MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scenes that traumatized you?

Scenes that traumatized you?

Now obviously I mean that in a neutral way. But what I'm asking is, what particular movies scenes shook you to the core? Here's mine:

*The torture scenes at the end of Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom

*The scene from High Tension where the mom has her throat slit and hand cut off

*The scene from the remake of The Hills Have Eyes, where cannibals first enter the mobile home and begin terrorizing the family

*The colonoscopy-bag-rip scene from The Angel's Melancholia. So gross and painful to watch. Makes me cringe everytime.

*The scene from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre where that girl is placed onto a meat hook and then is forced to watch her boyfriend get dismembered

*The 'I saw her face' closet scene from The Ring. Well, okay, that scene doesn't bother me anymore nowadays. But as a kid, that scene messed me up.


Jud's Achilles being cut in Pet Semetary also got to me.


I was thinking about going with that one.


Ben Gardner's head in "Jaws." YIKES!


Both the glutton and lust murders in Seven


Forgot these...very nasty, heck of a movie though!


The final scene in Open Water where the woman removes her stabilizer jacket, and sinks down to death. This is because the situation in that movie almost happened to me on a Scuba Trip in the 1980's.



Jeez MMC...stop going on crazy trips
Most people go camping and fishing on vacation, you are putting yourself in danger man


LOL. But it's so much fun, Shogie!



I happen to hold you in high regard...Don't make me read about you in the paper:/


Thank you sir, and ditto. We all gotta go some time. If the sharks don't get me, a twister will.



Let's hope for a last cocktail and a happy nap on the patio Amigo...sharks and storms be damned


Yeah, that would work also.



Some day, but not just yet


Amen, Bro.



That gif is like everyday for me...I'm way better looking though;)

Hey man, spend as much time on some other site if you wish, just don't forget that you have pals here...Pals👍


Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks, Shogie. I will continue to post with friends on both sides.



That's not the kind of movie to watch if you're depressed. I felt like shit after watching it. 😔


Yes you are correct, and so did I.



The curling iron scene and the final scene in Sleepaway Camp. I was waaaaaaay too young when I saw that movie.


"Heavenly Creatures" (1994) the final scene where the girls murder the mother is so subtle yet harrowing. Really well done.

I am light on details for this one as I was never regular viewer of the show but there was an episode of the English series "The Bill" where a bad guy has a cop on the ground he places a gun to his head and the cop just says "Go on, get it over with" quite harsh.


Yes, that “Heavenly Creatures” scene was disturbing and macabre.

The rape scenes in “The Accused”, “Leaving Las Vegas” and “Irreversible”
The stoning death of the mom in “The Stoning of Soraya M.”
The curb stomp death in “American History X”
The scene in “The Vanishing” when he is buried alive, then the one where he realizes that [spoiler] the girlfriend he was searching for died after being buried alive [/spoiler]


The poor little toon shoe getting stuck in Dip by the Judge in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Really made me sad and torn up to watch that as a kid.


That jawless ghost scene in "The Grudge" messed me up as a kid.
