SpiritualLiar's Replies

That's why I put "liberal" in quotes to show that it was a dubious name. Mind you, Biden's America is so illiterate, some people now get their quotes mixed up with their asterisks. They use quotes to try and emphasise something when you're supposed to use asterisks. "Our side"? Are you telling me Rob O'Neill was a Democrat? he never looked like one to me. I bet you don't even know who that is. I don't know why these cops did this. If they're so dumb they don't understand the concept of someone being paralysed, they probably voted Biden. It's like having someone from Borat's home village as president. Right? Remember that guy "the village rapist"... Are you a knuckle dragging shortbus riding freak like Joseph Biden? yes you are. How are people supposed to see it if they need a subscription? Why would people who are auditing the bullshit election have subscriptions to a pathetic piece of garbage "newspaper" such as the Snoozington Post? LOLOLOL I know practical concerns are way beyond the capabilities or your puny mind. No he lost because of Democrats printing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of fake votes, you utter numbskull. And then because corrupt supposed "justice" people such as the Supreme Court and the FBI refused to address this brazen and obvious fraud. Kill yourself. All you have to say to that, is a lame acronym and a lame nickname? You didnt deny any specific thing I said, therefore they must all be true. If you agree Joe Biden should kill himself live on TV (and you should do the same), please indicate by either continuing to reply, or by ignoring this post. Uh... yeah great! So you're now saying he didn't do any damage at all? If you dodged the bullet that means you didn't get hit... Up until this thread he was supposed to be the worst thing that ever happened. How does this make sense, Forrest? And why are you spending the rest of your life talking about a "dodged bullet"? <blockquote>My mistake ,</blockquote> You haven't made any mistakes, the mistake was made by your mother when she turned down the doctor's offer of abortion. Really? How can he do that? is Qboy having open auditions? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QBoy Yes.. we're aware that you said Trump... well done there. Perhaps some day you'll learn a second word for your vocabulary. *pats you on the head* You are very much the baby, here, and everywhere else you go (if you ever do go anywhere else, that is...) <blockquote>He's a radicalized Q-Anoner. A delusional nut who believes there are lizard people controlling the world and other conspiracy theories. Let him build his game in jail where the domestic terrorist belongs.</blockquote> What's a domestic terrorist? Is it someone who uses steam irons to blow up sinks? Now playing videogames is for "babies".... despite the fact that it's the only thing young white male Obama/Biden/Bernie voters ever did with their basement-ass lives. LOL <blockquote>Joe Biden is the best.</blockquote> You really think the Dodderer In Chief is better than the man who carried the country through World War 2 (FDR), the man who freed all the slaves and beat the confederacy (Abraham Lincoln), or the man who made peace with Russia and ended the Cold War (Ronald Reagan). Nobody can be that stupid, not even you. This is more proof that you are only here to say deliberately stupid things. You don't even like Joe Biden yourself. You have to get the last word no matter how lame it is then? You have no problem with "Strike fear into the hearts of the unbelievers" or "Kill all the jews" as expressed by Muslims But you get offended when I accurately describe Keelai's basement antics. You're clearly not capable of shame and it's an alien word to you that you don't know the meaning of. You prefer MT Brainz. Did you notice you didn't bother to deny the 15 million number? Now you're starting to move on to "rationalizing" the fraud instead "oh, the Dems are so much more caring" yeah they care about letting Jihadis into the country... You are a braindead shitwit who has no clue about anything. You live in a pathetic fantasy land. <blockquote>Yeah, I guess Dora the Explorer is more your style.</blockquote> Well, at least you didn't say "something something, go watch Transformers instead". That's one good thing about it I guess. Or the way the Democrats fabricated probably 15 million votes, at least.