MovieChat Forums > Politics > Leftist women have killed 40 million bab...

Leftist women have killed 40 million babies...

...and Keelai is racist, otherist, terror supporting liar.

The End.


islam and liberals have been in bed together for years. both worship satan.


Most Muslims are non violent. Islam shouldn't be connected to this massacre.


True but I think they have the most radical of extremes of any other religion (excluding self-flagellation). What other religion can take their book so out of context that it leads to beheading, mutilation, stoning, honor killing, self-censorship head-to-toe coverings, women stay at home unless man accompanies them, jihad, etc. etc. You get my drift? Even with extreme Christians you don't get most of that.


They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Mark 16:18

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee… And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee… Matthew 5:29-30

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Luke 6:27-31

For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. 1 Corinthians 11:6

If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Deuteronomy 13:6-10

If a man takes both a woman and her mother, it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire, so that no wickedness will be among you. If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal. Leviticus 20:14-15

So kill all the boys and all the women who have had intercourse with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18


Weird coinkydink how almost all the worst atrocities and massacres in the modern world are linked to people who practice Islam, though...


Not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are muslims statistically. They are just butthurt children who can't handle the fact that most rational people don't believe their shit so they blow stuff up.


Also an interesting coincidence, which many are saying was failed intelligence on the part of Israel: Looks to me exactly like what occurred in Israel early in the morning this past Saturday.


I am sick and tired of Muslims proclaiming the " peaceful " nature of Islam. Horsesh--.


And even in non violent ways they look to spread and conquer with the same goal in mind...
Democrats are way behind the ball, give everyone the benefit of the doubt, take big chances.
They have stopped playing the serious game that is the world.
Stock up on oil, fund the military


I believe this is true in America but watching the millions of Muslims in other countries now demonstrating - sometimes violently - in favor of Hamas despite the verified atrocities manifestly contradicts your premise.


I am a liberal, I have no love for Islam. I do not "worship satan".


Islam is on the left, libs are on the left, so yes, you worship satan whether you realize it or not.

Satan hides and masquerades behind thousands of deities, ideals, concepts, and philosophies.


How is Islam "on the left"?

Liberalism is actually not on the left. Some Liberals can be leftist, but it's not a requirement.

>Satan hides and masquerades behind thousands of deities, ideals, concepts, and philosophies.

Paranoid religious conspiracy nonsense


Yes, they are both on the left, regardless of your Europinion or falsified graphs.

"Paranoid religious conspiracy nonsense"

That is confirmation that you worship Satan without realizing it.


>Yes, they are both on the left, regardless of your Europinion or falsified graphs.

Based on what evidence? And even if Islam was somehow "on the left", why would that implicate me?

>That is confirmation that you worship Satan without realizing it.

Me disagreeing with you somehow is confirmation?


There is no such thing as Satan. He's just one of many fictional characters in a book of fairy tales called the Bible. Aren't you a little too old to believe in imaginary friends? Imagine living your life dictated by a book that was written by goat herders 2,000 years ago. Not only are you very stupid but you are weak and will believe in anything.


The Bible is real, the great flood is real. You can clearly see evidence all over the Earth, especially in the Sahara Desert on Google Maps.

Sure the stories are over-exaggerated like a game of 1st Grade Telephone, but they happened in some capacity.


>The Bible is real, the great flood is real. You can clearly see evidence all over the Earth, especially in the Sahara Desert on Google Maps.

No. The history of continental drift is well known:


You're so stupid because you think the Bible is a text book. Since you brought up the global flooding myth then explain this. How did Noah fit two breeding pairs of animals from all over the world into his ark? How did the animals from across the world get to the ark? Did they swim across the oceans? What about all the insects? Then how was Noah able to feed and water all these animals for forty days with most animals having very specialized diets? After the flood was over did Noah sail around the world putting the animals back where they belong? The global flood and Noah never happened.



Signed, million man.


The flood myth isn’t even original material dude. Are you familiar with the Epic of Gilgamesh? You might find it very illuminating.


"Satan" is not one character, it's many. The word just means "adversary", and you can find places in the bible where god himself is referred to as "Satan", such as when he orders David to count the Israeli fighters.


Islam is a right wing ideology. You are just calling them left wing because you don't like them. I don't like them either.


It is a Theocracy which falls under Statism.

Everything that falls under Statism and/or Collectivism is on "The Left."


No, that's your deceit. That is not remotely the universally accepted definition of "the left".

You don't get to just dictate how people define words.


blah, blah, blah. We have already been through this.

"The deceit" is in the falsified graph that they created for gullible leftists like you that refuse to accept the truth.


>blah, blah, blah. We have already been through this.

And you provided no credible evidence. Anyone can make a graph and put words on it.

>"The deceit" is in the falsified graph that they created for gullible leftists like you that refuse to accept the truth.

How is it "falsified"? You literally never ever explained this. You just say "no your graph bad my graph good". And that was the extent of your argument.


"Anyone can make a graph and put words on it."

That is precisely what "the left" did to convince the gullible leftists.


>That is precisely what "the left" did to convince the gullible leftists.

The political grid you're referring to is an accepted standard for political identification. There's no reason whatsoever you believe your own definition is anymore "accurate", nor accepted. You've just claimed that it is.

How is the political spectrum "falsified"? You literally never ever explained this. You just say "no your graph bad my graph good". And that was the extent of your argument.


I have explained it on several occasions but you are too obtuse to comprehend and too brainwashed to accept the truth.


No, you have not. You've just made assertions without evidence.

That far-right blogs exist that propose an alternative political spectrum doesn't mean they are right. And that's all you have. Niche far-right conspiracy theorist sources that no-one outside of people like you take seriously. The political spectrum, the general grid has widespread acceptance from all corners of the internet. Go to any political community and you will find people broadly identifying concepts in those terms.


You don't care about evidence unless it fits your leftist narrative. You have proven that many times.

There is no "proposing anything", it is a fact, everything that falls under statism and collectivism is on the left regardless of the fake and falsified information that you call "credible evidence", lol.


>You don't care about evidence unless it fits your leftist narrative. You have proven that many times.

You don't care about evidence unless it fits your far-right conspiracy narrative. You have proven that many times.

See? I can play this game too. You post ass sources that are literally just opinion pieces.

>There is no "proposing anything", it is a fact

You have provided no evidence of this. The opinion of far-right bloggers does not constitute a "fact".

> it is a fact, everything that falls under statism and collectivism is on the left regardless of the fake and falsified information that you call "credible evidence", lol.

There is no reason whatsoever to believe this.


"Individual liberty" is on the right side only. Statism and Collectivism are on the left.

Provide me with a simple definition of Statism and Collectivism.


>"Individual liberty" is on the right side only. Statism and Collectivism are on the left.

That's according to your specific graph as purely retweeted by far-right bloggers. There's no reason for me to take that graph seriously.

>Provide me with a simple definition of Statism and Collectivism.

Statism: a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

Collectivism: the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it.

Either can be 'right-wing' or 'left-wing'.


lmao, wrong, both are only on the left, it is impossible for them to be on the same side as individual liberty.

Oh, by the way, you conveniently left out the rest of the definition for Statism so I will provide it from dictionary:

1.) The principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.

From the last part of your Collectivism definition: "individual in it" = the opposite of statism/collectivism.


>lmao, wrong, both are only on the left, it is impossible for them to be on the same side as individual liberty.

Again, this is your position - not mine. I'm not bound by your weird interpretation of the political compass. I do not hold to your interpretation of it. Most people do not.

1.) The principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.

No, that's an entire different definition you found. Again, you're projecting your own worldview onto me. I do not regard "liberty" as an inherently right-wing concept. I am not bound by your presuppositions.

You are assuming your definition and then projecting it onto me. I understand what statism means, I understand what collectivism means. I simply reject your interpretation of the political compass. Right-wing does not inherently mean individualism, and left-wing does not inherently mean collectivism.

>From the last part of your Collectivism definition: "individual in it" = the opposite of statism/collectivism.

...okay? So?


Facts are facts. You are too obtuse and gullible to comprehend the difference between "Statism/Collectivism" vs "Individual Liberty" and that they are polar opposites.


>Facts are facts.

And you have been unable to demonstrate any facts. You've just made assertions.

>You are too obtuse and gullible to comprehend the difference between "Statism/Collectivism" vs "Individual Liberty" and that they are polar opposites.

I never said they weren't opposites of each other. What I said was that it is not a stand-in for the left-right dichotomy. That is your deceit.


”I never said they weren't opposites of each other. What I said was that it is not a stand-in for the left-right dichotomy. That is your deceit.”

So you admit that they are on opposite sides but conveniently refuse to accept them as part of the L/R-spectrum, lol…you are deceiving yourself.


>So you admit that they are on opposite sides but conveniently refuse to accept them as part of the L/R-spectrum, lol…you are deceiving yourself.

The left-right system doesn't refer to collectivism vs. individual liberty. That is your deceit. There are authoritarian right-wing movements and authoritarian left-wing movements. This is widely accepted.


Only by and for the leftists that are brainwashed and gullible enough to believe that lie.


You have provided no evidence for this claim. Nor how an opinion on how to organised categories of information constitute a "lie".

You live in your own little conspiracy dream world. Random far-right hack bloggers do not define the majority of the world.


You keep repeating the same lie and you continue to provide more falsified/incorrect scriptures which will not change the facts.

Your own country has no "right side" and you have never been on the right, so everything you know and parody are lies about it.


>You keep repeating the same lie and you continue to provide more falsified/incorrect scriptures which will not change the facts.

What makes the sources I provided "falsified" or "incorrect"? All you do is just keep repeating yourself. Your own sources (that you've not even provided here) are literal horeshit from partisan far-right conspiracy psychopaths like yourself.

>Your own country has no "right side" and you have never been on the right, so everything you know and parody are lies about it.

We are literally governed by the Conservatives. Are you going to claim, looking back, that Margaret Thatcher was a left-winger?


lol, Fake conservatives and a monarchy which is on the left.


How are they fake conservatives? You think Margaret Thatcher is a "fake conservative"?

And there is no evidence whatsoever that monarchies are a left-wing phenomenon. You just asserting it is not evidence. You really are a delusional conspiracy theorist.


I'm still waiting for your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. Your stupidity is astounding.


It's only under the stupid American definition, which is wrong, that statism is left wing and freedom from the state is conservative.


Other countries definition is irrelevant.

Oh btw, liberalism is a “state religion”, which means you worship the state in whatever country you are in.

So much for your atheism.

Statism is the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.

The state in essence takes the place of God being the provider and manager of all human needs. The state is literally seen as God walking on the earth.


>Oh btw, liberalism is a “state religion”, which means you worship the state in whatever country you are in.

Liberalism does not refer to a "state religion", and even if it did, it would not preclude atheism.


Yes, liberalism is a religion which you are a member of and you worship the state/monarchy.


No, it is not. You have provided no evidence for your delusional conspiracy theory, as usual.

I do not worship the state, nor the monarchy. Nor is a monarchy even a form of liberalism.


When you decide to do some unbiased research for the truth, you will find it and would not require others to provide it.

The fact that you continue to ask for it is confirmation that you prefer the lie instead of the truth.

You are in absolute denial.


>When you decide to do some unbiased research for the truth, you will find it and would not require others to provide it.

What "truth"? You talk like a religious fanatic here.

>The fact that you continue to ask for it is confirmation that you prefer the lie instead of the truth.

What "lie"? I asked you multiple questions related to claims you've made.

And as I have said: I do not worship the state, nor the monarchy. Nor is a monarchy even a form of liberalism.


You seem to believe that it is impossible to be an atheist and not worship the state. I don't worship the state. This attitude is why I hate religion.

FYI, if I lived in America, I would vote Republican. Mind blowing I know. Can your little brain even comprehend this.


Atheism is just the absence of worshiping traditional religions like Christianity; while at the same time, atheism is worshiping "anything else" including ideologies, philosophies, science, the government, etc.

So yes, you worship your government as a liberal.

"I would vote Republican."

We already have enough RINOs.


If Donald Trump came out as an atheist would you still like him, assuming you do already?


Atheism is the lack of a belief in a supernatural deity. That. Is. It.


Anything can be considered a deity.


That's not the context in which "god" is used in reference to atheism.


I never once came out as a liberal. Unless you think all atheists are liberals in which case you're wrong.


”I never once came out as a liberal.”

You didn’t have to; your posts/replies made it evident enough, besides, titles and labels are meaningless when actions prove otherwise. Anyone can identify as anything.


Islam is only "Right-wing" because "The Left" has gone full-commie, and is no longer aligned with freedom, individuality, or Religion.

Islam IS a collectivist religion, and political system in one package.


Are you familiar with science? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Yes, but not everyone worships at the alter of Scientism.


Nonetheless, science happened, and it turns out the sun doesn't revolve around the earth, we live in a vast universe with countless galaxies beyond our own, and silly God and Satan don't seem to figure in anywhere. I'm sure the big news will sink in any decade now...


I do not "worship satan".

The thing is, you probably don't believe Satan exists, so you don't even realize that you are worshipping Satan simply by being a Liberal and supporting all the Satanic things that Liberals support.


No, I don't believe 'satan' exists anymore than I believe in fairies or dragons.

What "satanic things" do I support?


If you are like most Liberals, probably abortion, recreational drug abuse, lenience toward crime, promiscuity, anti-Christianity, sexual depravity, etc. etc. The usual stuff Liberals get off on.


So "anything I don't like is satanic"

It's laughable dude. Why would you expect me to take being accused of being "satanic" seriously? You just sound comparable to a fanatical Islamist.


These are all things that are traditionally considered Satanic. It's nothing to do with "what I like". If you support things that are considered Satanic, then if follows that you are serving Satan.

Note that my concept of "Satan" is simply a force for evil, not some red guy with horns.

I am not religious myself, but I recognize that the things Liberals support are contrary to civilization and order and cause all the social ills our society is falling victim to for the past half century.

Therefore, if you support them, you are contributing to the cause of evil, AKA "worshipping Satan".


>These are all things that are traditionally considered Satanic. It's nothing to do with "what I like". If you support things that are considered Satanic, then if follows that you are serving Satan.

>Note that my concept of "Satan" is simply a force for evil, not some red guy with horns.

I mean, this is just [citation needed] really. They've historically, to varying degrees been *taboo*. You must be a pretty prudish person if you object to all of those things, and yet yourself are not Christian.

>I am not religious myself, but I recognize that the things Liberals support are contrary to civilization and order and cause all the social ills our society is falling victim to for the past half century.

There's just no reason to believe this. Europe is by far less religious, at least Western and Northern Europe and this isn't causing any problems.


Look at each of the things I listed: abortion, recreational drug abuse, lenience toward crime, promiscuity, anti-Christianity, sexual depravity.

Tell me how any of these contribute to a stable, functioning society? They are not just "taboos". They are considered evil because they are harmful and lead to chaotic, dysfunctional societies.


>Look at each of the things I listed: abortion, recreational drug abuse, lenience toward crime, promiscuity, anti-Christianity, sexual depravity.

What about them. Especially the notion of promiscuity (depending on what you mean here), and "anti-Christianity" (lol) and you haven't specified what you mean by "sexual depravity".

And many European countries have much more liberal laws regarding drugs and have less issues than the USA. Abortion is also a non-issue in much of Europe.

>Tell me how any of these contribute to a stable, functioning society? They are not just "taboos". They are considered evil because they are harmful and lead to chaotic, dysfunctional societies.

No reason to believe this. I repeat: Europe is by far less religious, at least Western and Northern Europe and this isn't causing any problems.


What crap. Any thoughtful progressive is resolutely against the extreme oppression of women in Muslim culture. Your simplification is laughable.


That's the first time i've ever seen "thoughtful" and "progressive" in the same sentence. but no, although you reject common sense, it's actually true and very accurate.

We see liberals lose their mind if a bakery doesn't serve a gay couple, yet can't really remember them speaking out when gays are thrown from buildings in the muslim world.

We have hundreds of women in the capital walking, protesting against "slut shaming" yet say less than charlie chaplin when the morality police are beating women around in iran.

if you're going to deny this reality then either you haven't been paying attention or you're a liar.


It's the same with "climate change". It's only the fault of Western nations, while Asian countries are guilty of far, far worse environmental offenses.


Not much outrage from the liberals at all. If Trump was President, the whining would be off the charts.


...and there would be more lib-riots.


All those riots including the Jan. 6 insurrection happened under Trump's watch. There haven't been riots after Biden beat Trump.


1 Protest incited by Feds/Antifa vs 275+(Leftist riots by Antifa/BLM).


You keep repeating that but you haven't proved your claims. It's a simple request but every time I ask you for evidence you run away like the little pussy you are.


It all happened.


Okay... Where's the proof?


You mean a protest against a hijacked election? Dems would have done way worse. Trump had to build a wall around the White House to keep his family safe.


Did you notice that all riots and protests stopped in Jan 2021? Seems odd to me.


Trump isn't president but you're right, Trump's whining is off the charts.


Israel bomb kills 60 babies, 100 children...

Western Conservative Men: "THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO SCORCH EARTH!! Also thoughts and prayers but continue on plz"


The Libs/(D)s killed 63+ million.


It's too bad you weren't aborted.


Like the Hamas did over the weekend?


You sound like a lovely person!


Why do you care? You don't know me. But I do know you are stupid and gullible because you support Trump. Good luck with that.


Never said I support Trump. But the fact that you assumed I did proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you're stupid and incapable of generating an original thought.

Go ahead and respond with another stupid, pre-approved comment. I consider this exchange concluded.


Cry more, Cupcake.


Not the time for useless stupid post.


No, it's very relevant.


This is a pointless post.


We have to be wary of fake news in the Fog of War. Similar stories were circulated in WW1 about the Germans raping nuns and bayonetting babies, both of which were untrue.

I haven't seen any concrete articles about this but I wouldn't put it past these barbaric savages though..


This is the Telegram of Southern Israeli First Responders. Just scroll around on there and you will have more proof than you wanted to see.


Not one single headless baby in sight. One alleged burned child. You can't even tell for sure.


Sorry you didn't get your jollies. Keep checking back.


Right?! I came for HEADLESS... BABIES!! What a letdown. Maybe if I look up "Syria moderate rebels"...


They have confirmed at least 1600 dead in Israel, but somehow you find it difficult to believe that they killed 40 babies in that amount?!


The claim of 40 babies dead through reckless violence is way more believable than saying they purposely went around decapitating them. Also, we might have to clarify what a "baby" is. Do 12-year-olds count? 7-year-olds? Regardless, if they had evidence, I believe they would show it. Case in point, the above image. That's a dead baby. I'm willing to say Hamas killed them, and it's shameful. It's still not 40 babies with heads cut off.


There are photos, theres evidence... if someone wants to believe it or not depends on their political bias, just like conspiracy theories...

the democrat believes the election was stole by russian bots in 2016

the republican believes it was stolen in 2020

both are fine with their theories because it backs up their ideology. yet calls the other a loon.

Which is understandable at times, but facts are facts., and i'm sure within the coming days we'll hear how the colombine parents are in israel being crisis actors playing the roles of the dead babies parents...


I can post dozens of videos of Palestinian children with their brains spilling out, all you can do is lie like a fucking coward. Believing bullshit definitely shows a bias.


did the reptilians or the lizard people send you them?


What a waste of time.


The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post can now confirm based on verified photos of the bodies that the reports of babies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas's assault on Kfar Aza are correct.

May their memory be a blessing.


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The Keeliar in Chief. lol


I fulfilled the request. Kee should be happy.
