MovieChat Forums > Spuds > Replies

Spuds's Replies

Funny but those are all facts of the liberal hell America has become. Only it isn't victim mentality when it is true. I suppose you are one of those communist cocksuckers that likes to blame women for being raped too. Not sure why she didn't move out of California before selling it. Would have saved her about 30 million in state taxes if she wasn't a resident of Taxifornia. You would think so, but I never put it past the liberal loons to try and smack him again. My god just look at how many different DA have got a hard on for going after Trump. Smart money would have just let the voters across the country deal with him in the election... but clearly they don't think they can convince the voters not to vote for him so they are hell bent on finding the 12 idiots too stupid to get out of jury duty to try and convince in place of the whole country. You need to look for anyone that is either a scientologist or conservative... those are the people they seem to be targeting. I understand Tom Selleck leans to the right, then again so does Mel Gibson... so I'm saying they may have nutty liberal schils popping up to point fingers at them next. Fallon is a liberal like Kimmel so any past things they have done are ignored at the moment. I mean remember Kimmel was the Man Show which would have given liberals tons of material to cancel him but it is all ignored so long as he keeps spouting the liberal schlock. Not sure who Boromir is but you seem to have some abnormal fixation on him. Consider some psychiatric therapy before your hurt yourself or someone else. Clearly you are unhinged. Because if they don't come forward when it happened they have no credibility. There is no shame in being a victim, unless of course you weren't really a victim and was enjoying the ride at the time but then regret it because you realize the guy was not as nice as you thought he was. That's the problem with these women... they have zero credibility to anyone with a brain. Oh, the liberal loons will believe it but only because they are accusing someone that isn't liberal... but if these accusation were being made against one of the darlings of the left the women would be ignored and no one would bother to even listen to them. This all smells of a smear campaign and the only way for that to be avoided is to step up when it happens not 10 years down the road. I think the poster girl for vindictive cunts is Amber Heard that only got caught and shown as the liat she was because of the recording where she admitted to attacking Depp and the telling him no one would believe him. To begin with you should never talk to the police whether you are innocent or guilty. Reality is if they come asking questions the they are trying to get evidence against you, don't help. And that is the problem with this type of bullshit. Ask any person where they were on a specific date 20 years ago and you wouldn't find anyone that could tell you with any certainty. Hell in this case the women didn't even know the specific date it supposedly happened. How the hell could anyone mount a defense against something like that. Wasn't that the one that also took Harvey to meet her mom for dinner? You know most rape victims always want to bring the rapist home to meet the family. And now the one that claimed to have been raped in LA has said she came forward because she was upset that he was cultivating his caring image on social media. So clearly this is a case of someone upset with a guy that left the liberal band wagon so now she's out for blood. Awesome in your own mind at best... but a complete idiot that has no clue to the rest of the world. Guess what... you don't report it when it happens then you are enabling other women to be raped. You go to the police and file a report, it might not get prosecuted or it might... but it does get into the system and then when the next woman gets raped and files a report it gets taken much more seriously and the probability of a prosecution and conviction goes up. But the reality is many rapes especially date rapes come down to a he said she said with zero witnesses so the odds of a conviction are low.... but when you have a pattern of women reporting being dated raped by a guy you will get a prosecution and conviction... but what is gained by doing nothing until 10 years later and then deciding to jump on the he raped me band wagon? Your credibility goes down and the world knows you are an enabler that help the rapist get away with it and victimize others. So you figure out what is the best path for a rape victim doing nothing or speaking up when it happens. Absolutely, if you don't report it then shut the fuck up no matter what your gender. And like all cults they all rally around made up bullshit and pretend it the god's honest truth. No, it's called bullshit. Unless you are in a coma from the rape you can call 911, you can make a police report, you can go to the hospital and they can do a rape kit... If you aren't in a coma and do none of those things then you need to shut the fuck up and stop trying to spread lies years after the fact. Too many people have had their lives destroyed because of people making shit up. It was bad enough when the psychologists got a bunch of kids to claim their daycare center was killing rabbits... but now fucking grow ass adult women seem to think making shit up is a right of passage. You inability to understand when to use caps highlights your ignorance. I wouldn't expect you to understand anything that required reading comprehension. Go back to watching Barney, it's about all you can possibly understand. And yet none went to the police. Feeling like you were taken advantage of isn't the same as rape. Oh I believe he used women, but if he raped any of them why didn't they bother to report it to the police when it happened? Being an asshat and just using women for sex and then dumping them is sleazy but it isn't rape. Now squawking that you were raped 7 or 8 years after the fact is what I think is a crime. 1) if true then you enabled the rapist to escape justice and put other women at risk, 2) if not true you are throwing out allegations that are really impossible for either side to prove beyond a reasonable doubt... think about it could you relate to a court where you were 7 years ago on the first Tuesday in September? If you are raped go to the police when it happens, otherwise go away and stop trying to get 15 minutes of fame. Harvey didn't rape anyone, he just lied to screw some desperate wannabe actresses. They only started getting upset when he didn't make them a star like Jennifer Lawrence. I can believe a woman when she goes to the cops right after the alleged rape happened... but when they wait years to say anything... well that's when I call bullshit on whatever they say. Always wondered when he would shave the beard.