell? you are so incredibly dumb it hurts. "The opposite thought of intelligent design is based on the fact that things simply lined up properly and what we have today is the result of a very lucky happenstance. " what does luck have to do with anything? educate yourself "Happenstance is generally translated the mathematical odds for the likelihood of the ov such an event actually taking place. We may say the likelihood of something happening as part of a random process and one in a million. " cool story "Kook and the absolute sheer and utter complexity of human life and the very idea that is even IS alive and functioning. What do you think is the mathematical odds of this taking place WITHOUT some sort of intelligent higher power intervention?" how did you calculate the odds WITH A HIGHER POWER? you shut made that up in your head. "it seems unlikely therefore god". first fallacy. check out my odds you were born calculation below to see what happens when you try and use odds to sound intelligence. you sound "Mathematically it is incapable to be calculated. We would know of that as infinity" this is not true "That goes far beyond the realm of impossible. " you dont know everything that is and isnt possible. you keep imposing your own ignorance on others and claiming what is and isnt possible, what can be calculated and what does and doesnt need a god. MORE FALLACIES. EDUCATE YOURSELF "To deny the possibility of his existence seems completely irrational to me. Now go and start working out the mathematical odds of spontaneous life and creation suddenly erupting from nothing and get back to me with that. " the double whammy fail! so now gods a male. which you know. and now life is spontaneous! hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you have no case. you have fallacy after fallacy followed by ignorant statement followed by fallacy after fallacy. I feel bad for you no because mines based on reality. yours is based on not only a misunderstanding of basic science and facts, but the pseudo fake mathematics of "chance" that you religious tools love to use. go yet at people on street corners. that's about as intelligent as you sound with this post