GypsyMike's Replies

Ok Rev. 21:3,4 Matt 24:3-12 2 Tim 3:1-5 1Thes. 5:3 Mark 13:4-8 I’m not here to debate. Take it or leave it. That’s a choice for ALL! Ok An interesting scripture many ways Jesus was talking with His disciples...HE said, “My Father”! Many pray to Jesus. ‘My Father”? Who is that? I didn’t give a date...or an hour. If you want scripture that backs what I said, I could do that for you? That is a true statement and scripture...but the fact of the matter, is, we are living in that time and era! By the still have Twitter, until Elon Musk takes over... I will use this platform for whatever I choose. Until the owner’s of this site shuts me down. You will not silence me. You can’t intimidate me either. You are trolling me. Don’t you have an ignore/mute button that you can push? I’m not at your door. I’m in your head. That is a good thing... Wow! Drumming up allies to join you in your denial of ‘truth’? All of ‘your’ buddies can jump on this ‘gypsy mike’ post and back you with vile hatred of me. I’m flattered...thanks for the attention...looking forward to your intelligent and well thought-out typed words. Only 50%? That’s encouraging...thanks Not really In your lifetime. Is that soon enough...? You typed a lot of truth in that statement. Sadly. But, nevertheless, truthful statements. Left vs. Right Most Republicans have a faith based agenda. A spiritual base or foundation. ‘God Guns Country’ appears to be the current mantra these days. A right to bare arms...2nd Amendment I believe? As professed Christian’ many are...a gun? A gun! Warriors for Christ? God’s Army? God Bless America? Is (this) His blessing? Division and angst among His people? Ready to defend and kill one another over a difference in ideology? I watch FOX’s the only news source that is speaking a smidge of truth, but, they are just as wrong, only in a different way. Hypocrites! Dan Bongino...Sean Hannity...Laura Ingram...Emily Campano...Pete Hedgstet...claiming to know GOD...sitting there wearing their crosses and speaking about faith and God and war and right to protect themselves with GUNS! An instrument of Death! In the same breath! God and Guns... ‘DO NOT KILL’ Plain and simple! A commandment given to mankind by God Himself...but a few perverted thinkers decided to re-write God’s law and replace IT with man’s law! lol...okay! This is the sort of hypocrisy people hate! Who do they worship? Themselves and a system destined for destruction! Left...Right...? Soon they will be equal. Soon they will be on the same page. Soon they will be destroyed as ONE! One CAN NOT be a true Christian if they pick either side! Period! Satan is swinging BOTH sides by the tail! Rock on warriors for Christ! Rock on warriors for not-Christ! I food for slow minds. Y Chat has the food you crave... Text book manic? Interesting. A therapist? Pills maybe? Handed out by a ‘so-called’ doctor pretending to help people? The DSM-5 their guide book with made-up ailments that have no scientific proof of even existing. Aligned with the pharmaceutical companies that make $30 billion a year medicating folks from the cradle to the grave...those guys? Who wouldn’t even have a job if it wasn’t for pills. Better living through modern chemistry right? A staff psychiatrist who works for the VA can make $250,000 a year...doing what? Handing out death-dealing pills? Prozac. Paxil. Effexor. Etc. Granted, psychology has some good people doing good things, but psychiatry, doctors of the mind...a joke and a scam. The bottom wrung on the ladder of doctors. Religious rabbit hole? A reference to Alice In Wonderland I imagine? Maybe you live a cushy life. Not affected by crime, inflation or even facing the daily pressures of life in general. Good for you. Maybe you put all your ‘faith’ in a government and system that isn’t working. Maybe you only believe in yourself? A view adopted by narcissist worldwide. It’s easy to dismiss that a God exist. With so many religious leaders and the like proving falsehood with their teachings and actions. Even adopting a Sheldon Cooper outlook on God...all a Big Bang! Formed out of nothing! My therapy and help was free. My body and mind are free from chemical substances. Religious rabbit hole? Nah...spiritual wellness, achievements made through getting to know who Jehovah is! A what He has planned. A true hope for what IS and WHAT will be, soon. Is FOX NEWS or MSNBC or even Donald Trump providing YOU with a way out? Speaking of rabbit holes...there’s a rat-trap at the bottom of yours! Respectfully spoken... You have a right to think whatever you want Doc. Move on and forget about it. You have made your position known. Take care. No. Soon. Trying real hard! A daily struggle! A lifelong struggle with a fear of not measuring up! The righteous themselves will inherit the Earth. The one’s that had put their hope and faith in Jehovah God, are the beneficiaries of this promise. The world and its practices will pass away; and the former ‘things’ will not be brought up into the mind or heart. The wicked influences will no longer exist. Satan the Devil will be taken away from mankind along with the one’s doing his bidding. Peace, joy, harmony and the original purpose will be enacted. Adam and Eve lost this; and mankind has suffered to this day! Jesus was the repurchaser of what was lost; and HIS kingdom will never be brought to ruin. After this is established, on Earth, ALL those who died has an opportunity to be brought back to life. Living in a world that is free from this wicked influence. The one’s that receive this resurrection have done ‘good things’ while they were here on Earth. Those who did ‘bad things’, forever asleep in death, forgotten! This is the ‘truth’ about Jehovah’s promise to mankind. His original purpose will be established. He Himself will govern mankind along with His Son Jesus Christ. Every tear will be wiped away from every human eye. Righteousness and peace will reside in the Earth! Death, mourning, out-cry and pain will pass away, is the utterance of Jehovah! The former things will pass away! That is what will happen! The war in Ukraine will end. Putin will be dissolved. When the nations cry, “We have peace and security!” Then the destruction of THEM will be instantly upon THEM...all the nations of the Earth will reach THEIR END! This is the Armeddgeon that YOU should fear. The ultimate war between God and Satan! Mankind has nothing to do with this annihilation! Fear of man ending things with a nuclear attack is a false fear.