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Who do people think they are affecting when they protest?

What is the purpose of protesting?


When did you drop out of school because the First Amendment is something you should have learned about by middle school. The reason why people protest doesn't matter. The Constitution is much more than just the Second Amendment. You should read it sometime.


Basically all they can really do is make city/town leaders look like idiots when they can't control the unrest.

Protesting is a natural response top raise awareness of something.

Protesting is most effective when you have general public support.

Protesting fails when you lose, or do not have general public support.

Continuing protesting without public support makes people hate you.


"Protesting is most effective when you have general public support."

That's a bizarre comment. If most people already supported the issue, then there would be no reason for the protests.

Protests usually happen to draw attention to an issue that's being ignored or to get those in power to change it.

A small protest can gain momentum eventually forcing change through public pressure.

The best movements happen with a combination of activity including protests, economic boycotts, letter writing to legislators and politicians, legal challenges and lawsuits, awareness, social pressure through public/global condemnation, pubkic relations to control narrative, etc..

Protests can often be successful like the Civil Rights Movement, Women Suffrage, anti-war (Vietnam) movement, Women's Lib, Migrant Farmers movement in 70s, Ghandi independence for India, etc..

Israel already lost. I wrote that back in October and predicted a growing movement including within the American Jewish community against maltreatment of Palestinians. 21st century folks don't like oppression.


If most people already supported the issue, then there would be no reason for the protests.

Talk about a bizarre statement. Even if 100% of the people supported an issue, it wouldn't matter if their rulers were unconvinced, for example, the Solidarity protests of Poland. You have this Pollyannistic view of government, whereby the ruling class is always attuned and responsive to public wishes, even if results in a loss of power and influence.

The best movements happen with a combination of activity including protests, economic boycotts, letter writing to legislators and politicians, legal challenges and lawsuits, awareness, social pressure through public/global condemnation, pubkic relations to control narrative, etc..

Under very limited circumstances, but again you presume a responsible ruling class that is willing to abandon its existing morality, and that's far rarer than you assume. If you were in China in 1989, Czechoslovakia in 1968, Hungary in 1956, or so many other cases, the above methods would have got you gaoled or killed.


I am talking specifically about a democracy - not your tyrannies.

Dictators don't need to answer to the people which is the reason a dictatorship is the worse form of government.


What if the people are content with the dictator and everyone agrees on how best to run society?

On the other hand, what if your sacred democracy is actually an oligarchy with a permanent ruling class that despises the bulk of its people?


Historically, dictators tend to eventually ignore the will and needs of the people which is how they end up deposed. Most dictatorships don't end well for the people or their ruler.

Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Germany are true democracies. Thanks to the Republican party, the U.S. is a flawed democracy.


Canada, the country that freezes the bank accounts of citizens who dissent from its Prime Minister's opinions. New Zealand, the country recently led by a woman who told the entire country, "Dismiss anything else, we will continue to be your single source of truth!". Germany, where the ruling elite villify, suppress, and attempt to deplatform a popular opposition party.

Embrace the democracy!


You're a miserable whiny person, aren't you?


It's the fault if the Republican Party that the United States is a republic and not a "true democracy?"

You're that village idiot Aristotle was talking about. It's like someone handed a keyboard to a retarded chimp with half a brain hemisphere removed and ordered it to start commenting on politics on the Internet.

Seriously, how can you be both stupid and shameless enough to post nonsensical shit like this?


Republic = not monarchy

China, North Korea and Cuba are republics, too. Look at their full country names.

The U.S. is a democracy.


Wrong, the U.S. is a Constitutional Republic.

Don't conflate "immigration statements" with the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Protesting particularly fails if the news completely ignores you in favor of someone protesting over some subject the Left supports. People protested Obama's shitty policies for his entire two terms in front of the White House, and yet nobody in America heard a word about it because the media didn't want to show how many regular Americans hated the Left's Black Messiah. People protesting abortion have gotten the same treatment: completely ignored by the media in favor of pro-abortionists.

Remember that stupid mass protest of women in those childish pink cat hats? The day after or before (can't remember) there was also a massive group of people who did the March for Life in the same part of Washington, and yet most people didn't hear a word about it because the lamestream media was nowhere to be found.

It's not much different in Europe. The day after the mass protest of Trump visiting London years ago, (complete with that stupid balloon), an equally large group of British came through the same streets, supporting Trump and floating a Mayor Khan Baby balloon over the event. But the British media never said a word about it. Only the British branch of Breitbart reported on it.

It's worse in totalitarian countries, because protesters get shot and/or imprisoned when they try to raise awareness. Doesn't even matter if they're unarmed, the govt. will silence them with bullets at a moment's notice.


I definitely, almost sickeningly, remember all those "March for Life" protests held every January in DC, until they got their wish. They were pretty heavily publicized, on all the mainstream media, even in the days before the event. If you think "most people didn't hear a word about it," you were definitely out of touch with the zeitgeist (or perhaps you are lying in your zeal to make out the media as the bogeyman--the first step toward acceptance of totalitarianism.)


The mass protest by women was extremely successful. It convinced women that they needed to be in charge of their own destiny so they began recruiting women to run for office. A record number of women did run for office during the next election cycle and won!

The Yellow Vest mass demonstrations in France successfully changed several economic and governmental policies in the marchers' favor.

There were also the Arab Spring protests which toppled a few governments or politicians.

Marches do work, but I believe they need to be supported with a combination of methods like lawsuits, general strikes and economic boycotts for the best outcome.


Well making people aware of what's going on is one thing.


Protesting in the street is a means of controlling stupid people. Also means giving retards the illusion that if theyre unhappy with something, things are going to change(100% false).

The true purpose of protesting(of people financing and encouraging protests) is generating violence that will degenerate( at the expense of the retards that protest, of course) so people encouraging/sabotaging protests will profit from legislative changes.

Even if the protest is 100% successful(leads to a change) the retards that went in the street will never ever profit from it; others do.

Of course, there other forms of protest which are effective, like general strikes, financial protests, but those are hard to organize and are subject to scabs.

Tldr: you are all peasants. Go to work and contribute.


Society drastically changed during the 1950-1970s multiple social and counterculture movements including sex, gay, civil rights, women, hippie, drug, etc.. And the protestors, like women, did benefit from it.

If you lived through it, it was one hell of a ride. 🥳 ✌ 🌼


Virtue signaling. They grow up and discover that (Jewish) money don't stink.


Protest all you want but when it affects everyday people and their ability to make a living or blocks roads for emergency services in a life or death situation you lose all credibility and you can go fuck yourself. You are not a protestor you're a domestic terrorist.


Jan. 6th


That was organized and executed by plants within the FBI and other government organizations to usher in the Authoritarian Biden Regime which has hunted down people for being political dissenters. If Trump is reelected he must pardon and free all non violent political prisoners immediately. To that I say the Riots of 2020 went largely unpunished by our political leaders and was encouraged by them and the media. Camel Toe Harris helped set up bail out funds for those rioters and she should be charged with treason.


Keelai didn't bother to address anything you said there about stopping people from working or receiving emergency services and threw out one of his catch phrases instead. You're putting way too much effort into responding to that moron.


