MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies you had to watch more than once t...

Movies you had to watch more than once to appreciate

I know most people usually try food or music and change their minds, but have any of you had the patience to go see a questionable movie over again and then enjoyed it?


Session 9.

I thought it was an ok film. Then I read the message boards for it and it got me thinking of all different things, so I watched it again and now it's my favourite horror film.


Good one. I had to watch that one twice to really appreciate it.


I’d say Bubba Hotep and Joe Dirt.


Asian Babes Vol.8


That is a good one for sure but I’ve only seen it once.


I tend to watch it in 5 minute segments.


Damn man!! Lol


I think Clerks was one. The first time we watched it I remember asking my friend if we wanted to turn it off. But back in the time where we had to go to the video store, we stuck it out. Kevin Smith films really grew on me, and then I think I grew out of them as I don't really enjoy Clerks anymore.

Jacob's Ladder (1990)


2001 a space odyssey
Lost in Space
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Disney's A Christmas Carol


Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Dark Knight
Inglourious Basterds (favorite film of all-time now)

I saw all these films when I was a kid so naturally, I didn't know how to appreciate anything that deviated from the norms of their respective genre back then. Nikita and Inglourious Basterds are the only ones I consider great, though.


Wow! Inglourious Basterds Is your all time favorite? In case you haven’t already, I would like to introduce you to the original HUGO STIGLITZ!
