MovieChat Forums > Politics > Say yes or no if you even think you will...

Say yes or no if you even think you will ever want to move to Georgia.

Oh hell no.


They have to get rid of Kemp and their Taliban rape laws.


You're such an idiot.


says the idiot.


That would be you.


Oh so original. But with 20000 posts I guess you're bound to have a lot of rote responses with your brain cruising on snooze, eating Doritos while watching Greg Gutfield.


Blah blah blah. You're beyond worthless.


Can't stand the truth can you? You can never allow yourself to not answer a post.


You know nothing about the truth.


See what I mean? Once you become predictable you're no longer interesting.


Keeliar lies all day long.

Only a hysterical idiot compares Georgia to Afghanistan. You people have no perspective whatsoever.


Nah. Too humid.


For me the turnoff is the urban sprawl coming out of Atlanta.


Have you ever seen a map of Georgia? 90% of the State is unaffected by Atlanta sprawl. That's like not wanting to move to Nebraska because it's mostly rural, ignoring Omaha and Lincoln. But Kemp and the rethug legislature I'll agree are definite deterrents.


God, you people are clueless. No limit to the arrogance of your stupidity. My best friend of 30yrs lives outside Atlanta. Half my family is from a small town northwest of Atlanta. You've obviously never been but that doesn't keep a dumbass liberal from having an ignorant opinion.


You would not do well in debates.


Says the person with no experience, knowledge or facts. You certainly can't win a debate with stupidity.


You can't seem to get through your thick skull that no one wants to be anywhere anything is associated with YOU.
It's no endorsement of Georgia for you to claim your family is from there. If you actually like Georgia, you should keep that to yourself.
And you mentioning your imaginary friends is always good for a laugh. I can't see how anyone would refer to you as a friend who wasn't about to shoot an electric transformer or kidnap a governor. That's your idea of regular life in America.
But as always, you're just a lying, paid troll working for the Russians. So far, we haven't been able to do anything about it, but hopefully someday.


Another load of baseless horse shit from out resident liar and reprobate.


No, no one whats to be anywhere near ghetto TRASH. Property values decline, businesses move out, crime goes up, families are ruined the minute they decide to grace a well-established peaceful neighborhood with their presence.


A lot of places in the South are very nice, if it were not for the toxic white masculinity population that is currently fighting hard for its life, but it is dying out.

I've been to Atlanta a few times, and I saw something I'd never seen before anywhere in the US.
As I was driving around a few times I noticed that everyone around me was Black/African American. Not the unpleasant and unkempt stereotype losers we see so much of in the media that are supposed to give us a negative image of black people, but well groomed, well dressed regular Americans driving late model cars. It was as inspiring as seeing Barack Obama elected President, though he turned out to be a kind of placeholder President that did nothing for his people or THE people in general.


You're a cancer. You can thank toxic masculinity for the freedom to be stupid.


Says the resident cancer of Movie Chat. You brought it up !


That as usual, would be you.


Toxic Marxism is a bigger problem in liberal shitholes.


The racism is strong with this one.


Starting with your post which was embarrassing in rambling on about your surprise in seeing clean black people.


That is ONLY clean black people.
Trolls gotta troll, the more idiotic, the more troll.


Brux it was a weird post. Go to a public place in any American city and announce how pleasantly surprised you are in observing all the clean, well groomed black people because you’ve never seen that outside the time you drove around Atlanta. Let us know the reaction. It’s Archie Bunker level insulting


Yeah, I remember when overly-sensitive people like you went wild over Joe Biden saying that Barack Obama was a nice clean cut guy ...

• Biden called Obama first "clean" African-American candidate
• Biden said comments were taken out of context
• Obama not offended by comments but called them "historically inaccurate"
• Jesse Jackson said comments were "highly suggestive" but not "off-color"

Now Joe Biden is President with Barack Obama's support.

What's weird is you trying to dog me over an innocuous comment like that. Sorry if it made you feel weird, but that's really on you. You are weird. Every chance you get to bitch and moan, you hang onto like your life depended on it.

This was 30 years ago in Atlanta and as a white guy visiting the south I had never seen anywhere where everyone around me was black. It made me smile. You can try from here on to eternity to make me feel bad about that, but I don't. I think you're a pathetic troll.


I’ve responded favorably to some of your past posts on other subjects so it’s unfair to say I always complain about your comments. I took interest here because it seemed gratuitous to call someone racist while giving the impression you’re so insulated from black people as to overlook your own derogatory generalization. I’ll move on but, you shouldn’t expect to be immune from criticism here.


I'm OK with criticism.
Just don't criticize me over your own imagined reaction.
Maybe read a little closer because I never said you complain about all of my posts, but you do have an MO of picking on an unimportant slant of something and trying to make it out to be something bad or more than it is, including something out of nothing.


There is no bigger "shithole" as you claim than the American South, and it is all Red. Ranks the worst states in the union, with the KKK and White Nationalists love to pop off like you do all day long. Time's a changing Satan. You're foolishness and ugliness stands out negative more and more every day.


Liberal poster child. Ignorance, stereotypes and unfettered hate. You're everything you accuse us of, purely out of ignorance.


Did you pull it out?


Obamacare? Paris Accord? Fixed economy that Bush ruined?


Compared to what he ran on, that is nothing.
Inequality increased even more under Obama.
He also did not reverse the Bush tax cuts.
ObamaCare was a poor patch to our existing system when Democrats had control of the House and the Senate.
But you know all that and continue to blather on like a little child.
You can worship Obama, but he is a false idol.


"Barack Obama ... did nothing for ... people in general"

Nevertheless, you're still wrong:
Obamacare? Paris Accord? Fixed economy that Bush ruined?


The economy fixed itself, and by the way, it was not fixed. As I said, inequality increased at an increased rate. You keep making the same claims without dealing with the facts.


No, it didn't! Billions were spent preventing foreclosures, bank runs and closings. New policies and legislation were enacted. You're not paying attention.

You mean income inequality? Thank Reagan and the Republicans for giving huge tax cuts to the rich in the 80s. Biden tried to reverse some of it, but DINOs Sinema and Manchin voted against The Build Back Better and other policies which would be helpful to regular folks.

The U.S. isn't a dictatorship. A Democratic president isn't enough. A Democratic-majority Senate, House, Supreme Court, governors and local elections are needed in order to move forward. It's obvious the sociopaths in the Republican party have no problem with wrecking the country and taking everyone else down with them.

Why are attacking the only sane party, Democrats? Do you prefer Trump, DeSantis and Walker?


Don't you ever get tired of being a pathological liar?


toxic white masculinity population

Lol, omg. 🤦‍♂️


so where do you live


elcamino lives in Houston, I think.


Houston is bad but the whole state of Texas isn't a toilet.


Weekly Walmart shootings by white nationalists in Texas.


guess you are ignorant of fact atlanta is a big airport hub so you probably go there lot of times jerk


Planes now days can fly nonstop from George Bush Airport.


While Atlanta is a traffic-clogged crapfest rife with crime, there's a lot of nice areas in Georgia. My daughter lives in Cartersville, which is a nice area, and her husband's parents live in Calhoun, both not too far from Atlanta. She used to live in Atlanta in a very overpriced tiny house with a shed out back that was constantly getting broken into. She wanted that area initially for access to some of the trendy areas (she met a number of actors over the few years she was there, hung out with a couple of actors on the Vampire Diaries, is friends with Barb the girl who died on Stranger Things season 1, and the actress with a small role on Ozark who got the baby cut out of her), but moved about a year and a half ago to get away from the insanity of Atlanta. We've talked about possibly moving closer to them, but for me personally the humidity and constant rain in Georgia is just too much. I'd rather move North into cooler, dryer climates.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


But the size of Georgia makes the whole state a toilet when you lay the junk areas on it. Texas is large so the places like houstn,dallas,and austin not to matter.You can spend your whole life enjoying the state without ever having to go near those cities.


Texas is "run" by a Republican which explains gun giveaways to criminals, crazies and kiddies.


More lies and hyperbole. You can't push your agenda without lies.


Your ad hominen is not an argument which supports your position. Try again.


It's not ad hominem, do you not understand the meaning of that Latin phrase you use so much? You are a liar and everything you post is a lie.

"...which explains gun giveaways to criminals, crazies and kiddies."

That is a lie, plain and simple. A statement unfounded in reality.


Nope. Criminals, crazies and kiddies get guns from conservatives.



Except they don't and you NEVER respond to my retorts to your bullshit about gun giveaways. Just another lie.


It's common knowledge that your Republican Party is against gun laws. You want a link to the obvious?

Typical Republican gun nut:


So you have NOTHING to connect gun giveaways to criminal activity???

Typical liberal hysterics, intended to elicit a likewise hysterical response from the ignorant.


Great news! New gun legislation has already prevented a few gun massacres and stopped dangerous people from buying them according to the FBI. It was on the morning news.

Finally, sanity is prevailing instead of gun nuts and the gun manufacturers who believe in profit over human lives.


So magical new laws have done what the previous 20,000 could not? Link?

Nope. The choice is liberty over totalitarianism.


You're a gun nut in denial.


im not into my cousin so no
