SpiritualLiar's Replies

Calling Trump a "homophobe" was such a joke. He probably employed more gay men (to freshen up his properties in NY) than the average person has ever met. And yes I know gays do jobs other than interior design... People who are happy with him being "president" are the ones who are nuts. You are nuts. Hahah. Yeah it's totally normal behaviour! That and all the hitting on little girls. You think Donald Trump has had sex with minors? He may have a history of coming onto women and cheating on his wife, but he's absolutely nowhere near Biden's league (whether that's Joe or "Hunter") Nowhere near. Biden has no friends. Trump is a legend with admirers all over the world. "81 million" hahahah. The worst joke EVER. At some point, with certain really gross old men, they lose the faculties required to control whatever dark urges or inclinations they have. They just totally don't care any more that people are watching, but the inclinations still remain. That is a horrible combination and a recipe for vomiting, for everyone else. As a gay male, my sex drive has been really badly affected by having Joe Biden as "president". His voice is like 20 reverse-Viagra pills. Whereas Trump's public manner reassured me about the safety of the world (and he often made me laugh too). The 2020 election fraud was the worst and most disgusting prank ever perpetrated on the human race. Who would go to those lengths to get this guy into office... honestly. Seriously... Someone whose surname is Biden I guess? You've obviously not spent a lot of time talking to lefties on the internet if you think "no-one laughs at child abuse"! I'm talking about them being kooks who nobody cares about, yet they call other people "small". You didnt even name the person who wrote the column you linked to, just expect us to be impressed by "Washington Post" lol What is the point *you* are trying to make btw? Do you expect Trump and all his supporters to suddenly stop just because someone said he was "small"? Why dont you post all thousands of them to even up the balance? ooh, such a charming place is Trudeau's Canada. GO BACK TO GLEE. What's wrong with bazillion...? Nothing? You have no idea about my sex. You're probably so stupid you didnt even read to the end where I said I was a homosexual. I can see why you lash out at me, the two kinds of people who get laid least are "non-binary" whatever-majig transexual water-cooler-vagina superfreaks, and wheelchair-bound persons such as your self. "How small he has become" Is Washington Post one of those papers that needed a bailout? There was a lesbian on FOX news 15 years ago. Dolt. I guess lots of stuff is "news" to you. Did you know they can print colour pictures on the front of newspapers now? Honest to god colours. OH NO NOT YOU AGAIN. YOU TYPE LIKE A RETARD AND YOUR JOKES ARE TOO "Phony attempt at conversation" What the hell are you even talking about, you snooze-inducing earthworm? In my first response I didnt even BOTHER to address the most obvious hypocrisy - <blockquote>"You can't put criteria on responses. That's disingenuous. It shows a lack of sincerity and unwillingness to have a genuine conversation,"</blockquote> So I asked you not to talk about someone for 5 minutes and you say that's a sign of something bad. On social media you're never, ever allowed to talk about the Democrats brazen election fraud - or the climate change scam, and you are definitely not allowed to have a real conversation about ISISlam. Jihadi Jack Dorsey and Mark Allahberg are clearly SCARED of having a conversation about it! Saying "you're not allowed to talk about that" is the speciality of "liberals" you total fucking toolbag. Go and stick your mouth on a Mustang exhaust, with a brick on the accelerator. Uh... great! America has been taken over by a senile old corpse, but you are still bothered about someone "trolling"? Great priorities you've got there. No. But he had self-destructive habits. He had unprotected sex with strangers. Any gay male who did that before around 2014 was guaranteeing to catch HIV (that was before PrEP came along as a solution to this problem). Plus drugs. Biden really is one of the most loathsome unimpressive people I've ever seen, and I mean that. I've hated him ever since he was Obama's VP. A total buffoon. (Since you mentioned plagiarism, I assume you are aware of when he stole the speeches of a British politician who wasn't exactly considered to be dynamic or brilliant) I still haven't recovered from the shock of actually seeing this pathetic POS sworn in as president. Even though I was well aware of Democrats ability to rig the vote - well, all through last year I still couldn't imagine anyone going to that effort for Biden. Because he's just such a kook. All throughout last year, I thought Trump's return to power was inevitable. It's still utterly ridiculous to see the popular Mr. Trump usurped by this clown. How does it benefit them now?