SpiritualLiar's Replies

<blockquote>"It's PC gone mad!" since at least the 80s</blockquote> The difference is, now people who don't need walking sticks say it. Stop being one of these lame "people have always said this or that" pseudo-philosophers. <blockquote>not one of you could find any shred of evidence </blockquote> You're a complete idiot. Just because the TV is refusing to talk about it it doesn't mean there was "No evidence". The courts shut out Trump for BS technical reasons. There was tons of really brazen BS going on, with counting rooms being closed off so they could stuff the ballot boxes without anyone seeing it, etc. The American people did not want a senile pathetic old fart called Joe Biden in charge of them. Show me some evidence that people actually like senile talentless white-haired goons who routinely sniff children in public. Nobody wants him. Nobody wants you, either. Not only are you a complete moron, but you're also a lunatic. You're sitting here still talking about Trump 24/7 despite the fact he's no longer in the WH. Why aren't you busy living the oh-so-amazing American life under Biden? Where was it confirmed? You couldnt answer my logic question the, you absolute titan of autism. You can only post more Links-2-3-4! Poisoning your own country is a matter of honor? I'm amazed you can even spell honor (or honour) you insane fruitcake. What are you Canadian? You mean I'm giving them ideas? I don't think actual Antifa read "moviechat" dude. Some leftist loser dorks do but none of them actually leave the basement. What... nuke the Russians while they're 35 miles from Hawaii? You want Obama's home state to become a nuclear graveyard? Wow. <blockquote>The Republicans have become the party of Russia. This makes me sick.</blockquote> You already were sick, you Islam-loving cretin. <blockquote>This is getting serious and the Right in the US is aligned with Russia.</blockquote> Um, are they? If you say so. But they're out of power since Trump left the White House. They don't have a majority in congress or anything. So if Russia starts a war what difference does that make to anything? I know you don't answer logical questions, you just like to yell "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA".. . Oh no, so you think some people might break into a building and then quietly leave 4 years from now? OH NO, WE'D ALL BETTER SPEND FOUR YEARS QUIVERING IN FEAR OVER IT! Sounds like an exciting life you're living under Biden, there. Predicting riots four years away. LO FREAKING L. Right...? Is this supposed to be some kind of joke, or are you for real, Brit? Sigh. Under Trump, racial tension was becoming a thing of the past before the whole George Floyd thing, and then the subsequent scam of an election in November. Now these ratty hucksters in the Democrat party are back in charge. When any real "progress" happens, they stamp all over it. About 60 or 65 million people probably did. The vast, vast majority of them were already well prepared to quietly accept defeat. Nobody expected Bozo to win at all. The only ones amongst them who weren't, were the batshit crazy Antifa whackos, and the actual squad of Dem operatives/goons who perpetrated the scam inside the vote counting rooms "I'm all for free speech, but..." is a lot worse. Dork Black people seem to have somehow survived centuries of racism but we can't survive Stalinists. And they weren't rounded up and tracked down/jailed by the FBI and the media isn't really talking about it? So the left (including both yourself President Alzheimer) finds a riot in DC much more offensive than Nazism? If hes a "crybaby"..... he's complaining about being robbed, what should he do instead that would make you "respect" him? (not that he cares about dipshits like you, he already had the majority of people on his side) <blockquote>"content that expresses detestation or vilification of a person or group," including over the internet.</blockquote> You mean, content in which non-Muslims say the truth about Islam and how violent and oppressive and backward it is. Muslims and leftists will be free to continue to call for the death of Jews. Yep. Im sorry but at this point only a moron would believe it wasn't deliberate. Why do I see "liberals" shouting fascism all the time, but they're never ever talking about the world's most violent oppressive religion. ISISlam. Insane cavemen who bomb the shit out of everything, and stone their own wives to death for showing too much ankle, are YOUR heroes. That's why you never condemn them and you are always shouting "FASCIST" as projection. Go jack off to more ISIS beheading videos, you earthworm.