MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scenes that traumatized you?

Scenes that traumatized you?

Now obviously I mean that in a neutral way. But what I'm asking is, what particular movies scenes shook you to the core? Here's mine:

*The torture scenes at the end of Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom

*The scene from High Tension where the mom has her throat slit and hand cut off

*The scene from the remake of The Hills Have Eyes, where cannibals first enter the mobile home and begin terrorizing the family

*The colonoscopy-bag-rip scene from The Angel's Melancholia. So gross and painful to watch. Makes me cringe everytime.

*The scene from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre where that girl is placed onto a meat hook and then is forced to watch her boyfriend get dismembered

*The 'I saw her face' closet scene from The Ring. Well, okay, that scene doesn't bother me anymore nowadays. But as a kid, that scene messed me up.


The old bloke falling under the ice in The Omen II


The next to last scene in "Deep Red". The flash back scene. I can identify with that lady. The jackass got what was coming to him.

skip to 3:01 for the part that I am referring to. It doesn't matter if you don't know Italian you will still get the general idea. She doesn't want to go back to the loony bin. And I have been there myself, so I have poetic license to say "loony bin". She had every right to defend herself.


* The genital mutilation scene at the end of "Antichrist"
* The scene in "Dante's Peak" when the grandmother jumps out of the boat into the acid and gets her legs badly burned
* The flaying scene at the end of "Martyrs" (I haven't watched this movie all the way through but I've seen bits and pieces of it)
* The child abuse scene in "The Cell"
* The brain-eating scene in "Hannibal"
* The gang rape scene in "The General's Daughter"
* The truck rape scene in "Monster"
* The cat mauling scene in "The Men Behind the Sun"

Those are some that have stuck with me.


I saw Antichrist on the big screen and all us women in the audience collectively howled at that scene


Zelda scene in Pet Sematary.

The scene where the dead cop gets up in Inside (2007) I literally jumped off my couch. That freaked me out.

And THAT scene in Hereditary. You know what scene if you've seen the movie.


I agree, that Zelda scene also disturbed me.

And what scene from Hereditary are you referring to? There were a lot of messed up scenes.


Scariest scene in the movie.


The guy dancing with his dick flapping around in Roma


Now I know I'm not going to watch this one


It's a Best Director Academy Award winner. You just have to watch it Shogun.


I watched Donnie Darko on your recommendation Mr Man!
It was pretty good and I thank you

Floppy dick movies...not even on the advice of a friend😆


I haven't see Roma either yet, to be fair. I hear it's good though.

Glad you liked Donnie Darko though. What were your favourite parts?


I loved Donnie's hilarious Smurfs rant, all the scenes with Frank the bunny and seeing a young, healthy Patrick Swayze was a treat

Overall a very good cast too


Swayze is one of my favourite parts of the film.


I loved Swayze...that guy was boss as hell, he did ballet and could beat guys up...quite a specimen




The scene in Frequency when a man's hand gets blown off by a shotgun.


The scene in Black Swan where she rips the skin on her cuticle and pulls it right back down her finger


A scene in Nicolas Roeg's Euruka. When Gene Hackmans character is killed in his bed. It really freaked me out when I saw it.

He is hacked with a machete, beaten, burnt and feathered. Its a very medieval style of killing, in that the body is continually mutilated even after death.

That really freaked me.out when I first saw it.


Sounds horrific


When I was a kid, the scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Donovan drinks from the wrong cup, rapidly ages and turns to dust.

"He chose poorly."


When I was a kid I was mesmerized by that scene. I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade so many times. It's so good.


Same here. It was one of my favorites movies we owned growing up. Oddly, I never liked the others very much.


Same! I think it's because the other ones were more violent, more serious, while being less funny.
