TheRealDazed's Replies

She was great, I remember her name was from a vampire name generator. You were a fan of werewolf films if memory serves? Aw, that's a shame but thanks for the reply. Hey there, how are you? It toyally is but I'm trying to reintegrate without too many ripples Exactly. As you point out, it's truly baffling that he was abusing those children right under the noses of their parents. The continued loyalty of some of the surviving cult members is insane too. I mean, sane people upon hearing him proclaim himself the messiah would run away! Add to that his arsenal of weapons and it beggars belief that they felt safe. I had no idea that this cult existed peacefully before Korean. I found it on Netflix I was here for some time shortly after imdb ended. I was previously under the impression that it was badly mishandled but the reality seems to suggest that there was never going to be an easy way to deal with the situation given the character of Koresh. It's so strange that someone like him could convince people that what he was doing was fine. Yup, it's been a weird few years for sure. Hello! How are you doing? I'm impressed that you remember my username! I am well thanks, older and wiser. I hope you are doing well too. David Bowie, the song Somewhat Slightly Dazed. Yes ask me anything She seems a decent sort