arcticdragon's Replies

X page is not working for me. Is there another website that has the same story? I respect your will to respect other people. But as for your comparison between republican and genders, let me explain the difference. Republican is a political party that I can freely join or leave, and whose attributes I can pick one at a time. Male and female, however, are exactly what you call "limiting". You are one or the other, no changing it. And before you remind me "not to be confused with male or female", from what I've observed, nearly all attempts by genderqueer people to identify as "man or woman" have been a way to pretend "male or female". IE: "A (trans) person who identifies as a woman is female." And every time there are attempts to distinguish and separate male and female (like in sports), there's always a fight to fit the "women" together with the females. And then there's the "they" people who deny being male AND female. You can see now why I called the whole thing a comedy. What does "limiting" mean? Insanity in itself is shown in reality already. What's your point? The longer advocates take it seriously, the longer other people will joke about it. And the sooner advocates stop taking it seriously, the sooner it will stop being their problem. I reject considering myself one. I side with arguments, whichever sounds right to me, one at a time, and not with whoever claims to take ownership of it. The whole neopronouns thing is a comedy. You CAN'T even describe it without making it sound like comedy. "Theocratic fascist, bestselling children's author, America's highest legal authority" Twitter seems to make people talk like that, apparently. What were his arguments? Maybe he was joking? I like his work on gender issues, but I remember his opinions on Disney, and anime and video games, are either unserious or crap. Didn't he make a video about how the Disney villains are the real heroes? Maybe that was somebody else, I can't remember. Is this a troll against Trump supporters, or against LGBTs? I didn't watch this movie, so maybe I don't know enough about the context. But I don't think being accepted as gay is wholly bad. But demanding to be accepted as the opposite gender is just flat out delusional. Even worse when you use emotional blackmail to coerce someone to accept it and join the delusion. That's what it means when you try to control someone by saying "or else I will kill myself". It's called <b>"emotional blackmail"</b>. And it's a term everybody should be made familiar with. I actually asked this question to a few of them in some discussion boards that are dominantly left wing. Among all the inevitable fighting, here's what I managed to get. Some of them say "I just know", or "I just feel it", or "I just do". Yeah, take from those as you will. However, some of them have shared details of their life experiences and how their feelings progressed and evolved. One of the most common stories is that they just "didn't feel right", and when trying out different things, passing as the opposite sex was the one that brought them comfort and euphoria. It "felt right", they said. It's not unlike liking yourself in certain clothes, even if you dress oddly to other people. Another story is that they are dreadfully uncomfortable with their own bodies. This could be the result of sexual harassment or some other traumatic event. And some of them genuinely don't know where that discomfort came from; it just slowly grew within them overtime without cause. Hence, that infamous "brain in wrong body" bullshit. And one more story that many of them inadvertently admit is that they were given the idea by other people on the internet, pressured into it with FOMO (fear of missing out), and tempted and assured by promises of love bombing. I don't think you understand what "sex" means. Words can't even begin to describe how much you fail right now. I DON'T seek anyone, you moron. I seek privacy, from the OPPOSITE SEX most of all. What's trans women's excuse? Especially the pre-op ones? Call me whatever you want, but gaslighting is for losers with no real answer. If you're not going to answer, what else you got? What is "c men's run"? Why don't you read what I said about how trans women seek out spaces where other women are at. Read the WHOLE post this time. If you can't successfully refute it, then at least justify it. Then maybe I'll answer your question. Again. Pretty sure I answered this already. Not that I expect you to listen anymore, given your track record for skipping what you don't want to read. <blockquote>Why you think that <b>Trans women use the woman's room</b> because they need other women present, rather then because they DON'T want men present? Isn't that why we even assign bathrooms - <b>so that the opposite sex isn't present?</b></blockquote> LMAO wow. Talk about a self-defeating statement. Not to mention, you probably didn't even read the rest of what I said. That has already been established by their actions and even by their words, and that fact should have long been a given by now. Trans women choose the women's restroom and reject the other, SPECIFICALLY because of who goes in there. Not to just get the damn job done and get out fast. Same for sports and scholarships too. They violate boundaries and fairness, and take what they want based on who it should have been for. They won't settle for whatever else is available. And you know that. The fact that you seem to fight for it proves it.