MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Makes You Angry?

What Makes You Angry?

If many things make you angry, pick a few..

Personally, I hate when lies are spread all over the internet. Especially when it looks like it's too late, with the sheep agreeing or even adding more of their ridiculous commentary on top of a lie. It's usually about things I care about, especially if it's viewed by many.


Nothing gets on my nerves as easily as someone chewing like a cow. I can't control my anger, it seriously drives me insane.


I really dislike seeing people chewing gum.
It's not like I'm against gum chewing, but whenever I see it, I shake my head.
It's better than walking around with a spit cup, I suppose, but no, I just don't like seeing people working that gum over.


Funny, I just realized now that gum actually doesn't bother me. When it's food, it just feels so "me hungry. Me eat now", like neanderthals. Gum is just something that occupies your mouth so I guess that's why I'm okay with it.


I hate it when people talk with their mouth full of food.




Traffic, I’m just over here driving and who are all of these other fuckers racing around?!? I’m doing a safe 65 mph in the right lane and there’s some guy racing up on
my rear bumper?!?

Half of these assholes don’t use turn signals, how can you drive like that? Would it be against the law to strangle a prick that doesn’t use turn signals? I think you should get a free tank of gas for murdering some of these idiots…Speaking of which the gas prices are insane and I’d rather not go anywhere but I’m stuck with my work and paying $4.89-$5.09 a gallon to drive through a swarm of shitheads everyday?

The parking is absolute shit in
The Bronx btw, you’re ready to batter a man with a framing hammer just to park your car.

And the construction projects all along the drive, what the hell are they repairing? It’s always 6 dudes watching 1 dude with a shovel in a hole and they shut down 3 miles of lanes for what?!
They never fix a flipping damn thing!

It’s Pothole City out there man, it’s Mad Max and they all want to cause a deadly crash.

And If I hit one of these dickbags on a bike or moped in the city I’m going to keep going, fuck those guys too, you got in my way dude.

Traffic and Parking annoy me very much.


And so many of them are looking down at their phones while driving!


Wow, I can’t believe I forgot the phone morons in my rant! We’re all racing around in 4,000 pound steel and glass cages and some dummy figures ‘eh, may as well text my chick and try to get laid later.’

I’d rather not die because your dick or vajayjay is distracting you. Just stay alert and drive you phone zombies. Driving is a serious and sometimes fatal business.


"And the construction projects all along the drive, what the hell are they repairing?"

There are a couple of Interstate highways in my area that are constantly under repair or construction. One of the projects took three years and was supposed to improve traffic flow. After all those years of lane closures and other general nuisances the traffic was just as bad as ever. So much for "improvements."

I would actually be in favor of them totally shutting down the highway for six months or whatever and do a complete overhaul, rather than this piecemeal repair work. Do it right the first time. I would rather put up with six months of inconvenience than three years of it.


Jews! Those crafty bastards....


Fake anger.




The Borg


Almost nothing. Certainly nothing online. I roll my eyes or facepalm a lot at online shenanigans; sometimes my jaw drops like I'm a cartoon character, but I never get angry at strangers who most likely live on a different continent to me. What a waste of energy.

IRL, I get somewhat irritated by the things that irritate most people: rudeness, professional incompetence, having to negotiate needless bureaucracy, &c. But nothing rising to the level of anger.

Indeed, my lack of anger has occasionally got me into trouble -- as some people find me too laid back, flippant, or think I don't care about stuff. But, eh, I'm just more prone to disappointment than anger.


Well aren't you just so above most everyday people?


Um, I think that would be a radical interpretation of the text: I'm just not prone to anger.


You've consistently come across as really smug and condescending from the first time I ever encountered you here. I've been on this planet long enough now to have learned to trust my instincts with people, and that's not radical. It's just experience and wisdom.





That was a sensible, perfectly well stated response no matter what someone else has to say:)
I received a PM from a fine poster asking why I thought you got kicked in the head for a neutral, honest post and the only answer is that’s how that one is.

I’m fairly calm irl as well but driving makes me go bananas sometimes lol…I’m a bit shocked at how many times I shout really awful things at people while driving!


Well, your reply is mostly traffic-related, isn't it? I don't drive. If I did, my response might be very different. I think that'd send my stress levels right up.

But, yeah, I sincerely can't even remember the last time I was angry. I can remember the last time I was a little bit irritated (a cold caller was on the end of some well-earned sarcasm), but... angry? It takes a lot with me.

But I'm certainly not suggesting there's anything wrong with getting angry and blowing off some steam. Perfectly normal. Perfectly human.


Lucky you for not needing to drive, it’s madness out there on the roads (I’m in New York btw, I don’t know where you live and no need to share where you live, not my beeswax)

I launch every workday like this crappy Chevy is a spaceship knowing I’m one of a handful of pilots being serious on ‘the stick.’
These distracted assholes need to have their licenses revoked.

So many dummies on the road and they can kill you out there on American highways and byways.


You drive... in New York? Well then, you're to be congratulated that your stress-o-meter isn't permanently in the red zone.

I work much more from home since the pandemic. Naturally, this also helps to keep stress levels low. But I'm supposed to travel for work tomorrow, and there's a national rail strike tomorrow too... so, hey, maybe tomorrow is going to be an angry day. Y'know, they probably come around every 7 years for me or something. Ha.


It’s crazy getting to work, every thing that can go wrong does go wrong…I’ve not yet committed a traffic or parking spot-related murder, I’m trying to keep it honest over here🙄


I feel for ya Shogun, fighting all that traffic. I did that for years and I never got used to it. The drive home on the last day of that job was only less frustrating because I knew I’d never do it again.


"I'm trying to keep it honest over here (eye-roll)"

What a crock of shit! Honesty reveals itself naturally. It doesn't require a bogus claim from a bald-faced liar like you. (eye-roll)


You seem very upset, do you need a tissue?


You're the one doing all the pissing and moaning, trying to justify your daily road rage, while at the same time, I'm chillin' at home with a cold beer, whenever I freely desire one.


Good for you, but you are the nasty shithead that nobody likes…Drink up Cunt.


Yeah, that's why I'm having decent exchanges with some posters I like, you lying, jealous, hateful prick.


Drink up stupid.


Keep projecting and revealing yourself, you stupid sob. It will continue to make you easier to target.


‘Target’ LOL!

Who the fuck are you, The Terminator?

You are bitter little old fat ass😄


My constant pushing of your buttons has revealed you to be the vile, despicable, sorry excuse for a human being you really are. And it's been easy, 'cause the real you is just beneath that phony veneer of the affable nice guy.


And I see you as Pugsley Addams, the scowly, obnoxious, fat lil' punk, trying to throw his weight around with other kids on the playground.


2 replies to the same post two
Hours apart..?
Looks like you got your buttons pushed😡


Just another freedom, perk of being retired, punk. I do what I want, when I want.


You stew for hours over a guy on the internet. Sounds like you use you free time very poorly😤


The exact opposite asshole. You're not a priority so you go to the back of the line.


Yet here you 🤪


Isn't it a bit early for your brain to be pickled from too much alcohol? Or did brain damage already occur long ago?




This is all you've got? A childish, repetitive emoji?




I sincerely can't even remember the last time I was angry.

You're so ugly that when you looked into the mirror, it took you court for pain and suffering.

Your breath smells so bad, that the mouthwash people had to change "kills 99.9% of germs", to "results may vary".

You're so fat that when you look up "fat" in the dictionary, not only is your picture there, the page is a little bit heavier than the other ones.

You're so poor, you got coupons for coupons.

You're so dumb that 2+2 now equals 3 because no one wants to hurt your feelings and tell you that you're wrong.

Are you angry yet?


Interesting & amusing development in this thread.


The development is that I'm clearly joking.


You aimed the insults at me instead of at my momma, so I only broke half the furniture in my house before the rage subsided.


Fine. Your momma is so fat, she bathes with diet soap.

Your momma is so ugly, when she took a selfie, her image on the screen put on a blindfold.




Well of course! Yonkers, the self-important go to guy via PM, when someone is whiny and miffed about a simple criticism. And also of course, he wants to exploit said simple criticism in his usual, wild, hyperbolic style and try to paint it as a kick in the head.


Feelings hurt?
You are so easy to bait dumbass😎


Not in the slightest. Just a matter-of-fact observation of someone so transparent, easy to read. The last time you responded to me, you claimed to not wanting to have anything to do with me. Now you're bragging about baiting me. Aren't you just Mr. Consistency? The last time I briefly humored you with this game of yours, you ended up in a sputtering rage with an omelette on your face.


Wow, long post to say you feel insulted.
I got you again dummy😄


I was prepared to finally give you what you wanted, that is, to leave you be. But because of your jealous, resentful ego, you just can't tolerate me getting along with anyone else here.

Okay, I'll play your game once again and it's also open season on you again, punk. And also again, you'll wind up crying the blues, trying to rally others behind you, 'cause you're a weak, gutless chickenshit.


I got you again dummy🥸


Keep in mind that db is 69-years-old. I fear he might be suffering from dementia or something.


How humiliating it must be then, to be constantly outsmarted by someone who supposedly has dementia.


You never have. Funny that you mention that Shogun has an ego and yet here you are thinking that you're not only smart, but have the capability of outsmarting.


Sure I have, constantly. See, you're incapable of arguing with truth and logic; you always have to lie. At the very least, you're again annoyed over my comments.


No, I've actually received PM's from people asking why I interact with you because you're such an asshole, and I tell them that you don't bother me. I think it's hilarious how delusional you are.


Sure. If I don't bother you then how did this exchange suddenly come about, liar?


You responded to me, remember? I was talking to Shogun.


You were bitching to him about me and baiting me, so you're obviously bothered by me, dumbass.


You said:

. If I don't bother you then how did this exchange suddenly come about, liar?

I wasn't talking to you. I was clearly replying to Shogun. You just admitted that I was bothering you without even talking to you. Nice to see how much power I have over you.

Sincerely, samoanjoes


You're the one always whining about me so obviously I'm the one with the power then.


You've hatefully responded to me in conversations that had nothing to do with you way more than I responded to you on conversations that had nothing to do with me.

Sincerely, samoanjoes



There's nothing delusional about seeing what a twisting, distorting, obfuscating liar you are, you whiny, attention whore pissant. Fuck you.


Sounds like you're bothered by me. Do you need a hug?


No, you’re both wrong. This lot have the power: -


No, you’re both wrong. This lot have the power: -


You know I'm the lead singer, right?


I got another PM about this bum this weekend…nobody likes this guy.


Where I live is getting too crowded with people. The more people who move here means it will likely become a liberal shithole. I expect I’ll have to move in the near future.


And the liberals will be happy for it. The last thing we need is somebody with a reflexively shitty attitude about people s/he has never met.
I'll be the nicest people on this site are the one's who consider themselves liberal in that they believe in being respectful of others.


What a crock of shit! Liberals always see themselves as superior, lack any genuine humility to have any real respect for others.


No. You're not.
