TAB2440's Replies

Ancient thread, I know but since he is a supernatural in nature -- being cursed to live and wander, I would guess he would sooner or later vanish, maybe even after he was taken into custody, and disappear into the blue and green of the world until the next time -- assuming new identities and whatnot. I mean, he would have be have some kind of supernatural power because he just appeared at various places, even though he was cursed. Too right! In my opinion, none, I mean NONE of the TCM prequels, remakes or sequels were really any good. If they wanted sequels, they should have followed the Psycho mode where each film actually connects and continues or goes back further from the original. The Exorcist is another fine example. I also agree with other posts about how it was unlikely that many would venture up to the actual house and became victims at the gas station or maybe even set boobytraps. I also got the impression that the family dabbled in satanism considering some of the bone symbols and how the old man (grandfather) was kept alive for so many years. So maybe some restrained supernaturalism could have been at play there perhaps? As for the window washer, the more I think of it, the more I believe he HAD to have been involved. There is no way they would have kept him around and not have killed him if he wasn't because he would have at least 'suspected' what was happening. But didn't Bubba and the Hitchhiker stay out of sight, like back at the old house? If that is the case, then how would the cook overpower those who stop the station, including the teens in the van? Was the window washer in on it? I think people need protection from him and his ilk. Good assessment, because it is one hundred per cent spot on. Well, you have a good judge of character. And, trust me, he WILL get what's coming to him, one way or another. Science? Are you talking about the narrative Science? In regard Bush or Biden, I don't know is worse. But he sure makes Carter look competent. I asked the same question about Friends. You're entire family tree consists could be carved into a ship of fools. Your post just made it even more obvious. Yep, and Joogles is a good example of ignorant people who only see 'race' and use it as an excuse. Probably not. I would wager they did not. And those deranged boys probably never washed their clothes. I'm more concerned with the fact that the media and society in general are glorifying the stereotypical 'gay male' appearance. Not anti-gay, but that is certainly how men are portrayed these days. Too right. Damn straight it is. I'm getting out of here within the next two years. Corrupt to the core. And now, I just wonder how many people who went to Glastonbury would like their money back now they've realised they went to a left wing politically rally . Hell, I'm surprised doris and nicola wasn't there. Preach it! Dookie lips I admit, he had me fooled too. I thought he was this patriotic rocker who was singing about the demise of America.