Magicdave's Replies

Judging by the remark you made, you are very young. I hope you were trying to be funny. Otherwise, that is very insensitive thing to say. You have no idea because you never experienced it. Oh, and by the way, it has been proven that women are more intelligent than men. I should know. My wife is at least my equal in intelligence, if not more intelligent. I am not saying that men are stupid. After all, I am one. But women are generally better at problem solving than men are. Now, because I have probably hurt your feelings, you will probably say some disparaging remark intended to make me feel bad. It won't work. I have been around for 70 years and have experienced a bit more than you. And quite frankly, I have reached the age where I actually don't care what others think. You should never define yourself by others opinions of you. You will ALWAYS be disappointed. Like the original "Night Of The Living Dead"? I agree. I like a good ghost story also. It might just be me, but it just seems to me like this might be a waste of time. I was ... a bit Funny! I like that! That is true. We watch movies to see the stories come to life. Ha ha ha! Funny! The story is over 100 years old. If you hadn't read it by now, you weren't going to read it. A threesome with Phoebe would have been HOT!!! I think that double tandem truck trailer sequence in the beginning of the film was pretty good, and realistic. To my mind the best film about Christ's last days is "The Passion Of The Christ" If I wasn't married to my wife (and was a few years younger (I'm 70)), I would want an Asian wife ... especially if she was Asa Akira! While I agree somewhat with your statement, I shudder to think what will happen if everything is automated and no-one has to do anything for themselves. I think of the movie "Wall-E" and hope it NEVER comes to that. We would all become useless. Of course, with the attitude of a lot (but not all) young people these days, they could be headed that way. I have always disliked the use of laugh tracks. (I don't really HATE anything) It feels like the producers are either thinking "well, the audience is too dumb to know when to laugh at the jokes in the script" or "the jokes are not really funny, so we will add the laugh track so the DUMB audience will know that it is "funny" and laugh. In the listing of the 100 greatest stand up comedians of all time, which was compiled by EVERY stand up comedian working today, Pryor was #1 Bill Engvall said it best. "here's your sign" Something happened to the rest of the post. This isn't the first time part of a post I made was lost. I was talking about the SJW and woke people changing everything to make women look powerful and men look weak. I don't mind a powerful woman. I loved Sigourney Weaver in the Alien franchise and Linda Hamilton in the Terminator series. I just don't like making men weak for the sake of making a woman look more powerful. In just about every Marvel film, there are powerful women, but the men are not portrayed as weak. I think a lot of posters misunderstood my post. My problem with this movie is that we all know the outcome. I love a good Dracula film. My favorite is still 1958's "Horror Of Dracula" (In my opinion, no-one did it better than Christopher Lee) But making this film is like the making of "The Thing (2011)". We all knew that none of those people were going to survive going into it. I saw it and I was right. Nope. And I won't either, knowing that they all die. I heartily agree. Duke is a great actor and can carry it. But, if the current trend to give in to the "squeaky wheels" continues, I am afraid for the Were you addressing me or one of the other posters? I have seen all the Bond films, and most of them in a theater (including Dr. No in 1962). I am not much into sports movies, but have seen my fair share of them - Rocky, Hoosiers, etc. And I LOVE the superhero films as I love science fiction and that, in my eyes, are what superhero films are.