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Jan. 6 rioter who was a Princeton sophomore is sentenced to prison for role in attack

A then-Princeton University student who yelled "drag them out" while he joined rioters trying to storm the U.S. Capitol was sentenced to two months in federal prison Wednesday, according to court records.

Larry Giberson pleaded guilty to a felony over the summer, admitting that he obstructed, impeded or interfered with law enforcement officers in the lawful performance of their official duties. Giberson was a sophomore during the Jan. 6 attack, when he "participated in coordinated pushing and pulling against the police," according to a government sentencing memo, which said that at one point he even chanted “drag them out!” as rioters assaulted officers.

It warms my heart every time these traitors are sent to prison. Imagine ruining your life because you worship Trump who doesn't even know you exist.


He’ll probably be expelled too if he hasn’t been already.

That’s a hell of a future to sacrifice for anything or anyone.


He graduated by the time the case went to trial.


You literally made a federal case, over "pushing and pulling" and "chanting"...

Yeah, every day, you lefties make this less and less of a free country.


The whole quote I posted is,

Giberson was a sophomore during the Jan. 6 attack, when he "participated in coordinated pushing and pulling against the police," according to a government sentencing memo, which said that at one point he even chanted “drag them out!” as rioters assaulted officers."

What part of a peaceful protest is that from?

Yeah, every day, you righties make this less and less of a free country.


Note you had to lie about what I said. That is your brain dealing with the fact that it knows that I am right and you are wrong.


That wasnt the lefties , that was the law enforcement agencies upholding the law and prosecuting criminals.

"The lefties " dont get to make up the laws or get a say in who is and isnt charged.


It is you lefties who decided to make a federal case over this... "pushing and shoving", while ignoring say...

the two month siege of the federal court house in Portland, as though that was...just normal.

And I guess it is, now. If lefteis don't get their way, they rise up and become "ungovernable" and wage war against the government. If it is not a government they like.


I had to google the Portland thing , is this it?

It seems unrelated to me those protesters could be 100% Trump supporters for all we know as the thing they are protesting about is not related to a left or right viewpoint.

"they rise up and become "ungovernable" and wage war against the government."
sounds like jan6th to me.


LOL!!! Sure. The portland riots during the trump years, were right wing... lol.

DUDE. What you did there was reveal that you are a joke.

AND that you have no rebuttal to my point.


I dont see how people objecting to
Journalist Suzette Smith, a former Portland Mercury editor, reported the demonstration was a continuation of protest efforts from earlier in the day, when a group gathered in opposition to the replacement and expansion of an oil pipeline that would go from the Canadian province of Alberta to Superior, Wisconsin.

Protesters say the new corridor would harm watersheds, wild rice lands and Anishinaabe treaty territories. They argue corporations should clean up an existing, old pipeline.

...have to be left wing.
Do you have to give up any interest in preserving the environment when you join the Trump party?

To make it clearer,
Those protests were not organized or sanctioned by or for the benefit of the Democrat party,
in contrast the purpose of the Jan 6th "protest" was for no other reason than to benefit the Republican party directly by illegally keeping them in power.


You can't imagine why a two month siege of a Federal Courthouse with constant repeated assaults on police and firebombings of the federal building, would be a problem for anyone?

Well. I can see that it is not a problem for you.

My point stands. Lefties literally make a federal case out of "pushing and shoving", when the rioter is a right leaning person,

but a two month siege of a federal courthouse by lefty rioters, and it is forgotten, like footprints in hte sands of time.


"would be a problem for anyone?"
'course its a fucking problem , those rioters should be in prison.

What I object to is that you lot seem to continually quote that such activity , is planned and organized by the democrat party.
Its nothing to do with democrats .
Those are just some angry people with a point to make, some may coincidentally be democrats , most of em probly dont vote ,BUT like I said they could just as easily be republicans.

Jan 6th was exclusively political agenda ,carried out exclusively and only by MAGAs for the sole benefit of keeping Trump in power illegally

surely you can see the difference here?


1. Dude. All the riots of the trump years, EXCEPT 1/6, where lefty riots.

2. I said nothing about being "organized" by DEMS, but they were organized by someone. And strangely no one in government seems to ahve any interest in finding out who organized the 400 LEFTIES riots of those years, but are sooooooooooooo concerned with finding and utterly destroying EVERYONE at all connected with the ONE right leaning riot.

That is my point. Would you like to address that, or pretend to misunderstand some more? Or just talk more shit about how ANTIFA might be republican, LOL!!!!


Well , I guess invading the capital and trying to overthrow the government "Trumps" smashing a few shops up downtown.


They firedbombed a courthouse, over and over again.

The way you just lied about it, why did you lie?

If you believed in what you are saying, you wouldn't be lyign about what actually happened in all those lefty riots.

The fact that you lied, shows that inside your own head, you know that my point, ie that the focus on 1/6, while ignoring the lefty riots, is OPPRESSION AND TRYANNY,

is correct.

Because otherwise, you would try to make your case, BY TELLING THE TRUTH, as you see it.

Instead, you LIE. Because you know that the truth won't work for you.

You AGREE with me, that what is happening is wrong, but you support it anyways, because you are a bad person.


the worst offences i can see in that article are
"Dozens of demonstrators assembled near the courthouse Thursday night, and some of them broke glass at the federal building and lit fires, according to reports from the scene."

I'm thinking they were fires to to keep warm , not molotvos.
If you've got other evidence post it

and again
attacking a court house in Oregon in protest , thats one thing
attacking the capitol building in an attempt to take over the country is a whole different league


You think? You THINK?

What is it, when they try to trap fed employees in a building as htey try to set in on fire? What is that? Is that serious?

"The attack on the Hatfield Federal Courthouse began after 10 p.m. local time after more than 1,000 people gathered downtown. Some became violent. The attackers blocked the entrances to the courthouse, preventing the special DHS forces inside from easily getting out. Some federal officers escaped and tried to repel those vandalizing the outside of the courthouse but were beamed in the eye by lasers, which can cause temporary and long-term blindness.

Other rioters then installed wooden boards on the outside of the courthouse entrance to prevent the rest of the DHS officials from leaving, while others tried to break down the doors. DHS officials on the scene said a shopping cart full of bricks and baseball bats were left in front of the building. Federal police indoors who were trying to peak outside were struck with lasers, preventing them from seeing what was going on outside.

“Around midnight rioters attempted to set the courthouse on fire, as they have done numerous times before,” the official stated. “They also threw smoke bombs into the flames causing the interior of the courthouse to fill with smoke. In response, a team of federal officers was forced to leave the building, taking one individual into custody. When they did, a rioter threw a bag filled with hard objects at officers.”

Rioters torched trash bags outside the courthouse and hurled two Molotov cocktails at the building. Others then barricaded the courthouse again using nearby fencing and roadblocks in front of the door while shooting commercial-grade fireworks at the building."


So what? None of that changes anything as to what happened on Jan. 6. Nice try at whataboutism, Gomer.


Ray Epps thanks you for your support.


Who cares? Epps is just one of hundreds of Trump supporters who have gone to prison for treason for the Jan. 6 insurrection.


It demonlishes the pretense that the lefty concern is the severity of the crimes instead of just using government force to hurt people you hate.

You are tyrants. This is oppression.


"an attempt to take over the country"

The country was overthrown on Nov 3rd 2020.


"trying to overthrow the government"

The Dems/DS overthrew it on Nov the 3rd.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does? You keep making claims here but you never back them up. Why is that?


It's a well-known fact that tRump supporters were part of the "riots" in Portland.


Would like to hear Corbell's thoughts on this.


From your link.

"Cody Levi Melby, 39, reportedly climbed over the temporary security fence erected this summer to keep racial justice protesters outside the federal courthouse "

"protestors" who firebombed a federal building over and overa again... lol.

THe point here is that even your article admitted that the mob attacking the building was a LEFTY political group.

One guy, doing his own thing, does not change that.

That you are trying to pretend it does, is you... just trying to deny reality, because REALITY doesn't fit your internal ideological view.


One person where no one got hurt? lol

Now show me the one with hundreds of the leftist Antifa/BLM rioters currently serving years for felony charges. Not temporarily jailed, Not facing charges...sentenced/convicted for years and currently serving time.


The GASLIGHTING about Jan 6th is not working.


The truth isn't gaslighting.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


You cannot break into a federal building, use force against police and then scream about finding them and dragging them out.

you are acting like these are all new concepts to you. where in the constitution is insurrection a protected right?


where in the constitution is insurrection a protected right?

Where in the constitution is it a protected right for dozens of federal agents and antifa rioters to dress up as Trump supporters to incite one?


you havent demonstrated they orchestrated anything. why is it everyone caught and on camera is all yur republican buddies?. i remember when it happened you all screamed it was antifa. then your story became "well it was republicans but it wasnt actually that bad". you cannot keep your story straight!


- You obviously missed the Tucker footage from earlier this year.
- You obviously missed the interview with the capitol police captain.
- You obviously missed the oversight committees where they admitted to having so many agents embedded in the J6 crowd that they couldn’t keep count.


I missed all that. Could you please post links to a reliable news source that backs up your claims here?


sources?? where most or even the main instagators were fbi and antifa?


You obviously missed all those because you willfully chose to.


no sources? then i dismiss what you say! you have no proof.


You had it but you willfully ignored, rejected, and dismissed it, thanks for confirming it, lol.


i dont have nor need anything. You have to give me sources. you dont know how arguments work little child? thanks for confirming it, lol.


Give you sources?, lol, Only little children require spoon feeding.


You're so stupid that you don't know how stupid you are. Many users here have asked you numerous times to provide evidence of your claims yet you have nothing. You know damn well if you had even a tiny bit of proof of your insipid claims you would be posting it to prove that everyone except for you and Trump are liars.


its not called spoon feeding its called how argumentation works. it is not my responsibility that you do knot know this. maybe your parents didnt make sure you got a decent education i do not know.


Unless you are another sock pretending to be ignorant, it is a fact that leftists/libs don’t give a shit about facts, sources, and the truth.

The three points I mentioned above has already been acknowledged.

Only imbecilic trolls insist on what is already well known and proven.


you seem to not have the mental fortitude to understand argumentation. you give evidence, its not on me to find it for you.

i wouldnt call people imbecilic when you dont even know that :) little child. i like you. you are an easy punching bag


You seem confused, I didn't ask you to find anything for me, whether you want to refute or confirm, it is up to you to do your own research, not for me to spoon-feed a little child.

Almost everything you have stated about arguments, proof, evidence, etc has been mentioned many times by numerous other leftists on this forum.


i dont need to refute anything punching bag you have yet to provide a shred of evidence. i do not need to do research. im waiting on you little child.

so still not giving me evidnece? i will take that as your concession you cannot support your claims. everything you said is dismissed :) you have no proof of January 6th interference.

did you know trump and all his inner circles are pedos with a child sex ring? i wont provide evidence. just "trust me bro"


So you don't need to refute it and yet you continue begging for evidence, lol.


yes that is how it works . robocat already explained it to you do you need a second education lesson droolchin?

when you say something happened you provide evidence. its not my job to look for evidence or refute something you have not proven.


You are still regurgitating the same begging points that many other lefties have.

You are neither the first, the only, or the last..........try something new.


Your stupidity and gullibility continues to grow, Goober.


yes the "same points" about basic argumentation.this isnt a left wing thing. its a learn the basics thing.

you are dismissed :)


So just post your evidence. Are you really so fucking stupid that you believe in everything you claim but you never provide proof?


he's too scared too it would seem.


he's too scared too it would seem.


2 Months... lol.

This shit is fucking comical.....joke of an Administration.

Trump should pardon all of them.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


He should have hired a bunch of hookers and invited the judge to the party.

"Princeton needs more men like Joel."
