TAB2440's Replies

LOL. Clutching at straws with the name calling and Mr Trump huh? Can't you even try to be original? LOL OMG, how classic! Actually, I'm sorry to say but I really do believe the American people will vote to keep the democrats in congress this year. It really is bad when you have to ask yourself if China or Russia is actually less corrupt than the current US and UK. yep, the adults are talking, so, go to your room and do some. Oh trust me, I'm comfortable in my skin, considering I'm partially black and white. Too right. pretty sad when a lot of entitled black people think about calling out every little thing as 'racist', like with Sesame Street. Can't wait for the history books to be reflecting on how they are are black people and how there are... LOL. have a gag and shag when white man's words hurt you. Negative. Think about who responded to my post. Not me getting offended and needing to relax. If you can't stand other people's opinions, stay off the internet. It's that simple. I think you may want to look in the mirror to see a walking 'snowflake' LOL. Now be a good girl, boy (or both) and go paint some rainbows. Also, try and do the same when whites have opinions that you don't like. Just a suggestion. You are an offense to mankind though. Nice one. LOL, at least I have a mom AND know who my daddy is! Um, does mommy know you're using her laptop? I'm having trouble deciding why people would want to waste money on a director who stirs the race pot. If he has trouble with whites being in the lead, then maybe he doesn't need money from a white person like myself. I think at least some of their meat was definitely on the table myself. I also agree with what you said about the Sawyers and how they would have had to have gotten caught, probably within the the following day. I don't think the Black Marina driver was killed because Leatherface himself was injured and couldn't do much. I'm sure a big guy like that driver would have had no difficulty handling Leatherface and the cook if he came out too. Well, I mean it's directed by Jordan Peele, so go figure. I won't watch any of his films. He loves pitting blacks against whites and even said he would not put a white in a leading role. In my book, that's racist. Imagine if I had said that about blacks. No, I think he's this century's black on white racist. IMO, movies like this spooks them, because Hollywood itself is part of the great evil. Research Disney and and the 21 Club theories and the what some call the Hollywood Cult. I think it captures how some people believe that Catholic Church puts control, influence and power over saving souls and teaching about Christ. Why wouldn't they be concerned that their earthly riches are coming to an end. Many people believe the Catholic Church is itself filled with evil.