Magicdave's Replies

In my opinion, it may be "forgotten", as you say, but to me, it is as canon as any other MCU film. Why? Because of a statement Mark Ruffalo, playing the new Dr. Banner, says when in a converstion with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in the lab on board the helicarrier "The last time I was in New York, I sort of ... broke Harlem", which is a direct reference to the events in the finale of "The Incredible Hulk". "He sounded British sometimes". (That's because he is British) I don't think that the producers of this film were worried about dialect authenticity. They wanted a major star as the draw. And they got one. Elba is amazing in everything he does. I loved him in "Pacific Rim" and the Thor movies. This is a problem with people who speak without getting to know someone. I would think that someone who says the ridiculous "Whites are evil!" has never tried to be friends with ALL races, be they white, black, asian, or whatever they are. That does speak of ignorance, and racism. It bothers me when someone speaks without information. Have you been treated badly personally by a white person? If so, I understand your frustration. But you are lumping all of us (Yes, I am white) into one. I am sad that you gather everyone into a niche and blanket judge them. But if you are generalizing, then I feel sorry for you. Your fear will make you racist also. Racism goes both ways. Yes. The tone, to me, was, Thor is a dumba$$ and a clown, but Zeus is a bigger clown. They could have gone a slightly different way. Like Zeus receives the heroes cordially, and he and Thor talk quietly by themselves while the others interact with the other gods. Then, Thor and the others leave because Zeus tells Thor, that, out of respect for the late Odin, he will send his strongest warrior to help them, (and that is where we meet HERCULES) but that he will not endager any of his subjects or other Gods. None of this fighting each other and Thor KILLING Zeus (albeit temporarily) I wish Russell Crowe had been allowed to act more like Maximus (from Gladiator), then I think we would have gotten a much better Zeus. Well, you learn something new everyday! I never knew Kirsten could sing! (I realize that it may be dubbed for the video, but still...) And never knew that she made music visdeos! Nope. Just super pissed at humans Well put, Butthead Says someone who has never been there. This what the fans said about Hugh Jackman. And look what his dedicated weight training accomplished. I think that the actor playing Hercules can do the same. The fans hated Mark Ruffalo being cast as Bruce Banner/Hulk, because of Norton's performance. They booed him when he appeared at the Comic Con. But, he proved them wrong also. First impressions are almost never correct. I think the main reason was the space the boards took up on their website. That, and the fact that anonymous cowards were ruining the experience for those that legitimately wanted to discuss movies in a positive social environment it should read "you're dumb!" Here's your sign! To all magicians and magic fans out there ... Abbott's Magic Get Together starts Wednesday August 3rd in Colon Michigan! That delends on who you talk to. Some will say yes. Some will say no. It is all based on personal taste. The Changeling is a great spooky movie. George C. Scott was one of my favorite actors. Loved him in everything he ever did. Same way I feel about Morgan Freeman. She Hulk has been a character in the comics LONG before this SJW and woke nonsense started. Okay. Thank you! That is a sad state of affairs, to be sure. But, what does it have to do with "The Last Voyage Of The Demeter"? Political discussions should be kept in the political section. I think that this is one of the best zombie films to come out in a LONG time. I also do not go into a film looking for "flaws". I don't think any of us can truthfully say what we would do in this situation. Thankfully, we will never have to find out. Zombies do not exist. To be honest 98 percent of men aren't either. We think we know what we would do if such a thing happened. But, you really don't know. And thank God we will never find out. Dead is dead.