brucewayne's Replies

"Mathematically it is incapable to be calculated. We would know of that as infinity " calculate the odds that your parents got together, and that you of all the sperms were the one. you nether understand math nor odds nor the Big Bang. you just spouted off more religious nonsense that exposes your own ignorance. good job. "I have stated MY case. There is nothing more for me to add. " yes like all sad religious preachers. make others listen to your nonsense rant. run away before you have to face facts. good job, christianity suits you what a load of nonsense. since you seem to not understand math. lets do some to show how "impossible" things re without god. the average male will produce roughly 525 billion sperm cells over a lifetime. a woman only ovulates and creates about 300-400 eggs. and there are roughly 7 billion humans. meaning the chances your parents got together, and that you were that sperm and that egg are 500 000 000 000 x 7 000 000 000 x 400= a 1 in 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 chance. that's impossible!!!!! babies could never be born!! look at those odds! it must be god! lol English please. to be fair the guy a douche who hates Mel Gibson.. he nitpicks everything Mel does as totally inaccurate yet loved the last samurai. yaa sorry I dont support a theocracy so I dont really care. im a grown adult who doesnt believe in fairy tales and that certain words are magical soo........ what are you talking about... No its not the OPs fault. there were obviously going to be inaccuracies but showing it as if blacks were living a prosperous, peaceful idyllic life at the time is beyond insulting. its akin to having a movie with jews enjoying ghettos in nazi Germany and living a "peaceful structured life under their German custodians" 1. its a fiction. 2. that event was actually based off a an event in ww2 that the nazis did in france 3. its undoubtable the rebels committed far more war crimes than the brits did. not tat they were innocent by any means just take the film for what it is. nationalist patriotic porn verging on propaganda. no all he wanted to do was fire them from their jobs but he took it way too far! it was a horrible misunderstanding! I think Jovovich has just left a sour taste in everyones mouth after garbage resident evil after garbage resident evil. who would trust her Paul W.S Anderson to make a decent movie? they already turned one game franchise into a long running abomination with every little last bit or creativity sucked from it. but if god is omniscient, all power and omnipresent he created everything knowing that these things would happen and people would act in the way he created them to. there cant be free will by definition. meaning he created hitler to do that and he created every peso. which god? which religion and which sect? amazing how out of tens of thousands of religions and god and thousands of sects of christianity, all believers think they were born in the correct version. what a coincidence! science is science. science is replaced by better more accurate science if a house catches fire and falls and kills everyone but the bible survives. gods not to blame even though he created the universe and people knowing that would happen. but he is responsible for the "miracle" of saving the bible how convenient. I dont know because 1. I dont believe your nonsense 2. which interpretation do you follow? there are literally 1000s of sects of christianity that all disagree from many small things to major fundamental theology. funny that not only is your interpretation the correct one! your specific sect of 1000s also happens to be the one with the correct interpretation! this is without even getting into the 10s of thousands of other religions and gods. what a coincidence though that you happened to believe in the right god and the right sect! of course none of the other religious people make the exact same claim with equally little evidence! its almost like.... its man made nonsense.. yes Obamacare didn't roll out exactly how he said. THIS DOESNT MEAN that previous to it the healthcare system in the usa was great. you dont know how to use logic apparently. actually it did objectively save money. funny how republicans have stopped fighting Obamacare and even most republicans like it now. that's soooo weird... "eight in ten (79%) said they do not want to see the ACA’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions overturned. " its such a failure that even a majority of republicans support aspects of it. you made this all up in your head. seek help please yaa but you need to suffer apparently to show the candidate "earned" that vote. that intothenight wrote was one of the dumbest things ive ever read why do you hate democracy? why is it a test to see how strongly you support someone? LOL this was one of the most ridiculous things ive ever read. yes we have to make people suffer and stand in like for 4 hours, who cares if you ahve a job, kids to attend to, a sick family member you look after, suffer you worm to show you deserve to vote wow republicans are truly disgusting individuals. trash go away Jesus you are a blackhole source