fourlemons's Replies

I agree with every word of this and I'm not sure I could have said it better. I think for me, message boarding is a pastime that turned into a hobby. Thanks! I've always known how I view message boarding, but I've sometimes wondered how the people I'm interacting with view it. And I agree that part of it is that it is a form of communication. It's a place you can go to talk about <i>almost</i> anything you want to really, which is not always as easy with the people you interact with in person. I mean, your family or friends <i>might</i> want to talk about successes with Slinky toys on staircases and they might not. 😂 Although my husband and I keep about the same hours, I also find message boarding to be a good pastime/entertainment while he's doing something that I'm not as interested in, like watching a baseball game. Did you enjoy Duel? Hearing other people's opinions has definitely been a valuable outcome of message boarding for me. It has been very mind opening. I think in everyday life we tend to run in circles of people who are like-minded, but hearing other viewpoints can be fascinating. I don't know much about the movies that are coming up but I'm trying to decide whether or not I dare go to Nosferatu. He scares me more than any other monster but I guess that could make the experience extra thrilling. The part of it where my eyes are open anyway. Well I hope you didn't spend any time wale-ing about it. My favorite song from a band I love very much. I once traveled over 650 miles to see them in concert and saw this song performed live. Thank you everyone for all of your responses and feedback. I still hope to someday get to an audience participation version and you've inspired me to at least look and see if there's one coming up! I like spam and I like egg salad sandwiches so I might like this. I grew up eating spam as well as egg salad sandwiches. Do you fry the spam first? I'll keep my eyes open for opportunities. This is the time of year when it could happen. If I ever go I would dress as Janet. I like to sing her songs the best, but also in my mind I would be signaling to the others that I was a "virgin" to acting it out in the theater. 😁 I saw it for the first time as an adult and at first it still completely weirded me out so I completely understand! I had an opportunity once to go to an audience participation viewing and chickened out. I regret it but life is not over yet! Maybe I'll have another chance. And that's really cool that you got to see it in the birthplace of audience participation viewings. For what it's worth this movie is not actually about gay/trans culture to me. It's more just about sexual awakening in general. And yes the music is worth checking out. 🙂 My husband and I both love Duel. Dennis Weaver does an excellent job of playing the beleaguered main character and the suspense is palpable. I can't think of an extremely modern day similar movie but there are some similarities with the movie Breakdown (1997). And a part two to this question if anyone sees this. Does anyone think the first half of this movie is better than the second half or do you think it's equally entertaining all the way through? Yes the soundtrack is a lot of fun. I sometimes pull up one of the songs on YouTube and sing along when I get in the mood to. You don't necessarily have to watch the movie to enjoy the songs. 🙂 Yes, perfect is not an understatement for Tim Curry in this film. It's the role he was born for. I've never seen it in the theater but have always wanted to. Which character do you dress as when you go?