TheRealDazed's Replies

You have to wonder what was going though the head of the person who thought of that! I'm not really into action films. I did, however used to watch Mission Impossible as a kid! This tape will self destruct... I haven't heard a thing! 😉 Reading about it was bad enough. I've no idea why anyone would want to watch it. The Human Centipede too 🤮 I saw Avatar and found it predicable, I've no intention of watching another. I've never seen a single second of Fast and Furious film. Good to see you too db, I actually thought of you recently when I watched a documentary about DB Cooper! I had no idea who he was back in the early days of MC. Good grief, that looks awful. Ha! I will be...extremely old by then 🤣 I don't see the point of those Disney remakes either. Lol I've not seen any Mission Impossible films either. I've got nothing against Barbie, I might have even owned one once, but I think I really wanted a Sindy doll! I liked her cameos in the Shrek films but have no interest in a whole Barbie film. No, I don't either! Especially when you can see it from the comfort of your living room. It's just horrifying how little consideration Stockton Rush gave to safety. I didn't think he was right for the character anyway! I wondered about this too but found that I didn't really miss her. I enjoyed the Lally character. I've just finished the second episode, I'm watching one a week instead of binge watching! So far so good, was interesting to see Tennant, his son and his father-in-law in the Job storyline! I always enjoy Alien3 (Alien cubed) not sure why it gets so much hate really. The assembly cut brings things together nicely. I watched Errementari (not sure if spelled correctly), it was a kind of dark fairy tale, enjoyable. I'm also currently rewatching Cheers and Frasier which is great fun and I enjoy the mix of slapstick and cringe in Frasier. Great writing. Glad to hear it, I'll look out for it. He's obsessed with mass shootings in the US I bet you remember Croft! She was a good poster. Do you still do your weekly thread of things you watched?