fourlemons's Replies

Okay, so I'll put you in the daredevil column. Hmm, I've never been to that mall. When I see reaction videos to songs we know good and well the whole world has heard and they act like they've never heard them before, I call shenanigans! Thank you!! I remember the days of floppy disks!😁 Radio Shack was definitely better than the furniture stores. The kids play area in Ethan Allen became my second home for several years. 😂 I don't remember seeing kids' play areas in stores these days but then again I haven't looked. I honestly can't remember which model it was but for some reason I'm thinking it might have been beige plastic. It's just been too long. I don't really know why he liked Radio Shack so much but I got dragged there a whole lot as a child when my mother wasn't dragging me to furniture stores. Another Frogger lover! There was just something so satisfying about getting that little frog across that river. Your mention of getting physically sick after playing video games so much reminds me of something else. Certain first person video games give me motion sickness and I'm not able to play them. I'm not sure. I would have to ask my dad. I don't remember it having a cartridge slot, though. If I wanted to play a video game I had to put a cassette into a tape recorder and I guess it was attached to the computer. Tandy reminds me of another Radio Shack purchase. I never got to have the Simon game that everyone else had the brand name of. I had a Tandy brand knockoff of the Simon game. "Tandy Electronic Repeat". It was still fun though! Wow. 😳 That's quite impressive to have the highest score in the world on something. We'll blame my lack of Atari for my lack of similar achievements. Well, there are degrees of coolness and I think you still had me beat in the video game department. That's cool! My sons have had just about every system that has come along during their lifetime and they still enjoy playing video games as adults. I wonder how you would do at Frogger after playing Bong? At Frogger? Hee, hee. I knew what you meant. I was just messin' with ya. I have a bit of imp in me. That will become clearer over time, I suspect. I kind of showed up here expecting everyone to already understand that and I'm realizing that was a bit silly of me. Happy birthday to you both! 🎉🎂🎉🎂 Is that short for Donkey Bong? What are some of the main character moves? You know a lot more about video games than I do. 😁 A fellow Frogger lover! I don't know what it was about that game but I just couldn't get enough of it. I liked my friends who had an Atari for reasons beyond that, but playing Frogger was always the main thing I wanted to do at their homes. I hope they didn't mind! 😬😂 You would have been one of the cool kids then whose house I would have wanted to visit, as long as you didn't mind watching me play Frogger for 2-3 hours straight.