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TransShooter to Friend: "I'm Planning to Die."

Timcast covers this quite well here.

This was a targeted terror attack on Christian children acted out by a TransMan. We should expect this new rise in terror to escalate and continue.

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Unchecked mental illness has consequences.


So does the easy access to more guns that are being made more deadly.


Please tell us what stupid law you think would've prevented this???


Possibly one of the stupid laws from the other developed countries where this basically never happens!


Almost a good response. Find three or more examples of these laws you're talking about, and use demonstrable evidence that they have prevented crime.


Mental illnesses are up 500% in the past 2 years.


“This was a targeted terror attack on Christian children acted out by a TransMan.”

This story was removed from the news cycle a week ago. Nothing to see here.

“Activate Chinese balloon” - ABCNNBCBS


"We should expect this new rise in terror to escalate and continue."

As long as guns are legal and available, yes, we should expect the terror of mass shootings to escalate and continue.


When the wolves come after your sheep, you protect the sheep and eliminate the wolves. You don't disarm the sheepdogs. Dumbass.


I have no issue with the guns because the problem is mental illness. Transgender folks are the most likely to exhibit this behavior due to other mental illness factors. They have a 41% suicide rate. The stats over time will prove this.

Why did gun clubs exist in High Schools before the 80s?

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So why don't we have problems with this in Europe?


Because you decided to have Daddy Government and the Nanny State be your Overlords.

Now they can just impose whatever they want on you, and you have literally no recourse or choice to say 'no'.

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>Because you decided to have Daddy Government and the Nanny State be your Overlords.

How are they our "overlords"?

And why aren't we seeing transpeople going around with knives then?

>Now they can just impose whatever they want on you, and you have literally no recourse or choice to say 'no'.

Evidence please


Why did gun clubs exist in High Schools before the 80s?
Because people were raised, i.e. mentally conditioned, differently then. A higher percentage of people were comfortable around guns because more were taught to handle them with respect. They were also taught to respect others, plus many other aspects of civility. They weren't coddled so they learned to cope with the harshness of reality more adequately, producing fewer emotionally, mentally fragile time bombs waiting to explode. The root of most of these types of problems in the U.S. stem from this shift in culture. Some kids even drove to school with gun racks in the back of their trucks. No one worried. What's changed since then?

So are guns the primary problem? Sure, they're a factor, but is there a correlation between gun ownership and gun violence? Gun ownership in the U.S. has remained within a 10% range, fluctuating between 37% to 47%, for the past 50 years. So per capita, gun ownership hasn't significantly increased, staying in the same narrow range. And yet shootings have increased. So what's changed, since the percentage of gun owners clearly isn't a factor? I would argue it's about an increase of immaturity and incivility.

The human brain doesn't fully develop until around 25 years of age (plus young men are hopped up on testosterone, elevating the underlying emotional instability that spawns these events, which is why most of them are young men). Less structure and discipline in their lives to counter the lack of natural maturity produces a higher penchant for violent outbursts. Those who are emotionally coddled and enabled while the frustrations of life percolate tend to bubble over more easily. The more people are raised like this, the less they mature into adulthood, and the older the average shooter may become, because they aren't being forced to grow up and take responsibility for both themselves and those around them. And when narcissistic immaturity clashes with the strife of reality they cope with it like a toddler, lashing out and throwing a tantrum. Except now they can wield deadly weapons.

I'd advocate for psychological evaluation and mandatory firearm training and certification. However, those measures will only have a small effect on the problem since the issue stems from the comparably more juvenile nature our culture has descended into. Even if we could "Thanos snap" all guns from existence, the violence problem would remain. Both aspects need to be addressed. Like with everything, a genuine solution is a blend of ideas from both ends of the ideological spectrum. History reveals, though, that behavior is the biggest factor. A portion could be curtailed by rule of law, but the root of the problem lies with changing how people treat each other and view themselves. And an increase in violence isn't the only byproduct. Most societal problems are forged by this.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Thank you again WP for a level-headed, insightful analysis. I agree about brain development still ongoning past 21 and well into the mid-20s. I would also agree with an age increase for purchase, however, this will not stop the obtainment of illegal fire arms.

The only way to stop that is to root out the reason anyone needs to obtain an illegal firearm. All debate will come back to Fathers in the home. The real issue.

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>This was a targeted terror attack on Christian children acted out by a TransMan. We should expect this new rise in terror to escalate and continue.

Do you have the same concern and worry when a white supremacist shoots up somewhere?


I absolutely do. Anyone who does this kind of thing needs to be removed from the gene pool.


What about blacks killing whites and Asians? Its well documented as well. What about black on black murders? Why is there no outrage for that?

Where's whitey?


Yes. Any evidence of the motives of those specifically stated as having to do with black supremacism?


No, because blacks cant be racist according to the news and internet. Only whites can be charged with a hate crime.


This is a MENTAL HEALTH problem.

You're so focused on your racism and political hatred, you can't even identify the actual problem when it's literally hitting you in the face.

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Who am I racist against?

And I agree, mental health is partially responsible here - but it's curious how Europe doesn't have this social issue.
