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What is everyone’s favorite movie of all time?

Just one and no conditions or honorable mentions. If it’s something like LOTR which is one long movie divided into three parts basically, pick the one you liked best out of them. I’m curious to see if there will be any repeats in the relatively small sample size of this board.

My own answer is: The Fellowship of the Ring


The Thing (1982)


The Quiet Man


That’s the second John Wayne movie I believe.


Requiem for a dream


Get the comments ready.....I've never seen it...However!!! I will watch it within the week, I trust you:)


Try not to watch it before going to bed but not a movie you watch during the day either. Around 8pm is the best time. Hehe

But seriously, I hope you enjoy the dark and twisted masterpiece that it is.


That movie is AMAZING from end-to-end, and I don't know that I ever want to watch it again. It's brutal.


I feel you. I personally watched it a good dozen of times and mainly because I had to show it to all my friends and girlfriends. It hits me each time!


It's a great choice for a top pick.


Conan (82)


Haha! A second for Conan! I knew that would be yours, Senor Shogun.


I love that Conan is getting some love. It's not respected as much as it should be. I think a lot of people like the fun action part, but I think it's deeper than it gets credit for.


If the somewhat same story had been told in a non fantasy setting, with removal of magical elements, it would have been looked at in a more positive light. Some people are just quick to dismiss everything in the fantasy genre.


Yeah, some genres get all the love. Fantasy, sci-fi - even comedy is often dismissed. Shame.


Conan suffers terrible loss, conquers great physical adversity, is set loose and wanders the world because he’s simply too dangerous to try to control anymore. He makes two great friends, has wild adventures, love saves him from death and he goes on to wreck and chop off the head of the man that started all the misery thereby wrecking a weirdo cult of fanatics

Conan’s ultra-violent raid on Thulsa Doom’s orgy room with Subotai and Valeria is one of my favorite set-pieces of all time

In the final scene on the burning staircase of the despicable Temple Of Set he looks out into the distance to figure out his next conquest…He utterly slaughtered his enemies, who’s next?!?

Simply amazing.


And just that it starts with him and the father and the father is telling him about only trusting steel, but then we see that this isn't true. It's a hard-boiled aphorism for a "man's man's world" like Conan, but there is purer strength in Valeria's sacrifice. It's somebody looking for a home he was denied. He's finding out that mere revenge is not as important as truth. He's looking for a place in the universe and just wants to find out "what is best in life," and there are all these distractions, and there's Valeria with, "Let's just leave and be in love!" and she's kinda right. Yet, there is also his duty to avenge the fallen... it's poetry.


Yes, good point
The Cult Of Set destroyed his village, they fed his brave father to war dogs, abused the women and killed the men and burned his village to the ground, the cult decapitated his mother in front of him and put him and the other children in chains for a life of slavery

Once he grew strong enough to kill everyone involved in the murder of his tribe he was not looking back, he was on a killing spree

Valeria is one of the hottest movie characters ever but Conan required blood for blood


Ok, I have a question for those whose favorite movie is Conan the Barbarian. I get serious flack every time I explain this theory, but this is what I have thought since I was a kid watching the film.

I have always thought the war lords who enslaved the young boys and forced them to push the wheel for years did so trying to build the ultimate warrior. Why else would they have children pushing the wheel? It would certainly be easier and more effective with older males if the turning of the wheel served a purpose like in a mining process or something. I think they knew only one would survive.

All those whose favorite movie this is, please chime in.


It seemed to be a useless activity in a practical sense which would make it much like the Myth Of Sisyphus…that heavy weight can’t keep moving without you having NO Quit, and even if the impossible great big weight gets there who’s going to care?!?

I think The Wheel teaches Conan to never quit, it turns him into a gigantic threat to the people that murdered his village


I can never really answer this. It's basically too broad a category. How do you stack up a sci-fi/fantasy adventure like Star Wars against a mockumentary like This is Spinal Tap? Or, with your example, you've got the first third of a story which is an epic and a fantasy film with elements of action movie. What if you also really, really loved Duck Soup or Monty Python's Life of Brian? Are those comparable? What criteria would you use?

Now, that huge preamble saying, "It's an impossible question and I can't pick a favourite," aside, I will answer.

When backed into a corner, I usually answer Casablanca. It's got the drama, it's witty-funny, it's romantic, and it's a big story with big themes. The characters are great and the actors are stars. The performances are pitch-perfect. It's iconic, quotable, and timeless. Wonderful film.


That’ll make two for Casablanca.

I know it’s a difficult one, but it’s an interesting exercise to try.


It's fun to think about, even if impossible to conclude.

If you had a top-three, would your others be the remaining two LOTR films, or would you select a sampler pack?

I'm pleasantly surprised to find I'm not alone.


I’d be forced to take the other two. But if I cheat and splice them together on an old VHS tape, the other two movies I’d pick are probably Highlander and Fallen.


I always think of this question in two movie you've ever seen, or movie you enjoy watching over and over.


I’d say for this one, go with the best movie you’ve ever seen. Good to see you again tcrum. How’s Arizona treating you these days?


Still covid free, even though my school is a petri dish of germs :) I'll think on the movie choice.


Alright.... I want to be cool and say The Machinist, which I Love, but I just rewatched Silence of the Lambs last week, its flawless.


Good choice!


I'd almost have a harder time picking the latter...

The Maltese Falcon and Batman '89 spring to mind. I've seen them a LOT. But there are numerous other candidates.

The Ninth Gate might be the weirdest one. I have a fascination with that movie that I can't really explain. It's not the best of its kind, but for some reason, every now and then I just rewatch it.




beyond the valley of the dolls


How many Russ Meyer film have you seen?


keeping in mind that it's been decades since i saw a few of them, i think this is my count:

faster pussycat
beneath the valley of the ultravixens
the immoral mr teas

& i 'think' i've seen finders keepers, lovers weepers...but it's been so long i'm honestly not sure.

so that's 10 or 11, if i've got my count right.

which ones have you seen?


I had to look up his filmography because it's been quite a while, except FPKK as I tend to watch that one often.

Mudhoney (1965)
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
Supervixens (1975)
Up! (1976)

I think the first one I ever saw, and I can't remember which one, has a crazy scene where Charles Napier can't keep an erection and he kills a lady in the bathroom. LOL


even though i call btvotd my favourite movie, i'm pretty sure i've seen faster pussycat more often.


I'm going to remind you guys the title of the thread is the best movie you've ever seen. Not the best Soft Core Porn I've ever seen.


Eh, I’m willing to cut them some slack.


in my defense, i've been solidly consistent in naming btvotd as my favourite film for a good length of time. every once in a while i'll shift gears a bit and say it's the cement garden, but for the most part beyond... has been in the pole position for decades now.

i legitimately love it. it's the perfect movie to me. it has everything. nazis. lesbians. hermaphrodites. a women giving head to a pistol. it truly has it all.


Do you like Spring Breakers?


i love it. i gave it a 4.5/5 on letterboxd, though i can't remember what it was that kept me from giving it a 5.

haven't watched it in about 19 months. since you've put the idea in my head, i'm watching it tonight.

do you like it?


I do, very much.
Your previous comment made me think of James Franco sucking that gun barrel. Fantastic scene.
And after, he says "I think y'all are my soul mates."


beyond the valley of the dolls - THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER written by Roger Ebert
