MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scenes that traumatized you?

Scenes that traumatized you?

Now obviously I mean that in a neutral way. But what I'm asking is, what particular movies scenes shook you to the core? Here's mine:

*The torture scenes at the end of Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom

*The scene from High Tension where the mom has her throat slit and hand cut off

*The scene from the remake of The Hills Have Eyes, where cannibals first enter the mobile home and begin terrorizing the family

*The colonoscopy-bag-rip scene from The Angel's Melancholia. So gross and painful to watch. Makes me cringe everytime.

*The scene from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre where that girl is placed onto a meat hook and then is forced to watch her boyfriend get dismembered

*The 'I saw her face' closet scene from The Ring. Well, okay, that scene doesn't bother me anymore nowadays. But as a kid, that scene messed me up.


The chest burster scene from Alien (1979) bothered me a bit back then


Salo was pretty awful and disturbing

The underpass scene in Irreversible... really difficult to watch and horribly brutal

The cute little girl in the red coat walking to her doom in Schindler's List

Several scenes from A Serbian Film that I wont describe...anyone who saw it will know the ones:/


The zombie neighbor next to the desk in the Tales From the Crypt movie.


I just rewatched Alice, Sweet Alice and I must say the scene where the mother finds her daughter murdered in church is devastating.


Come and See - The moment where they return to the village and the girl sees the bodies piled up behind a house is unforgettable.


The 'curb stomping' scene in American History X...cripes!

My girlfriend at the time screamed:/
Not a great date movie in hindsight...


Great film! I love his look when arrested on the street after the curb stomping.


I only saw it once and that was 20
years ago and it still sticks with me:/

Norton was excellent


The rape scene in Death Wish II was unwatchable...really drawn out and not needed for the story (you'd think the director hated women or something after seeing this)

I loved Bronson and the Death Wish series was ridiculous fun in general, but that scene went too far


killing the turtle in Cannibal Holocaust
