SpiritualLiar's Replies

Uhh when was he planning on doing any legal work in New York any time soon? He doesnt know Sharia law anyway and thats all they have left there. This is just you geeks showing off how easily impressed you are by words like "suspended", isn't it? (Yet again) Liberals ask me to kill myself every day - when they tell me I have to accept Islam. Cause I'm gay, Muslims believe all gays should be killed Plus, ISISlam is basically a living death for everybody anyway, so regardless of sexuality its the same thing If they can tell me to kill myself, I will tell them to do so. Thank you Not really, the "famous" theme is good, the rest is boring. One of the most dullest movies ever actually. His morning self is probably a right-wing terrorist, then. According to his evening self. And so is his Xbox when it has a glitch or whatever. Deflection from what...? Oh wait, you actually expect people to just be impressed by a word. THat and "INSURRREECTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNN" The officer died of a stroke. You will probably die while stroking (yourself) to videos of ISIS soldiers raping toddlers. The average IQ in the White House just went way down! <blockquote>"Security agencies report that Right-Wing terrorism is now the greatest threat to the country,"</blockquote> Because they were told to say that by their insane Democratic overlords. If one of them had said "wait a minute, this isn't right, Muslims are a lot more dangerous" they would be as unemployed as you. Here's something you can do to combat the threat to civilisation: Kill yourself. So... why would it be bad for them to want an audit? Kill yourself, dork. Do they have hearts? Im not really an expert on zombies, I skip a lot of popular TV shows. "Oh man these cops are out of friggin control." I thought if a cop died it was the worst thing ever? Brian Sicknick? Your schizophrenia has changed course again. Well yeah, they would regret it more since they have higher cognitive functions than "Keelai" here. It appears that the 60 million sad souls who (really) voted for Biden would still rather talk about Trump. This from someone who spends more time thinking about gay sex than I do. It was a genuine instruction that you need to follow, btw not an "insult". Fuck you, kill yourself. "Absolutely"? Oh thanks! Chilone. Do you think gay people should be allowed to live?