VoiceofReason's Replies

unfortunately nothing will happen because the usa, democrat or republican, doesnt really care yet still cant provide it loL! all the best soy boy! its been a hoot but I cant give you what you need. which is love and attention to replace that missing wife or father figure. not sure. given the abortion comment im sure its a lack of love of the opposite sex either way I bid you adieu! im sure I won't see you here long because you are an unstable hack job who cant behave! well im going to go now... you are clearly mentally unstable and desperate for someone to talk to.... all the best. maybe pray more? ya cause it wasn't there chief. I even broke it down about how you had good standards of evidence in your examples. but when it came to BLM you face planted completely and gave nothing other that indirect, unrelated tweets she's done about blm. which were about as valid as her indirect, unrelated tweets about church. will you rave more about unrelated topics? like you asking me to condemn this. or abortion? what's next? the "gays"? did you take the meds you were supposed to today? you provided direct evidence showing how her support or belief in BLM directly influenced her killing the kid? I must have missed it? was it buried in your vague assertions that "well she believed in da blm and made some of da tweets. so like, white privledge isnt real and she killed her cause dat and stuff and like ya" well this isnt totally creepy... so you have evidence! yay im happy to be wrong! provide it! ya such a nut. asking for evidence. Not shouting about abortion and "admit its bad!" like some unstable homeless street preacher.. While I am new and have a few hundred comments I am by no means a racist or from Parler! wow get help buddy. pray more. meditate. eat less soy idk ill take that as you knowing you lost. but arent man enough to admit it. since you cant do the easy thing of giving me any evidence. Best of luck with your mental issues And the full craziness comes out. its like us discussing ww2 and the history and facts behind it you saying "why won't you condemn it!!!! condemns the nazis!" you seem to have mental issues. best of luck. get help im making fun of your scatter brained approach. got any evidence yet? yes someone can adopt a kid and think there is white privledge. just like they can think theres white privledge and brush their teeth, play sports, go to church, have a job. the two are totally mutually exclusive. "Had she killed this girl in some exorcism ritual id say blame the church Had she killed her because she had straight hair and not nappy roots id say it was barber related " Yet again you are SOOOOOOOOO close to having an intelligent thought! Youve given two examples of very clear and connected things relating these institutions/things to the murder that I would agree with. then your eyes glaze over, you see red, and your brain shuts down. you get to the point where like your two other examples, you should give evidence of it directly connected to BLM.. but you dont. you choke and fail. still waiting on the connection got any evidence connecting this murder to blm? ill wait! first it was all a blm conspiracy. now its about me. try and stay focused and what does that have to do with anything? please show a direct link of her saying that to killing this child. ill wait... I can see how logic would be foreign to you excuses? what excuses? your brain doesnt work if I claim "hitler did all the bad things because he was a vegan" and you explain how it was actually other reasons like racial superiority ect I dont say you are making excuses for hitler "She also posted about getting her hair did I guess barbers are Next by this faulty bullshit excuse train you're riding on " that's exactly what im saying. YOU ARE ALMOST THERE!!! you almost got it! unless you have any proof blm influenced it. or they encouraged her to do it. you are reaching.