brucewayne's Replies

I just said I (and most people) associate sean with bond the most. I literally said "Im not sure what you are talking about Connery is probably the most famous bond... " ya imagine that. you do horrible terrible things your whole life but ask for forgiveness and get to live in paradise (even Hitler could according to them). Or someone else lives an amazing life, is generous, helps others, heck even saved other peoples lives. but because they dont believe they burn in hell. I dont think It was but kinda goes with the whole male protagonist kinda thing... Im just not sure amerigirls gripe.... "Daniel Craig is the first Bond that looks like he could kill someone with his bare...hands. Prime example: When he fights the machete-wielding baddie in the stairwell in CR. He's not afraid to scrap! Diving around, throwing his body at this guy...get's him into a hold and chokes the life out of him. Then what does he do? He goes back up to his room...slugs down a double scotch...changes his shirt, and then goes back down to the game. Cool...and bad-ASS. " exactly. hes not supposed to be a pretty boy manicured person. he can be cultured but like you said a badass.. "People give Brosnan way too much credit, simply because he looks "suave"...prancing around in his little tuxedos...not a hair out of place, worrying if his little martinis are shaken or stirred. " he may have played the "sophisticate British spy" well but he doesnt seem to be getting much love these days overall for his portrayal.. no one laments any but goldeneye and I rewatched it recently and it doesnt hold up well... "Hey, Connery is the coolest and the best. He's the standard by which all others will be measured and come up short. But Craig is way under-appreciated. And it's usually because he's not pretty enough for some of these men who want to see a pretty Bond, prancing around in little tuxedos...rather than a badass Bond, taking care of business." ya one could argue that Brosnans focused TOO much on the gadgets and brought us back to the silly days of Roger Moore. Now that I think of it Craig seems like an updated scrappier Connery while Brosnan seemed like an updated tech driven Moore what does a blond have anything to do with anything? Im not sure what you are talking about Connery is probably the most famous bond... as for Brosnan he made one decent bond film, goldeneye, and even that now doesnt hold up.. Casino Royal on the other hand Is an amazing film... no..... it seems reading is difficult for you.... care to try again? amazing how you seem to have a simple one lined answer that thousands and thousands of psychology PHD's.. wow truly astounding. Again what is "masculine". in modern Greece being a top in gay relations isnt gay its masculine only the bottom is gay. but in my country that would be gay as hell. he's been on RLM quite a few times. based on just how he looks and acts he seems to have come a long way and is sober and looking healthy. We have. do research. This isnt hard. You are commenting about Spiderman but literally advent seen one of the most popular Spiderman movies? into the spider verse? you just come off as fragile sex and gender are different. if you think boys are born liking blue and pants, and women pink and dresses I dont know what to tell you. It's almost like culture and social norms enforce these things. if you actually use your brain for one second its extremely silly when you try and start defining what "likes and dislikes" makes a man or woman as if it's a homogenous group. not the same group, you seem not to know what you are talking about. Its a old religious/ cultural cliche. always talking about and blaming some group as "degenerates". Funny cause one of the most praised civilizations which ours was based on, the greeks, were gay as hell. Even the Romans to a large extent. Its just the progression of conservatives and the religious always needing to find an enemy since claims about "demons and spirits" is no longer socially acceptable and you'd be laughed at. So then the church went after those that were unfaithful. then it was divorcees they ostracized and chastised. then gays. Now trans. You guys just always need a scapegoat it would seem. and you honestly think Craig decided this? It wasn't like, the director, writer and studio? yaa I think he could pull that off and given an outstanding performance. However as a major reintroduction to Hollywood I dont think it'd be a good image move to start off as a creepy villain ill watch anything with this man, the worst the movie the better. just means he can do more Nicholas cageisms that almost borders into that action over the top shlock but then so could predator... but ya I agree. I actually love last action hero too feels ahead of its time meh you guys said the same things about gay people you've just found a new group to attack sorry I mean at an increased rate. like how dinero suddenly became old man dinero.. touche.... I agree. I just mean when you think of "arnold greats" only terminator 1 and 2 and predator come to mind. I wouldn't really count schlocky 80s and 90s action films in that. When Stallone comes to mind he has his fair share of crap too I just thought he had more quality top films. but going through his filmography I was wrong. its pretty much first blood and rocky. the rest are all like 70% and below. thought rocky 4 was semi respected but I was wrong she kicked on ball she didn't play QB all game settle down... 100%. his highs just seem so much higher than Stallone his main competitor but I couldn't blame Rambo and rocky fans for thinking Stallones better.