SpiritualLiar's Replies

You're one of the parallels to the 1930s, not Trump and his supporters. So yes we definitely should fear the parallels. But if anything our current time is even scarier than the 1930s. Freedom of speech is being cracked down on by the media, including the tech companies, who tell you who you have to support and what you're allowed to say. Hitler couldn't control what people said to each other in conversations, Facebook and Twitter can. And anti-Semitism is on the rise thanks to Muslims being allowed into the USA and bringing their barbaric, Jew-hating, caveman lifestyle along with them. "Adam60z" You probably know very very little about 1930s Germany or any other historical topic which you pathetically claim to understand. You are a world-class cretin and a hideous little slimebag. What does that word even mean? Why are you constantly pretending to be crying laughing? You are not, are you? Post a selfie proving that you are crying. You don't answer the questions I asked, because the truthful answers are so devastating to you, you pitiful, generic nobody. No, I'm not the one claiming to be enjoying this, unlike yourself. You keep claiming to be in tears of laughter. Why are you acting like this is the greatest moment in your life? Because it is? I can help lots of things. Unlike you, because "U KURRRP RUURRSPUURNING" is the absolute limit of your skills with the English language, isn't it Forrest? And this apparently is the greatest moment in your life? So anyone who wastes time talking to you must have a very low IQ? And you agreed you're a huge pedophile who needs to kill himself? So that's the second time you've agreed you need to kill yourself. If you admit that you jack off to videos of 50 year old men raping little girls, please indicate by continuing to respond. People who type "END SARCASM" need to END SELF. <blockquote>Yet you respond again 🤣</blockquote> and you just blindly repeated yourself again... despite the fact that it clearly isn't going to impress me or anybody else! If you agree you need to kill yourself, please do so by posting more "🤣", or by suddenly going quiet. Someone mentioning something once isn't a "fascination". You misuse words, you lie, you say generic shit. Why are you claiming to be crying laughing when you aren't? You're sitting there stone-faced, determined to get the "last word" no matter how lame and generic it is. And why, if your thread is so important, are you allowing it to degenerate into a lame verbal contest between you and me? Why are you talking about me instead of Biden? No it isn't. What's hilarious is your tiny genitalia. <blockquote>If you agree you're the world's biggest moron, please indicate by... responding with yet another lame post that ends with "😂"."</blockquote> And you threw three of them in there for good measure. Now run along, do the human race a favor and kill yourself. yes... thats yet another generic line said by toolbags... "YOU RESPONDED!!!!" It's so stupid of you to talk to me this way considering that I also hate Biden so basically I am on the same side as you. If you agree you're the world's biggest moron, please indicate by either suddenly stopping talking to me, or by responding with yet another lame post that ends with "😂". Btw, nobody believes you are really " 😂". In real life you do not have even the slightest smile on your face, I know that. "Why must I provide further proof" If you really thought it was important you'd want people to see it straight away instead of having to go Google it. Furthermore, you only quoted the old Stalin quote itself, instead of telling us what Biden said. Which is even stupider. You basically sounded like someone who was talking to themselves. You can sit here all day and try to defend your laziness and insanity and try to make it sound good if you want, I don't care. Um this is where he said it https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/07/biden-channels-his-in-stalin-its-about-who-gets-to-count-the-vote-video/ You're supposed to provide a link or a quote of the person saying it. It helps make you look like you're not an idiot. Anyway, yes I can see the comparisons to Stalin. Did you know Stalin also had feeble health too in his later years. He died after having a stroke and was found lying in a pool of his own urine. Just having Biden as president feels about as dignified as Stalin's death. Why did you not put in the title "UK" or "British racists"? Cause you wanted to make your story sound more interesting than it is? This is exclusive to the UK only, ya frickin wacko. I can't think of anyone stupider than someone who starts spouting the N-word just cause someone missed a penalty. British people are so appalling. Definitely won't be watching the Slavery World Cup next year in Ishtar or whatever the country's called. "You can't put criteria on responses." Yes I can? I just did, and you totally fail at the task of describing why Biden is good without mentioning Trump. Dork. I asked you to leave aside your deranged frothing-mouth Trump obsession for just a few moments. And you're having a hissy fit and throwing all your "biggest scariest" wuuuuuurds at me. Someone called me "disingenuous" on the internet. I'm gonna run and retire to my room and cry for a month. BEING CONSIDERED INGENUOUS WAS ALWAYS MY DREAM! NOW IT'S RUINED! Yes, unfortunately those "others" are ISISlamic terrorists around the world, not the American people. <blockquote>He is a lot more disciplined than he used to be. </blockquote> So that's why people voted for him? You think you can go out on the street into the swing states that he supposedly won and find a single person who says that? You ask people what they like about him, they will go blank. You think 81 million people wanted a grandfather for president? A potted plant could have been Obama's right hand man. He didn't need one, the media hyped him up and worshipped him beyond all belief, in ways that the North Korean media would be embarrassed about. I'm sure there are a million things that Joe Biden has said since being inserted into the white house that are invented stories. What you've just said is a load of weak bollocks. <blockquote>Besides that, his professionalism and maturity is appreciated.</blockquote> Like sticking his face into little girls hair and inhaling deeply?