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What do people in other countries think of Trump?



They don't much like him here so I'm sure they hate him everywhere else



Where do you live? I'm guessing Yonkers, New York judging from your name.


Not there anymore, sadly
Yonkers is a bit rough but very nice


What's Albany like? Buffalo?


Albany has some gang/drug problems and is not a big tourist destination as it is a very boring area
I've never been to Buffalo and I doubt I ever will be
I've heard it's freezing up there:/


I used to watch the U.S version of The Apprentice late at night on the BBC. Going by that he seemed like an ok bloke.


I really doubt the opinions of foreigners matter at all to him. As long as he has supporters he will imagine he's well loved by who is important to him.


I think he’ll win a second term.


He likely will
I'll vote for him again...the Dems are unimpressive


We were touring around California for 5 weeks (Dec/Jan) leading up to the election and every morning I’d be sat on the end of the bed, waiting for the missus to get ready, watching the news and it was wall-to-wall Trump.

In the evening I’d be sat in bars, winding up my Californian friends, saying, ‘he’s going to win you know’ and they were apoplectic that I could say such a thing. And yet, here we are.

It’s hilarious that he’s President, however, if you look at how crazy politics are in the UK at the moment, I have absolutely no right to laugh. Honestly, they’re all nuts!


Yep, they are all nuts
I've said this before, I'm on team Trump
The real estate and stock markets are swell, no stupid wars going on...sure, Trump says stupid stuff every week but you can earn a fine living here

ETA: I don't give a damn what foreigners think about Trump, the US or the American Dream


Oh, totally agree. You could do far worse, but still *starts snickering*


A good snicker can be therapeutic Andy go for it

Things are fine here😉


I partially grew up in America and will always look back on those years with a great fondness


You would vote for him again, Sho? That's pretty stupid. I'd like to think you're a smarter person than that. DJ Trump is the least intelligent, qualified, compassionate, mentally stable, and respectable person running. He's none of those things. He's a disgrace. You would so casually inflict him on all of us again?


We are all entitled to our opinions
This is why I have very little to say on politics...people get too worked up


I think most people are too afraid to tell you something straight-up. When you're this wrong about something, I won't sugarcoat it, especially for my friends. This is all of our collective lives and we deserve better than this. I'm glad your life has gone so well for you, but the American Dream that you assume is just so accessible to everyone, isn't. I have busted my ass every day of my adult life, and I'll never even have what you had by the time you were my age in my entire life. Reading through your posts on this topic make me so sad. You live in a fantasy.


Well I'm glad we're friends Pete, I'm sure you know that
As a friend I'll advise you to not make assumptions about another person's experiences as seen through the narrow lens of a chat site
I'd bet nearly every poster here was born with a tin spoon in their mouth and made a life any way they had to, yourself included


You have a house. You're married. You're happy. You've had at least one if not several jobs that pay more than 30k a year in your lifetime. I assumed all those these, I think correctly. You have so much and you talk about it like That's just what you get for being in America. You don't.


No, it's what you MAY get if you plan and work very hard


Right, but even if you plan and work hard, you still probably won't. Not if you're young. These great jobs everyone's telling you about, they're gone. You have them. Your friends have them. Young people are fucked, and you won't see it.


The media told my age group the same things in 91 when we were hitting the bricks, looking for a decent gig and further education
The economy was crummy, Iraq 1 was in the news, scary times!

I should not have made it, but I kept showing up and did not quit...and another thing Pete, self pity is for the weak, none of us are victims
You want to see victims visit Somalia

Show the mentally retarded, the disabled and terminally ill pity, not yourself

Go out and win


Did I come off as self pitying? I pity you.


Don't worry about me, I'm fine😉
Took several decades of work but the plan is paying off!

And yes, it was a bit self-pitying
We all struggle, yours is not a rare story, more the national average Pete

We fight through.


I feel like I'm experiencing deja vu here. It's like he's from the same mold as the recently departed Malkovich.


The best advice I ever got was from my Dad

'The world owes you no favors, in fact they are trying to kill you'

Really lit a fire under my ass!


Yeah, I've lost count of how many times I've told myself that life really is unfair at times but you know, when you just squarely acknowledge that, it somehow strengthens and emboldens you and you just keep putting one foot ahead of the other and carry on.


We are all
free to lie down in the snow and go to sleep...we all know a few who did
But the fight, that's the juice man!
Keep gaining ground,no quitting


Mm hmm


I don't really care about Trump. What I do care about is that American news is seen all over the world and now we have people here puppeting his rhetoric about fake news. How the politicians here (Alberta, Canada) can lie all they want and they still get elected. They can even be under investigation by the RCMP, and still win an election because it's all about Making Alberta Great Again. Get some originality. It's really disgusting.


I had no idea that our president was having such an impact on Canadian politics.


I live in a very conservative province that has been hit hard by a recession. They are angry and have so much blame to lay. So listening to Trump lay blame on everyone else has allowed them to do the same. The spike in white nationalism worldwide is a little concerning, and while I do not blame Trump for that at all, I don't think that some of his attitudes and policies are helping the matter.


You should probably be more concerned about your prime minister Trudeau's corruption.


I'm not a fan of Trudeau at all, but the media really blew it on their coverage of the scandal. Nothing illegal actually happened. I am concerned about the rise in white nationalism, anger, and just hatred that I see in my country. Trudeau might lose in the fall, but that's not encouraging because the other candidates are just as bad.

You say that I should focus on my own country, I do, but I can't escape Trump. Media is inundated with all things Trump. Unfortunately, Canada and the US have a very symbiotic relationship with a huge power balance in the states. I'll stop worrying about it when it stops having an effect on me.


Nothing illegal happened??? I'm pretty sure the investigation is still ongoing. Yep, Trudeau is as exonarated as Trump is. No collusion whatsoever...

Like I said, you should probably be more concerned about your own political leaders. The politics in my own country definitely get my priority as they affect my life much more than American politics do.


I have said no where that Trump gets priority, and no where have I said that politics in my country don't get my priority. The OP asked what people from other countries think of Trump and I answered. I also have to give priority to politics which affect my life, and rather unfortunately for me, some of Trumps politics do.


Well, the way you played down Trudau's actions and blamed the rhetoric and even the deceit of Canadian politicians on Trump certainly made me think otherwise. And you've complained about Trump A LOT in the past.

I can only hope you guys do something about Trudeau. The European left seems to consider him some kind of golden child. I certainly don't want any politicians over here copying his behavior.


Trudeau hasn't done anything, so I don't know what you'd be afraid of anyone copying.


Right, so you know more about Trudeau's wheelings and dealings than his own cabinet minister who actually recorded telephone conversations, huh? I'm sure you're aware the investigation is far from over.

Well, there's no evidence Trump did anything, so I don't know what you're concerned about...


What I mean is as a leader he hasn't done a damn thing. He hasn't kept a single promise or really achieved anything for the country. You seem to think that I'm a supporter. I'm not.

The "scandal" brought up illegal donations to the Liberal Party. The Conservative party received illegal donations as well just not to the same extet. I'm not denying that. When I said that nothing illegal happened, I'm referring to that SNC Lavalin didn't get the deferred prosecution that was asked for. I'm still waiting for all the investigations to be done before I pass judgement, but I'm pretty sure that Trudeau will be out in the fall.

I don't know why you are talking about evidence of Trump doing anything. I'm not talking about anything to do with Trump and his investigation. When I talk about Trump and how he has an effect on my life I'm talking about tariffs he has imposed on my country, as well as the tax cuts he has given to American corporations. Unfortunately Canada's economy is tied to the US in such a way that this is hurting us. Especially in my province. So much so that the people of my province just elected a Premier that is under investigation for election fraud. But now that they are in power, we won't get an answer.


Well, you talked about politicians being inspired by Trump who supposedly are liars and are investigated by the authorities. It seems pretty logical to assume you're suggesting a connection to Trump and the accusationsmade against him.

Trudeau's cabinet is also under investigation and I doubt they were inspired by Trump. It seems a stretch to blame Trump for any transgressions in Canadian politics. That's pretty much my point.


Oh wow. I must be really bad at explaining myself. I wasn't talking about Trudeau.

How the politicians here (Alberta, Canada) can lie all they want and they still get elected. They can even be under investigation by the RCMP, and still win an election because it's all about Making Alberta Great Again. Get some originality.

So can you please tell me how a slogan like "make alberta great again" is not influenced by Trump? When I see a politician who isn't Trump say, "that's fake news" and then tell me how there is no influence of Trump?

You were the one that brought up Trudeau


No, I understand you were not referring to Trudeau, but rather more conservative politicians. But you seemed to connect the dishonesty of those politicians to Trump.
My point is that Trudeau doesn't seem to be very honest either and he's a leftist politician, so it's a stretch to blame the corruption of any Canadian politician on Trump (or any foreign politician). I mean, stealing a catchy slogan automatically means breaking the law as well?


Are you going to tell me that Trump does not lie on a daily basis?

I have not said that Trudeau was honest. I'm not saying that corruption is a Trump thing. But getting away with it as openly as he has seems to be.

I am not right or left wing. I have said many times that the spectrum is far more complicated that just two points.


Whether Trump lies is neither here nor there. I think Trudeau and the other Canadian politicians you referred to prove that dishonest politicians are to be found in any country and anywhere on the political spectrum.

Trump getting away with any lie might just be a sign of the times. Are other politicians NOT getting away with their lies? You really think anyone in Trudeau's cabinet will be prosecuted? Canadian politicians getting away with their lies is Canada's responsibility, not Trump's.


I get that. But the title of this thread is

What do people in other countries think of Trump?

not what do people think of politics in their own country.

Because this thread was about Trump, I was talking about Trump's influence. I'm not solely blaming him. I just see the influence that he has. Or maybe it's the influence that the media gifts him with. I really, really don't see anywhere where I have blamed Trump for that. If you read that into what I said about politicians lying, then I was not clear.

What I don't like is Canadian's puppeting his rhetoric. Which is what I said in my OP.


Yes, and I think the corruption in Canadian politics and how it's dealt with has much, much more influence on the dishonest behavior of Canadian politicians than Trump and his rhetoric, which I think is little to none. That was my point, really.


I don't know where you are from, and that really doesn't matter other than it seems you are passing an opinion without first hand experience.

I guess when you see me saying that I don't like Canadians puppeting his rhetoric you took me to mean just politicians. Again I apologise for not being more specific. All politicians play to their base, that's not something new, or specific to one side.

The Trumpisms that I have referred to like the MAGA hats and "fake news" are just a couple of examples of what the conservative base has picked up. They've also shouted "Lock her up" in regards to the former Premier for imposing a carbon tax. Now, because politicians play to their base, the politicians that I was referring to with being under investigation have picked that up as well, when playing to their base. So again, please tell me how Trump has had no influence. Also, 'build that wall' has become 'build that pipeline'. With such strong partisan politics that one sees in the US, both sides seem to support their people with not much thought behind it. Trump said he could shoot someone in the street and people would still elect him. I believe that. That is where I see the influence where there is proof that this candidate cheated and still got elected because he is the Conservative guy. He could lie his ass right off his body and just like Trump, it wouldn't matter. It used to matter here. It wouldn't matter which party someone belonged to. Integrity used to matter.

AGAIN, I'm not blaming Trump. I'm irritated at his influence. I'm also embarrassed that there seems to be no originality here.


You don't think they talk about Trump all the time over here in Europe?

Politicians are always influenced by trends. Both the left and right throw around the latest terms that are in fashion. It has no influence on their moral behavior, though, which your original post seemed to suggest. A politician talks like Trump, so he gets away with being corrupt? What nonsense. Didn't Hillary get away with her lies as well? No doubt Trudeau will. That has nothing to do with Trump. I don't think he was saying anything new anyway. Anti-establishment rhetoric was already used by politicians in Europe.

I don't think there was more integrity in politics in the past. The internet and social media have just made the lies more obvious and gives them a lot more attention.


My initial post was more about the people who are influenced by him and the politicians that can get away with it.

When I say that integrity used to matter, I mean that it used to matter to the people. I remember more than one corrupt politician in my area that was ousted when they got caught in their lies. Now we are electing liars willingly.


If it's indeed true that politicians are getting away with more than before, then I think it has very little to do with Trump's rhetoric as it's happening on both sides of the spectrum. I mean, how can Elizabeth Warren actually be a candidate for the Democrats? Why did Stacey Abrams get so many votes in the Georgia Senate race? If anything, it has to do with people realizing all politicians are full of shit anyway and the polarization created by both sides.


Honestly, I don't think much about him. If anything, his being elected as the POTUS is surreal. To me, he's still that dude from Home Alone 2. And, if anything, I mostly wonder what's going on in the US that someone like Trump can be and was voted in.


I would say what’s going on is there are a majority of people who are tired of establishment career politicians and want an outsider to shake things up. I don’t have a problem with his policy’s but I wish he would act more “presidential.”


Might have something to do with all our jobs being given to anyone who isn't white, or a native of the US, taxes and national debt going through the roof due to excessive spending (which for some reason is supposed to reduce debt - try figuring out that one), watching our president [Obama] kiss the asses of all our enemies, ruling Washington like a tin-pot dictator and not even trying to work with Congress, doing nothing to stop racial divisions or egg them on, treating our military like dirt, bowing down like a sissy to world leaders when he should be addressing them as equals, giving aid and comfort to terrorists, lying about terrorist attacks both on and off our soil, and overall not caring at all about regular Americans compared to people who would want to do our country harm.

You want to make a native-born American mad, have them listen to someone else who was born in America, telling us we suck and should be guilty about everything we are and what we've done, because none of our achievements as a nation counts in the minds of rich, arrogant liberals here in the US anymore. They want to bend over backwards to everyone who has ever been wronged in the past for fear of being seen as "racist," and frankly, the majority of Americans are sick of it.

That, and brainwashing our youth into embracing socialism without having any idea what terrible price you have to pay for such a thing, and you end up with a lot of angry, out-of-work, over-taxed Americans who are sick and tired of being called every "ist" and "phobe" and slur in the book when they just want to be patriots and stand up for their country.


I'm in Australia and he comes across as an immature megalomaniac


pretty much, what most foreigners don't get is that American presidents are mostly there as a symbolic gesture, the president has a lot of influence but not actual power. He said he was going to build a wall, congress blocked it, he said he was going to ban muslims, the justice system blocked it.....etc...etc...


Uhm, I thought you were Chinese?


It is balanced and checked by the other branches of the federal government, but the President of the United States has an incredible amount of power. I would bet that it's greater than the power of any other executive/head of government from a democratic nation.


Keep in mind that the media in your country isn't much different than ours, so you're only gonna hear stuff from THEIR point of view, and since Trump isn't from the "right" party, the media from many countries hates him as much as our media does.
