Hummusboy1's Replies

Hummus is pretty delicious. Looks like you’re wasting your time, lol What about problems with the horrible script, writing, directing, acting, pacing, editing, etc. If you really didn’t care, you’d ignore me instead of throwing this hilarious hissy fit. Uh, sure. Whatever floats your insecure wittle boat there, pal… 1. Everyone gets offended. It is a basic human reaction. You are either not in touch with your emotions, or you are lying. 2. For someone who doesnt get offended, you are very worked up right now. “What the hell are you talking about” etc. Just screams “I’m offended!” 3. What is up with these modern Trumptards thinking they aren’t allowed to get offended by anything? Why is that a thing? Especially when they get even more offended than the average libtard. Does it make you insecure crybabies feel more masculine to go “I never get offended!” That’s the least of this terrible movie’s problems. Just re-read your response, very slowly… You definitely seem to get offended pretty easily Can you not look at the poster??????? It doesn’t. It means Stanley Kubrick would never change his vision to fit with SJW stereotypes. And if you truly feel every movie has some sort of anti-white agenda, I suggest you start asking questions about yourself instead of others. And HAHAHAHAHAHA sure. As if I’m not married either? Okay, pal. I hope your “wife” never sees the tin-foil hat crap you post on here. Take your medicine, incel. Cant believe I forgot about Superman 4. Terrible mess of cinema. Supergirl is nearly as bad. Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, and Justice League are all serious contenders. Of course Woody Allen is defensive, lol Yes, I was probably 9. Even then, I knew the film was godawful. I didnt really notice the fake shark, but I thought the movie was insanely boring and was extremely frustrated by how little shark action there was in the movie. Every time it cut back to Brody and Michael Caine’s romance, I wanted to scream. At one point I went in the bathroom because I knew I wouldn’t miss anything, and I didn’t! The exploding shark was incredibly confusing because I thought it was the flashback of Chief Brody somehow shot the shark in the present day. Finally, someone who is not a total moron. The fact that Ellen utters “this time is personal” makes it blatantly obvious. Oh please Definitely not true, lol! Never said I was perfect. My parole officer and 6 psychotherapists would bouch for me. Jokes aside, just cant stand Christian bullies. That’s you, the righteous christian bully. How do you feel?