SpiritualLiar's Replies

Why the really slow-motion "accountability" if Trump's supporters are supposedly such a threat to democracy? The slow speed is indicative of demented fantasists indulging themselves, not urgent and "serious" people trying to enforce the law. You know, really slow, like how you like to methodically cover your entire repulsive sweaty pasty body in Nutella before going on a 72-hour jacking spree over some videos of ISIS members raping toddlers. So your life still revolves entirely around Trump supporters? We have completed 6 months of President Alzheimer's term btw, and this is still your life every day. Is Trump obsession part of Biden's 0-point plan for the American economy? Um, no he has a wife and four kids.... definitely not anything like you You actually sit around watching 70s films? Gawd I'm glad I'm not you. "Ultraright"? Wow you've been working on your vocabulary! What next! Why would 81 million people vote for a dementia patient who sniffs children in public and puts his hands all over them? Why would they vote for someone who says "Inshallah" and has a crackhead son? Your whole so-called "life" revolves around boasting about a fake victory in which you probably needed at least 15 million fake votes, most of them on the electronic machines but some of them in hastily printed paper ballots. Outside of here you send creepy love letters to your favourite WWE wrestlers (don't know whether you're into male or female, don't care) and you masturbate while playing endless video games. Hopefully one of those basement-dweller blood clots will take care of you soon. I tried to sell a script to Hollywood about you leaving your parents basement but they said it was way too outlandish and non-plausible. Yeah, sure. I think they have like one computer there now, it was donated from a library that closed down in St. Louis! Did you mean Saudis? Do you have to have so-called "hick" Trump supporters correct your verbal incontinence for you? Despite the fact that you think you're better than them? Is that what you need, Forrest? Huh? Is that the painful truth, you pitiful ISIS-swooning shitbrain? <blockquote>Homeland security says the number one threat to the USA is homegrown white nationalist extremists.</blockquote> yeah... they were kinda told to say that... weird how they've only said that since their new boss was Joe Biden (or his handlers/dementia carers). That was said entirely for propaganda purposes so that gullible fucks like you would have some more BS to throw at people who you say are "TRUUUMPP SYUPPUURURURTERSS". Understand, Forrest? I tried to explain it to you in the simplest word possible. You know what's another "official fact" according to "the government"? The Mummy Joe Biden won 81 million real votes. LOL <blockquote>That is another crap argument and comment from a lying right-wing Trump supporter.</blockquote> Where was I "lying"? You argue like a five year old. First you say "WHURRDDUURBUURT WHEN MURRRSLUUURRMS GUUURT ATUUUURRCKED!!"!" Then you said "lying"... cause you apparently just start spouting random words when people bring up realities you dont want to deal with. Are you now saying that the attack on the woman in London was "made up"? You just randomly spouted "LUUURYYYYYYYYYRING". Can you explain why you said I was "lying", Forrest? no you can't. Here's an idea to solve all your problems. Kill yourself in front of your family. Thanks. <blockquote>Before the election, I predicted that Democrats hated Trumps so much, and were so driven to derangement by him, that they would do ANYTHING to get him out of office. </blockquote> I had a bad feeling that they would do something like this, a lot earlier than that. Pretty much within the first 6 months of Trump being president, I thought "what if they just cheat next time. We know how all the goons running the polling places are all big-time union douchebags..." I said to myself "this is the time to enjoy life while we have it", cause I didnt think they could take such a defeat well at all and they would cook up something awful to try to destroy freedom to get their revenge. .. and equally, I knew that the Democrats(whether elected or the ones who populate the entire the media) would not just sit back and let Trump do his job that he was elected to do. By the time of November last year I had forgotten about my prediction - because I thought nobody would cheat just to get The Mummy, a.k.a. Joe Biden, into office. Obviously I guessed wrong about that, gave them too much 'credit' <blockquote>Do what Jimmy Carter</blockquote> What, sit in a wheelchair waiting to die? And waiting for HAMAS members to respond to love letters (which unlike him I don't send) What would you know about planet earth, since you live below its surface in a basement and you havent left it since you returned home from your last legally mandated day of grade school? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DbE2SmV2bs?t=40 Wait... so you're saying Twitter are superstitious morons who are kicking out valid customers. The whole fucking bakery thing was like 6 years ago? Why aren't you bothered about Mudslime countries executing homosexuals, but you are bothered by cakes? If you agree you need to kill yourself, please indicate by either refusing to answer or dodging the question. The media seem to be the ones really in charge of America. Even when Trump was president they were still telling people what they are and aren't allowed to think. The way they reported everything from 2017-2020 they were talking as though Trump winning somehow made him the "loser". LOL Him becoming president was just a slight "slip" in their control, that happened while the insane control-freaks let their guard down... cause they were essentially "drunk" or hungover or tired, whatever - after 8 years of patting themselves on the back and jerking off over them getting Obama elected. That was a long ass circle jerk. If this really is the worst thing since the Black Death, how is a piece of cloth really supposed to stop us spreading it anyway? Here in "my" country the UK, lots of people haven't been wearing them properly but no-one ever tells them to fix it. There are no signs telling people to put it on properly and no guardians enforcing it. They only focus on going after conspiracy theorists, but never "lazy" or dumb people. You fail English? Impossible. Exactly. This whole situation is painfully Orwellian, it's like we are living in a nightmare. Why do you want to stop audits if you say they're not going to find anything? He wouldnt have fit into the modern Democratic party anyway, you know homosexuality is strictly forbidden under Sharia. <blockquote>There are plenty of reasons to impeach YOU from participating here. </blockquote> Why didnt you name one, then? Did you need to keep the post short, cause the ISIS rape video you were jerking off to was just coming to a really good part? I dont think you understood what I implied in my comment! One of your precious muslims stabbed a Christian woman in the eye in a London park on Sunday This is present day terrorism casually carried out by Muslims, and the media *barely* reported it. Why are you droning on about something from decades ago (and trying to link it to Trump) instead of talking about now? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-57965251