fourlemons's Replies

Oh! Okay. That sounds doable. I might actually give that some thought. That arcade machine sounds like a lot of fun. I haven't played video games in years but I bet I would enjoy something like that. Is it the size of an old school arcade game? I'm just not sure if I would have the space for it. I loved Pac-Man, too. I had a miniature arcade version (a rare non-Radio Shack purchase, probably got it for Christmas) that was about 12 in high and playing on it was one of the highlights of my youth. Well I will certainly remember you as one of the nicest people I met here. Ha! 😂 It does feel a little like the website is telling us not to touch it right now. I really like this suggestion! It's too bad this website is not called Super Riveting Movie X-tra Lively Talk (SRMXLT)! Then it could remind me of Sir Mix-A-Lot! I was really excited to find this message board. I don't think there's really anything else like it out there these days. I hope I don't have to start searching for new pastimes again. 😔 I hope it didn't cause a spat (ula). Avengers: Endgame? Yes, I have for probably 3 to 4 days now. 😔 👍🙂 Thank you for making me feel welcome. 🙂 In my short time on this board, I have seen that you value the connections you've made here in the same way I valued the friendships I made on my former board. The close knit community here is one of the things that inspired me to give this place a try. A message board can be anything someone wants it to be, but the connections take it to a new level. Yes, a form of entertainment for sure, and the fact that it's a 2-way conversation makes it a particularly meaningful type of fun for me. 😊 That's a good point that message boards can be a place to talk about a hobby or shared interest. Originally they were a place for me to talk about TV shows I liked, and it evolved into message boarding itself becoming a hobby. Jessica Gunning. She was excellent in Baby Reindeer and pulled off "unhinged" very well. Message boards are indeed a good resource for asking questions. That's what originally led me to the previous message board I posted on. I had a question about a TV show I was watching. It turned out the people there were so fun that I just kept coming back. Cute! 😁😂 Pictures are definitely a language which unites and often expresses things better than words. Yes, and the social aspect of it is the main draw for me. During my downtime I'd rather be doing something that involves interacting with actual people instead of say, playing a computer game where I'm just interacting with a computer.