VoiceofReason's Replies

I have a life im not on twitter. amazon told them to moderate better. they refused. amazon provided them twi 10 different death threats to their ceo as proof. hahahahahahhahahahaha so capitalism isnt where a private company gets to decide how to spend their money? and if they dont want business associations? wow another conservative begging for socialism. amazing and yet you are an expert on both!!! who said I was tolerant? I certainly am intolerant of stupidity. which you seem to have an abundance of :) which it did. it released as three films. aka a trilogy by every single definition of the word. doesnt matter what Tolkien intended for his book or original story. again a film based off 4 books is not a quadrilogy. it did something different than the books. it came out as a solo film not four. your brain is malfunctioning "A trilogy is a set of three works of art that are connected and can be seen either as a single work or as three individual works." oh look! a trilogy. time for your meds no the creator, producer and distributor who released the LOTR decided it would be a trilogy aka 3 films. no pulp fiction can have 3 stories in it, still one film. nice try though troll yes 3 = a trilogy is exactly like 2+2=5...................... EXCEPT it is three pieces, you can choose to watch any single one. that's how it was released. oh and look at this "A trilogy is a set of three works of art that are connected and can be seen either as a single work or as three individual works." weird how you keep putting your foot in your mouth. keep ramming it in there :) this is tooo easy no by your logic. which claims that if the source material was one format (ie 10 volumes) then another adaptation of it is therefore automatically that many as well.... which makes no sense except to a crazy person like yourself. again the LOTR is a trilogy because it is three films. by DEFINITIOn its a trilogy. by every definition of trilogy ive found. you are wrong , but not man enough to admit it is pulp fiction now three films? I agree you are tired of the mental gymnastics. should I refresh you on the definition of a trilogy? its very clear and cons and you seem confused somehow hahah LOL equating some idiots on twitter with actual disgusting racists and death threats on Parler. good one. All those companies have terms and conditions that would, could and should crack down on any such behaviour. Parler refused to do any of that moderating. the private companies therefore refused to carry and host them. welcome to capitalism. ohh look seems like we found one of those refugees right here oh look V for vendetta was based off a trilogy of comics. I guess the single film is now a trilogy! makes no sense seems like the sloppy drunk high girl at the party who just says awkward things and then later tells her embarrassing story thinking it makes her sound cool yes someone could make a fan edit................................... they have done it with the prequelsmaking it into one film.. their version would be one continuous film.. no one would claim their single film is a "trilogy" haha you've been destroyed you know it. man up for once and to Tarantino and the studio it wasnt. the ones who made it in this medium this is why you live in la la land. I dont care about your feelings or what you want or wish pulp fiction to be. I care about reality. which you do not seem to have a firm grasp on. the definition of trilogy is clear. should I report it or can you actually be a man and admit you are wrong? ive answered it three times now troll. because the narrative structure any more than the editing or sets. has LITERALLY NO EFFECT on the production and distribution of the film and format that Jackson and the studio chose. which was three films. which is a trilogy. by every definition. you face planted yet again no if there are three films, its a trilogy. if its one film it isnt. its pretty damn simple. please dont use you and logic in the same sentence. its clear you have none the fact it was produced in three films not two, one, 4, 5 or six. as simple as that. there is not twisting of definitions. I went to 5 sources and chose the first one. no twisting at all. definitionally it is a trilogy. again THE SOURCE MATERIAL HAS NO EFFECT ON HOW THE FILM IS BROKEN UP FOR PRODUCTION AND DISTRUBTION. you are welcome to a rogue its actually 8 separate stories or volumes whatever. and yet that doesnt change that it is in fact a trilogy. and ill say it again. just how me writing 4 books and it being crammed into one film doesnt make the film a quadrilogy. I have yet to a see a film with a trans person. and gay still not often no ones crying. merely an observation. and looking back at old comments that is because many republicans it seems had hissy fits, mental breakdowns or just to save face fled after either Biden one, or after a month of them lying and reinventing reality and pushing conspiracies over the election. Not really. they have done it on some of the biggest issues. remember Laura inghrams blacked out witness who "saw a Biden van pull up to a polling station and take out a table and start cutting open envelopes" -a biden van? -in clear daylight? -in the parking lot for anyone to see? -she didn't have this new invention called a phone to film it? then and there it became pretty clear Fox News wasnt just biased like all the rest. but was actively manufacturing fake news to stoke the fires lol ya I cant deny he looks badass but hes is really stupid and his political ad was one of the most cringe crap ever made ummm I can walk and chew bubble gum too.... I can be mad they are on here AND twitter and Facebook.... but we are on MovieChat and not those other mediums so I talked about moveichat im confused what your point is... also facebooks censorship is insane. I knew id get put in Facebook jail if I said someone was stupid. so I said "they are as intelligent as a potato" and it still got flagged as "bullying and harassement" I mean im fine with discourse, hell im fine with calling people a F***** idiot if it went against the rules. it just seems from what ive heard that the rules, deletions and bans are being unevenly dispersed I recently saw amerigirl call someone a F*** chink. somehow the person she replied to was deleted but she's still here? another guy new guy is calling people faggots. I mean come on. I get to though if they arent paid that's hard its not like they are full time employees being compensated