brucewayne's Replies

I LOL'd at every episode. The batman focused one was great. will aren't does a good batman voice. I mean when you have two parties how could you? But I agree that is peoples perception for sure. theres not alternative to vote for for Americans to punish the republicans and give another conservative party a chance. or a a party for more progressives to vote for when the dems are out corporate sellouts. It is why americas has more instability and political violence and conspiracies I believe. People do not feel represented because it is corporate puppet #1 or corporate puppet #2 I think the whole thing seemed underwhelming. Talia's reveal wasn't so much a big surprise and push in the gut as "huh? what?" And Bane being overcome wasn't so much "damn! good job batman!" as "yes... the obviously fragile mask.. arent you supposed to be the worlds greatest detective?". The end should have ended with a pop but instead deflated like a sad balloon. seeing Kamala Harris fist bump Lindsay graham (then get an affectionate pat on the back) to me just showed both parties aren;t enemies. They know it's a game, they enrich themselves and each other and just pretend to dislike one another. it is essentially wrestling. lots of shows have drama but this seems like a hot mess That is such a shame the trailer made it look pretty amazing.