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Name a movie or a tv show

In which you like the bad guy.
One of my favorites is Negan from " the walking dead".


All of the Chucky movies! He's a fun little guy!




What the guy from James Bond?


Personally, I liked Oddjob.


The shark.

I was rooting for him to bite Dickie Dreyfuss's head off.


His name is Bruce.
The shark that is not Dickie.

A shark's no more a bad guy than a cat is,they're just predators.

Predator,however was a bad guy.


Don't you think he was portrayed as a bad guy?
Most people were rooting against him.

Bruce I mean not Dickie.
Dickie just was. A bad guy I mean.
Or still is.


He was unfairly portrayed as a bad guy.
Bruce that is.He's just a big hungry fish that's all.
Just like my cat when he murders baby bunnies and leaves they're digestive tract and fur coat laying on the lawn.
Just a hungry animal.Little bastard can't be arsed going out to hunt in the freezing rain though can he? Nooo then a sachet of Felix for Senior cats is fine but only if it's mashed up wit a fork first.He forgets that I know he can rip the head of a tiny rabbit with his teeth.
He really is a pussy.
I wuv him merry much.


So he was portrayed as a bad guy even if it was unfair.
That's why he's my favorite. ;)

Isn't that the truth. Their such babies inside but let them see a bunny or squirrel then that's forgotten.
A couple years ago I some rabbits get into my yard during the winter.
Within a week my hoard finished off 6 of them. Basically wiped out a whole family.
I felt horrible but strangely proud at the same time.
Until I had walk through the snow to pick up body parts that were thrown all over.
It looked like a crime scene.

Always in the morning when I had an important meeting to got to.


My boy likes to miaow loudly when he's got something,for some reason he likes you to watch him finish his kill and it's like he's calling you over.
It is weird feeling proud but I know what you mean! You're like "that's my boy".

It's a little awkward if the vegan is here because he gets a bit cross and tries to intervene,not sure if he realises how cruel releasing a fatally wounded and distressed animal is.


Oh, they're quite proud of themselves when they do this.

Several years ago a couple of mine got into a tug-o-war over a possum.
I yelled at them. After they were done they both came over to where I was standing.
One dropped the head the other the body at my feet.
Just waiting to be praised for the present they gave me.

I can imagine but what can you do.
Tell the vegan to have a burger and get over it.
You can tell him I said so.
Circle of life and all that.


Rabbits have their dark sides as well. I used to tend the hutches of a family friend in the winter as a kid. They would often lunge and snap at me just for reaching for their water dish. And they cannibalized their young. That was disturbing to me as a kid, seeing those partially devoured little carcasses on a cold, grim winter morning.


I would pay money to see Dreyfuss die, and Jaws was the perfect movie for it. Happily, there was also the movie RED, which I really enjoyed.

I also liked that drunk, disgusting, disheveled Nick Nolte screwed every one of Dreyfuss's women in Down And Out In Beverly Hills, and showed them what a real man is, as opposed to a dickless nebbish.


The Fugitive


Avon Barksdale from The Wire.


Billy and Stu from 'Scream' although we don't find out they are bad guys until the end. Still even with repeated viewings, Stu is one of my favorite characters. He is Billy's brainless lapdog. Hard to hate him, he's so dumb.


I love his lines!


Yeah! I think one of Stu's funniest lines was the one Matthew Lillard ad-libbed near the end in the kitchen.

The phone was so wet and slippery with blood that when Billy put it down, the actor accidently hit Stu on the head with it.

Stu yells, "You hit me with the #bleeping# phone!"

It was so funny they kept it in the movie.


One of my favourite lines in the movie. Together with Stu crying, "My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!"


Was that the understatement of the year! How many murders did he think he could get away with before he got grounded? lol


Great character.


Psycho/Bates Motel


Norman Bates is an excellent example. It dosen't matter how many times I've seen Psycho. Each time he stands out by that swamp, waiting for that car to sink, I'm rooting for him and silently screaming, "Sink! You Mother! SINK!


Spike and Drusilla in Buffy.


Hannibal Lecter


He does have an endearing quality about him, doesn't he ?


he is likeable for some reason - hard to define just why.


Might be an obvious choice, but Kilgrave.

I would also say Hans Gruber,
