brucewayne's Replies

so it's been proven in court? they've had what 60 cases now and they've been shown to have happened? ive been waiting for evidence of a mass coordinated system of voter fraud since it was first claimed. to this date none has been provided. ive heard a lot of crying, whining and "its coming any day now" but a lack of evidence. so you got any or just going to push the same boring made up narrative in your head :) im trolling because im calling out this ridicidulousness? his titles literally "There are worse things in this life than death. Snowflake society." that's not trolling? then says because the people in the film are doing anything they can to survive they are acting irrationally. they should accept death and make the kids accept death cause humans are mortal. lol wtf? and unless I have his nihilistic give up attitude im a "burger eating American" this is the most trolly read ive ever read. unfortunately I dont think it is, I think hes just really this dumb and the conservatives hate reality and facts award goes to" but I love how "The situation was so bad that in December 1640 a Committee for Algiers was set up by Parliament to oversee the ransoming of captives. At that time it was reported that there were some 3,000 to 5,000 English people in captivity in Algiers. Charities were also set up to help ransom the captives and local fishing communities clubbed together to raise money to liberate their own." is anything close to the estimated 12 million africans taken. "omg I found the exception to the rule! see slavery wasn't that bad!" conservative logic "The situation was so bad that in December 1640 a Committee for Algiers was set up by Parliament to oversee the ransoming of captives. At that time it was reported that there were some 3,000 to 5,000 English people in captivity in Algiers. Charities were also set up to help ransom the captives and local fishing communities clubbed together to raise money to liberate their own." on the other hand "Current estimates are that about 12 million to 12.8 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic over a span of 400 years." Ya man. totally the same thing...... what is the relevance of this? its akin to saying "do you think republicans would have lost if republicans didn't vote" yes we know you have nothing to ever add. you got attention though. you can get some temporary joy in your sad life now omg it autocorrected from exposed to explored! I must not sound "sane" the reek of desperation is overwhelming here. You had nothing at all so you did a step by step textbook exposure of a desperate person reaching for straws 1. ignore the points I brought up that disprove your nonsense 2. cry that I name called 3. become a grammar nazi and nitpick that a word got autocorrected so im not "sane" my analogy is perfect. I was exposing what ahistoracism is. you take a narrow reading of events and ignore the broader context. so acting like only the Middle East was a hellhole of violence during that time but Europe wasnt makes no sense. lol you have nothing. you can move along now. I can only unman someone so much on here except I did. I totally dismantled your nonsense by giving not only an obvious explanation, but a logical one. you totally dodged it because you know I embarrassed you. hey maybe dont ay such silly things and you won't get called out on them?? where in that post did I name call? Jesus man you re spiralling now and playing the victim card. this keeps getting more and more pathetic. agreed. humanism provides a good enough moral framework to create a functioning society. hell you dont even need to go that far, the morality of social species works fine enough. If you had a time machine you could ask Hammurabi you posted an article from 2020 lol. its saying provided sources about all the whining and crying and complain that forced marvel to make a black panther and captain marvel film haha what are you talking about? your post makes no sense at all. its a jumbled mix of just whining and crying and thinking you re so much better than everyone. the irony is you getting a bottle of vodka and slowly dying in the most snowflake pathetic thing you could do. dying is easy, living and struggling is hard. "In the rest of the world we are very stoic and pragmatic to death and our mortality." where do you get this shit from? you sound like a wanna be cultured person who actually doesnt know anything about the broader world. maybe encountered on culture with this attitude (which still may not be universal in it) and now just call any who doesnt agree with your simplistic generalization as "burger munching Americans". yes you wrote 12 lines. I wrote 19 (excluding your quotes)... barely much more than yourself.. maybe check yourself mr high and mighty who doesnt even understand basic political science before opening your mouth. hahah you re a joke. obama care is even popular among republicans now. also American healthcare was never functional in recent years. charging someone 10x as much because they had cancer? love how you never addressed anything else I said though. ill take that an admission you dont know what you are talking about. thanks :) what's the court cases lost number at now? bt let me guess, republicans and trumps SC picks are part of the deep state conspiracy too? when do you finally admit you have mental problems and were wrong? "he knows more about character development,s tory telling and filmmaking than me! he's a troll!" aww typical Jesus boy. anyone smarter than them on a topic is "arrogant" hahahaha awesome so you've cherry picked some passages you liked and ignored ones you dont want to follow. YOU proved my point :) thanks except not at all. This is the level you think at. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you didn't address a single point I brought up about ability and wealth brining about development and innovation because you know you are wrong. you just admitted it without having to write a thing by totally sidestepping. again your simplistic ahistorical nonsense < my actual fact based logical explanations int he broader context of history without cherry picking. No its a fact. if you just say things like <blockquote>going back hundreds of years this area has been a thorn in the side of the rest of the world, and a miserable place for their own people, and that pretty much spreads throughout the Islamic world. But it centers right in the area of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan. Remember the Shores of Tripoli ... Libya, refers to the First Barbary War, and specifically the Battle of Derne in 1805, over 200 years ago, and the dominant meme of these societies is still barbarism and piracy.</blockquote> then you are factually giving a simplistic ahistorical reading of history. that's not my opinion. that's reality. You dont have to write a scholarly paper by any means, you just have to consider actual reality. your topic is akin to saying america is the only republic in the world. it is, if you ignore every other one. Equally the Middle East has a horrible history of violence and "going back hundreds of years this area has been a thorn in the side of the rest of the world". only if you ignore all the other horrible things and places that took place during this time agreed. the extended solved some but not all you brought up three examples. two I proved outright. sources needed please for this big outrage