MovieChat Forums > Politics > Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms...

Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

This is virtue signaling on a massive, government-run scale!


It's like all the Pride flags that fly in every classroom now. It should all be illegal.


If you cons couldn't make up stuff you'd have nothing to complain about.


You think it's made up?


The irony that the degenerate alphabet cult stole God's rainbow.

They take everything and invert it/defile it for their distorted and twisted agendas.


This is what the Wokes do, they invert everything. They subvert everything. Their goal is to undermine all social and cultural norms.
It's their modus operandi.


No I think you're stupid.


Oh, do you now?
Well, I've read some of your dim-witted comments and I assure you that you're not in a position to be calling anyone else stupid.
A pedestrian intellect at best. And that's me being generous.


He never has anything of substance to say...just insults.


Unfortunately they're not even clever or funny insults. So he is not only a half-wit but a useless half-wit.


And what is that you just wrote? The pot, etc.?


Pointing out the lack of substance in your posts is not an insult. It's observable reality.


No one is coming here for 'substance," lol! I just come here to piss off tRumpers.


I'd say you'd need to try harder but it won't do you any good.


I'm surprised someone with no intellect can even recognize someone so far above him as to have a pedestrian one. How do you like being doomed to being walked on your whole life?


LOL. I think you've embarrassed yourself enough for one night.
Take the L and run along fool.


They don't take Ls, they double down.


A common trait of ideologues who are both dumb and self-righteous. They're insufferable.


"Take the L and run along fool."
Only an internet-addicted boor would write such a thing.


Oh you're still here? That's unfortunate.
Another swing and a miss. :(
You're just not very good at this.


So how come I still get your goat? If I'm so "insufferable," why do you let me hang around on your comment board? There is a remedy for that, unless you just like to complain.


I like to complain.


No I think you're stupid.


Nah, leave the ten commandments and just get rid of that degenerate pride shit.


If we have to choose one then I agree.


On what basis is it acceptable to put the ten commandments up?

Incidentally I do agree that pride paraphenelia should not be plastered over school walls, but also that the ten commandments has no fucking place there either.


Pride is a sin. So we agree it has no place in the schools.


I said that pride paraphenelia shouldn't be adorned. I didn't say that kids should not get some level of LGBT information at some point, mo more than they shouldn't get education on christianity.

But again: On what basis is it acceptable to put the ten commandments up?


Because they work. The only fault I can find in them is the creator left out the 11th because he thought it was obvious and didn't need to be carved in stone by a lightning bolt.


>Because they work.

The first four of the commandments are nothing to do with anything other than not upsetting the dear leader. All moral messages that are in the 10 commandments can be reasoned to and understood quite easily without appealing to them.

What's the 11th left out?


No assfucking.


My first part, please: The first four of the commandments are nothing to do with anything other than not upsetting the dear leader. All moral messages that are in the 10 commandments can be reasoned to and understood quite easily without appealing to them.

What makes them so special here?

>No assfucking.

Why does this matter at all what consenting adults do in their private time? What does this have to do with ethics or morality?


I like the first four commandments. Keeping the sabbath is difficult because of the busy nature of the world and inflation. It's not a bad habit even if one isn't religious to keep a day for self reflection, rest, and admitting sins.

"Why does this matter at all what consenting adults do in their private time? What does this have to do with ethics or morality?"
Just because you like it doesn't make it less gross.


>I like the first four commandments. Keeping the sabbath is difficult because of the busy nature of the world and inflation. It's not a bad habit even if one isn't religious to keep a day for self reflection, rest, and admitting sins.

People can choose any day to relax. It's got nothing to do with morality. The concept of 'sin' is a fundamentally christian concept. It means fucking nothing to me. Also the 'idols' command is stupid, the 'no other gods before me' rests upon the presupposition that christianity is true, and even that god if he does exist is worthy of praise. Who gives a fuck if someone takes his name in vain?

>Just because you like it doesn't make it less gross.

Lots of things are gross. It doesn't harm you, or me. It has nothing to do with morality or ethics.


You live your life by those commandments, do you not?


Did you read any of my responses? I don't give a fuck about "using the lord's name in vain", or keeping the sabbath. Not sure what it means by "not make idols", but I suspect I inadvertently violate that. Don't care. I also don't believe in a god, so #1 is out.

I don't murder or commit adultery or steal or lie, but thanks very much, I don't need the 10 commandments for those. I don't see anything wrong inherently with coveting, and honouring one's parents depends on the parents.


I don't murder or commit adultery or steal or lie

So yes, you do. Thanks.

I don't need the 10 commandments for those.

Actually you do. The reason God flooded the world was because people didn't have these virtues. You follow Christian values whether you like it or not.

Did you read any of my responses?

I generally do not read your posts, because there's no point. Be a less annoying poster and use your brain more.


There is no such thing as God, Goober. He is just one of many fictional characters in a book of fairy tales called the Bible. Aren't you a little too old to believe in imaginary friends? Your stupidity and gullibility continues.


There is no such thing as God

You don't, and never will know that for sure until you die...which will be a lot sooner than me.

Aren't you a little too old to believe in imaginary friends?

Ok, Boomer. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Christ is King...always and forever.


>You don't, and never will know that for sure until you die...which will be a lot sooner than me.

It's possible that people won't know if when they die if indeed there is no god, and no consciousness.

>Christ is King...always and forever.

Weird personality cult mentality.


"which will be a lot sooner than me."

Not necessarily. That kind of surety might prompt a "hold my beer" response from said potential god .


"The reason God flooded the world "

I was wondering if religious people were still going with that one , or trying to brush it under the carpet or interpret it a different way or something.


I'm not religious.

But the world was flooded, and it needed to happen. Hopefully it happens again...really fucking soon.


You want to see mass slaughter of the entire population?

>But the world was flooded, and it needed to happen. Hopefully it happens again...really fucking soon.

Water levels have risen and fallen, but there's no evidence the earth in its long history has ever been an ocean planet.


>So yes, you do. Thanks.

I follow a number of the commandments independently. You'll find that a variety of religions and doctrines and philosophies, some of which that precede Christianity, contain commandments of a kind against murder, theft, etc.

>Actually you do. The reason God flooded the world was because people didn't have these virtues. You follow Christian values whether you like it or not.

I'm not a christian. I don't believe any such flood happened. I also don't believe that those specific values derive from Christianity.

>I generally do not read your posts, because there's no point. Be a less annoying poster and use your brain more.

Is that why you ask dumbass questions that I've already addressed in prior posts?

How have I "not used my brain"?


I don't believe any such flood happened.

Despite the insane amounts of geological evidence of such an event, you are free to be(and remain) ignorant.

I'm not a Christian. I also don't believe that those specific values derive from Christianity.

You don't have to be "Christian" to live you life by Christian values...which you do. Tthe Holy Bible represents Humans coming of age into the modern world, and the ways which we live our lives. Again, you can choose to believe what you want. But you're aren't correct.

No further discussion is needed.

How have I "not used my brain"?

Because almost all of your posts indicate your lack of one.


>Despite the insane amounts of geological evidence of such an event, you are free to be(and remain) ignorant.

Evidence that you have not provided.

>You don't have to be "Christian" to live you life by Christian values...which you do.

I reject the premise that not murdering and stealing are innately christian values. They're values prominent in pre-christian and post-christian ideologies. Can I say you're following muslim values at any point you incidentally hold a moral position they do?

>Tthe Holy Bible represents Humans coming of age into the modern world, and the ways which we live our lives.

I disagree. For centuries after Europe adopted Christianity, the moral messages present and prominent in that period would be anathema and repulsive to us now. The 'coming-of-age' would be better described as the enlightenment period where a lot of repulsive religious-derived values were gradually shedded.

>Again, you can choose to believe what you want. But you're aren't correct.

No reason to beieve this. And belief does not work this way. That you misunderstand the nature of belief is, as usual, telling.

>No further discussion is needed.

I'll reply to whoever the fuck I want. You don't get to just end the discussion.


We're talking about Louisiana. You're a Brit, nobody gives a fuck what you think.


I don't care. I'll do what I like.


I know you will but nobody gives a fuck what you think.


If one side is forcing the pride flag, the other can do the same with the Commandments.

We can agree to take it all down? yeah?


how did this whole thread turn into another gay bashing fest?

Some kind of kneejerk reaction to the 10 commandments thing?
does that mean all the gay intolerance is coming from Christians?


I’m against this type of thing being legislated. The government shouldn’t be picking a religion and forcing it on everyone. In a public school setting there are going to be people from all types of religious backgrounds. I know I would be pissed if they forced something from another religion in every classroom.


It's about time someone stood up and did this. Following the 10 commandments and God's moral laws will improve your life.


The first four of the commandments are nothing to do with anything other than not upsetting the dear leader. All moral messages that are in the 10 commandments can be reasoned to and understood quite easily without appealing to them.

What makes them so special here?


Notice how the Christian Nationalists never want to display the Beatitudes. They think those are communistic. They want to 10C.

And you know who never pushed to display the 10C in public spaces? The people that God gave them to.


Bait for the fundies on the SC to proudly display their theocratic sympathies.
